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From Father To Daughter

Johnny Pseudo

Registered User
Jun 19, 2013
This was the product of a late night drinking session. Usually not the best way to get into the mood to write, but hey, what can I say?

I'm pleased in knowing that I was able to finish this one. I suppose you could chalk this one up to me wanting to do a dramatic piece between family, and the tone happened to be a sad one. Well, it's not entirely sad, but you get the idea. :redstar: :feather:

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The darkness calls me.

Those... those things... they beckon to me when no one is around. They're in the darkness... and they tell me strange things before I fall asleep.

Gentle patters of rain against the weathered old roof. The only friend besides her father that she had in this horrible night. One of the only things that could take her mind off... off of them.

What do you mean, “they beckon to you”? Who are they?

The man crouched down next to the girl, giving her that look he always gave when she confused him. “You'll see... they'll come. They always do, especially on a night like tonight...” He could hear the worry in her little voice.

Outside, the gentle sounds of rain began to intensify, falling down to the already waterlogged dirt below. The wind was echoing through the rain, emitting almost a sort of wail through the breaks in the downpour.

The shadows along the walls seemed to dance and writhe in the candlelight. What little moonlight bled through the curtains only illuminated to the foot of the small bed.

The candle was the only thing keeping the darkness away... in turn, keeping her safe.

“... Is that so?” he asked, cupping her chin with his thumb and forefinger. The two met gazes, and she quickly nodded, trying to keep from tearing up.

“... W-what are you going to do?”

Her little voice was barely audible. She felt the warmth of the soft sheets beneath her, but still felt aprehension and uneasiness within her heart. The feeling of safety knowing he was there was beginning to fade. Her tiny green speckled eyes peeked out over the blanket, the same blanket that she tightly clung up to the edge of her nose.

The man couldn't help but marvel in how much she looked like her mother..

If only you were here right now, Lucia... I can't believe it's been three years now...

The little girl looked into his blue eyes, and in turn, the rest of his face. She could see the seriousness that was there. His features tight and hardened, almost statue-esque. For all of his seriousness, she still believed in him, believed he would protect her from the evil things.

The man brought one of his gloved hands down upon her head, gently caressing the hair along the top of her head. “I'm going to keep you safe.”

Wriggling under the sheets, she started retracting the blanket from over her mouth. “... Really?”

He could feel the seriousness beginning to fade, being replaced with a kind warmth. “Yes... really.” he chuckled, ruffling her hair. He leaned down, pecking the tip of her forehead with a small kiss. It happened in an instant; her small arms darted around him, trying to wrap the entirety of his frame in their tiny grasp.

He was a little surprised, but was even moreso when she whispered out to him. “Daddy, please be careful. I don't want the evil things to get you too...”

“... I.. I don't want to lose you... not like mommy.

The man could feel his breath catch in his throat while his eyes widened a little. She fidgeted around, letting the small tears fall down her cheeks, onto his breastplate.

How could she bring up something like that? Every day she saw her father, she saw a man who was strong and determined. He was a man of courage and valor. She remembered the times when he was alone in his room; the times where she'd sneak down to find him because she couldn't sleep. The little girl remembered him sitting at the edge of the bed with her mother's necklace in his hands. Watching him wipe away the tears from his eyes, soon replaced with tears that would trickle down onto the floor, no matter how often he wiped. Eventually, she'd come in, gently knocking against the door before pushing it open. Of course he'd do his best to hide the sadness; he did it for both of them, trying to be strong. Many times she'd fall asleep in his arms, feigning the ignorance of seeing her father slowly breaking down...

When his wife had passed, it wasn't long after that he'd taken up to arms once again, determined to carry out her last wishes before she'd... turned. Lucia made him promise, that no matter what happened to her because of the curse, that he would look out for their daughter. Protect her, and give her the chance to grow up in a world without fear, without grief or sorrow. It was mere days later, that he'd had to make good on that promise. A promise he thought he'd never have to make, not after he'd intended to leave the world of hunting behind him. He'd wanted nothing more than to start a family with the woman of his affections, but fate truly is a cruel mistress. Such plans are... not meant to be, as it were.

That terrible day. It rained all day. I remember that much. In the hours of early twilight... that's when it all happened.

The terrible memories flooded back to him; he had brought her supper up to their room when she attacked him. They struggled for a bit, and that's when little Mariana had walked in. The girl's mother tried to leap from her father onto her, but he held her back tightly. The man screamed at her to run, and to keep running. When the little girl had fleed, he somehow managed to throw her aside and grab the dagger his father had given him, years ago. With a fearsome stab, the weapon plunged deep into her heart, while she clutched feebily at him. The vampiric traits slowly left her face in her last moments, instead replaced with the features she had before being attacked days prior. She thanked him for giving her freedom, freedom from the awful curse that flowed throughout her veins. He cried, asking for forgiveness from both God and from her, while she thanked him once more, quietly allowing her life to come to an end.

For a while, he didn't know what to do. Eventually, he had found their daughter, curled up in the loft of their stable. The two ended up staying there that night, as she was too afraid to go back inside the house. It was fine with him. He couldn't bear the thought of it either.

His daughter's sniffling brought him back from the depths of his thoughts. With both arms, he brought the girl up to a sitting position, taking a seat next to her. “Hey, come on now.” he cooed, wiping away her tears. “Nothing is going to happen, I promise.” he swore, putting up a hand and crossing his heart. The gesture got her to laugh a little, which was good. “You're silly, daddy.” she giggled, laying back down in the bed.

“I've got two presents for you Mariana, do you know what they are?” he quipped, pulling the blanket up under her arms. The little girl shook her head, watching while he unclasped a pendant from around his neck. He held it out to her, letting the candlelight reflect off of it's shining surface. “It's a pendant my father passed down to me, when I was around your age.” he began, watching as she stared at the small silver cross. “He told me it would keep me safe, from anyone and anything. What do you think of it?”

She graciously accepted his present, putting it around her small neck. The chain was a bit big for her, but in time, she would grow into it. “It's very pretty daddy.” she replied, turning it around in her fingers. Leaning down, he pulled up her second gift from the floor, “This one is a bit different. It's something that I gave your mother a long time ago. Back when we had first met, and fallen in love. The little girl could hear the sadness in his voice, but she remained silent. Within his hands was a small silver box, no bigger than an apple. “Do you know what this is?” he asked, watching her take it from him and examine it.

With her little hands, she found a small key-like device on the back, and asked him what it did. “It's a music box. See the little key there? When you turn it–“ he paused, cranking on the small key, "–It starts to play a song."

The mellow sound of music began flowing out into the air around them. The man could see her eyes lighting up at the strange device. His mind began to drift back to the day he had presented Lucia with the music box, and smiled at how his daughter's reaction to it had been the same as her mother's. In time, the tinkling of the song came to an end, and the two embraced once again in a hug. Words of appreciation were exchanged from daughter to father, and in a short while, he was giving her a final kiss goodbye before setting out. With the lingering promise that he would be back before daybreak, he left her, alone in the room with her cross and music box.

She heard the sound of his horse galloping down the dirt path leading towards the large forested area a ways down from their house. The little one knew he'd be back, and that she had to believe in him. She was getting tired, so she turned on her side and examined the music box again, cranking the key to begin it's rythmic tune.

The little girl turned the music box around in her hand, looking it over. The tinkling of the musical tune filled her room. Flipping it open, she saw a little piece of glass, showing the internals of the box and the cogs turning around inside. She also noticed that there was something written inside the cover as well. The little girl couldn't quite read it however. Turning it towards the candle illuminated the now apparent engraving inside, which read,

“Forever yours,
the Vampire Killer”

While she stared at the words inscribed, the tinkling finally came to a slow end. She waited a few moments before closing the lid, and winding up the key one final time. With the song renewed, she began to fall asleep, clutching tightly onto the momento her father had given to her.
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