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From fantasy to real life (M/M, sexual content, straight/gay, nylons, autobiographic... maybe;) ) Part 1


Registered User
Sep 8, 2023
It is easy to imagine a lot of things in our head when we let it wandering. I had this kink in my head since my young age, after I saw a girl in a children tv show doing some fake skating on a floor, wearing yellow nylons. The sound of the fabric scraping the floor hit something in my head that I couldn't explain and I was hooked right away to that piece of clothes for ever. Later, I don't why again, I thought to myself that nylons would be perfect to be tickled in. It is way later, when I was older, that the tickling and sexual part attached to it developed.

At first, when I was a teenager, I was too afraid to go out and buy my on nylons, so I would steal my sister's pair. There was this green one I was enjoying a lot, too much in fact. Would often jerk myself off in them. So I started to hide it, even if my sister was wondering where it was. Finally, when I got older, I found the courage to go in a store and buy a white pair of nylons. Than way later, with the arriving of internet, everything would be so much more easier, with all the online orders I could do.

As for the tickling part, I was all alone. I talked about it few times with my girlfriends, and some of them, even if they weren't into it at all, would agree sometimes to tie my ankles and tickle me in nylons. It was always short sessions and would often finish fast with an hand job. Than the tickling would be too much to bare so I would ask her to stop. With some chance and good amount of hazard, I found one day on the internet what would change my life for ever... a forum dedicated 100% to the world of tickling. I was hooked right away. Finally a place where I could talk about my kink with other fellow member of this amazing, but still strange, community.

Over the years, I made some good friends while chatting about my kink, but it was always in my fantasies, never in real life. At first, I never thought that as a straight guy, I would be aroused and excited about the idea of being tickled without mercy by other than a female. I slowly developed the fantasy of being tickle tortured by a gay guy. I was in shock at how much I was willing to do a lot of thing in that kind of scenario. Still, it was not tested in a real life context.... until now. Few weeks ago, I finally found a gay guy who had the same kink as me, but as a ler. So we talk about, did some intense RP, and then I found the courage to ask him to meet in real life.

The day finally arrived. I was so excited. I had my favourite navy blue nylons on. I was already aroused just by putting them on. After a short car ride, where I had the time to imagine all kind of scenarios, from the kinkiest one to the craziest, abduction like ones, I arrived to my ler house. He kindly welcome me with a reassuring smile "Finally we meet in person, please come in, make yourself confortable". I took a deep breathe and enter in to my tickling realm, at least, I hoped.

I went to the living room, my shoes already removed. So as soon as my ler came in, he rapidly saw my nylon clad soles. "I see that you are already wearing these famous nylons that you talked to me so much about" His smile was practically evil. My heart was pounding. I managed to answer, nervously "Yes, a soft and new pair of navy blue nylons". I felt stupid, like I was stating the obvious. He than told me "As we chatted like what, a year long, maybe we can skip the preliminary and go right to business ?" I was getting nervous by the seconds. I still managed to ask stupidly "What do you have in mind?". Is laugh was so genuine "hahahahah, a lot of things my friend, a lot of good things, at least, for me". He invited me to go into is "pleasure room" as he called it. "Feel free to change yourself into what you were so courageous to talk to me about in our conversations, or not.... it is all on you". I went to the room and my heart stopped. The room was the perfect lee dream or nightmare... It was a little bit dark, with a bed like platform at the center of it.... the bed was literally covered all over by all kind of restraint made especially to completely immobilize the lee. Cleary this guy didn't lie in our chat session. He was a professional ler. I thought to myself after some deep reflexion that I needed to at least enjoy this moment to the fullest. So I went all in and removed all my clothes, keeping my navy blue nylons on. I had nothing under them.

My ler came into the room few minutes later and saw me, all naked with just nylons on. "Wow.... you are exactly as you described yourself. Thanks for not lying. Ready to have the ride of your life?" Once again he had this sinister laugh. I nodded a yes with my head and he kindly invited me on the platform. I lay on it and he started to attach all the restrain. I had my arms over my head, with three restrain on each. I couldn't move them an inch. Than he put on straps over my chest and tights and than even more restrains on my nylon legs. I was 100% immobilized, way much than I thought. I was so nervous, not really aroused by then. He look at me, proud of his work, and said right away "Let's not waste a precious minute. We shall begin".

He went right away into business, using is skilled fingers slowly at first on my nylon soles. It was a complete shock. As I couldn't move, I think the tickling, coupled with the nylons, was way more intense that I thought it would be. I tried to bulk but it was in vain. I couldn't move or escape from this ordeal. At first, I regretted to agree to that, but as he continued, softly exploring my feet and legs, I started to let go a bit and giggle more. "Am I not good enough for you my dear?" he asked "I thought I was a good ler. Let's escalate this a bit more". His fingers started to move faster, like they were reaching the speed of light. It was so efficient.... my feet were so much sensitive. I couldn't hold it anymore and burst into out loud laugh.... "ahahahahhahahhhahah damn it tickles!!!!" "That's the point of it my dear" he said happily. But I noticed a little change in his eyes. Like he was becoming more Mr. Hyde and Dr. Jekkle. "We already know that your feet are ticklish, this is nothing surprising for you. But you wanted a gay ler, so now it is time for me to find out special places you didn't know you were ticklish" My face said it all... I was in awe.... what did he have in mine. I was getting hard but I knew, by our conversations, that he wanted a long session, not something too quick.

He stopped the torture on my feet and went to my upper self. I than attacked my arms all over. I never thought I was ticklish there but hell was I wrong. I don't know if it was because of his skills, but he had the perfect mix between speed, force and imagination in his movement. If he had applied to much pressure, it would have only rakes and hurts, but obviously it wasn't his goal. His primary objective was to tickle me mercilessly and he was good at it.... plus, he was really enjoying himself. As for me, as I was gasping for air, laughing out loud uncontrollably, I was starting to find it less fun than I thought it would be, so I said "please, give me a break, it is too much" I added to be nice with him "You are too good at that, you are indeed the professional ler you said you were" He look at me and I knew I was right few minutes ago because his stare as changed. It wasn't the nice guy I saw at the door anymore... instead, it was like he had transformed into a kind of tickling monster, like in my worst nightmare.... he was looking at me like I was is poor victim. "Give you a break? Hum.... you were more courageous in our kinky chats.... you were so into it, asking me to do to you things you wouldn't have ask your own wife" "and now that it is real you chicken out?" "Well, I will give you what you wanted..... even if you have changed your mind" I was trying to think what to say next, between his attack on my arms and chest.... "Please, it was fun, but I had enough now". The answer came fast and short "No..."

He still stopped tickling me and go over me, sitting really near my hard on cock. I already knew if would notice right away, which indeed he did "Well well, look at you my dear. A perfect said "straight guy", all giggly and hard from some little tickling by another man" He sat on me and went right away to my nipples, which sadly I had tell him was my most ticklish and sexually sensitive spot. I burst into laughing again, begging him to stop, but still the feeling was a mixed one, to my complete horror.... I was enjoying it more than it tickled me. He was so good as interpreting my reaction that he said "I knew you would like that.... tickle tickle tickle" he teased. At this point I was a mess, slowly loosing all my senses. I laught a lot, started to moan too, and even to cry for mercy. "Please stop, I can't take it anymore, I will faint". He stopped, turned himself to be positioned to still sit on me, but with access to my legs and as he lay over me, he attacked my feet again. As they had some rest from the torture, they were still sensitive as hell and I couldn't control myself. The next minutes were just me laughing, pleading, begging for him to stop, which as sadist as he was, was just giving him more fuel to continue.

While the tickling continued, I couldn't stop my cock to pounce in excitement on his chest, which was just laying over it. He stopped and raise himself. "Ok, I think this is enough tickling. Let's take care of this cock that tries to act courageous hidden under these nylons". He started to rub it, tickle it, my cock, my balls, all over the fabric. The feeling was so good I couldn't help myself but moan in pleasure. After was seemed an eternity, as he was clearly just edging me, making sure I wasn't able to cum, he tear opened my nylons, letting out my cock that was so hard, I didn't think it could be that much, even when I was making love with my wife. "Well, time for you to have the pleasure your wife never could give you".

I felt some kind of lotion falling on the tip of my cock and he started to give me the hand job of my life. I knew in my head in that moment that he had created a monster. I would be hooked for that the rest of my life, which was confirmed as soon as I came. The orgasm was so intense, that I really thought I would faint at this point. Once I was finished he look at me with this now normal grin and said "You said you were not able to continue the tickling once you came with your girlfriends, because there was a kind of shame feeling after it" I said exhausted "Yes...... why....?" "Because now it is the time to find out......." He went right back to my now way too much sensitive feet and I was indeed hell....... "We will have such a wonderful night...."

To be continued
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