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Fun on the Farm part 1 (A Sammi & friends featured story)

Chris Prime

TMF Expert
Sep 19, 2006
This is based on a very cute picture by Ninja Sammi here: :super_hap


And it gave me an idea to a (slightly naughty, but not over the top) story which features alternate versions of Sammi & Jimmyjames' characters ^_^

It doesn't start much as a tickle story, but it does have some strokes on someone's soles, but It's going to end with a good tickle! Promised! 😱

I hope they like it.

Chapter 1: A messy start.

Darn! I thought to myself as my small car sputtered to a stop. And my sister said she'd filled the tank up yesterday. Thanks a lot!

I was in the middle of a half grazed field of farmland, on a hot near summer's morning breeze, and I was heading to off to see Jimmy (an Old school friend who's moved to the farmland to help with his grandparents. And somehow he's managed to make some good bucks to send them & himself on a holiday cruise) And I'm going to be late to take care of their farm. Great!

I'd managed to spot someone relaxing in the field. And managed to climb over the fence to see who it was....

"Hi there! I'm kinda stuck here & I was wondering if you can....help...."

I stopped to see who I was facing....a girl was sitting on two rolls of haybails & turned her head (revealing her flashy short, yet slightly longer, greasy brown hair & blue eyeliner.
She was wearing overalls of a baggy kind & (much to my suprise & delight) barefooted!

"Hi there stranger!" She replied. "What can I be of service?"

I shuddered a bit and edged a bit closer, looking at the details of this girl.
"Well you see I've got a bit of car troubles & I was trying to see if anyone could fix my car. I can't do it alone."

"Well why not relax for a moment & sit with me?" She asked. "I don't mind some company, you can explain what might be the cause of the problem. I cool with that. I'm just a bit of a grease monkey!"

A tingle went down my spine as I walked shakely nearer, & then with a yelp, I fell! I stumbled bewtween my legs & crashed in front of bail where her feet were resting. I heard her laugh as my face came up again, with a mouthfull of grass. Then my left arm streched upwards to grab at something, and it was at this moment that my hand swept across her soft soles.

"Hey! Quihihit ihihit!" I heard her giggle even more as my fingers slipped over the arches & balls of her dirty left barefoot. "That tickles!"
It was then, that I grabbed her foot (around the arches, which causes her to give a shrieking kind of laugh) & pulled myself back to my feet.

"I'm sorry! I was just a little clumsy thats all!" I hastily apologized, (not wanting to dwell on my childhood fetish) quickly trying to pull off some reeds off my shirt & spat some grass out of my mouth.

"It's okay!" She said with a tiny grin "I don't usualy enjoy that kind of tickling. You're the first person that made me kind of enjoy this!" She stood upright, allowing her dirty toes to wiggle amongst the grass. she was about the same height as me, except for the greasy brown hair, and she had a cute smile. "Now come on & show me your car."

We walked towards the fence that I had crossed over to the see the girl, explaining what went wrong with the car, & climbed back to see the cause of the trouble.

My cock went kinda rigid as I heard her bare feet slapping on the dirt road.

"Now let's see what all this hullabaloo is about." She said as she opened the bonnet. A slight hiss came out of the car. And We went to work.

We tinkered a bit & several minutes later, I decided to check the ignition was right. She stepped to the side to be at the safe side of things & I'd turned the key.

There was a shudder & a clutter. A puff of smoke appeared out, clouding our vision & then a spurt of greasy engine oil spilled out from the car making a tiny sticky puddle....Which the girl, not looking where she was looking, accidently stepped on asking what wrong.

"EEEeeeewwwww!!!!!! Gross!" She squealed. Then she laughed to see my cheeks all blackened by the smoke.

"Great!" I groaned rubbing by face with my sleeves. Then chuckled to finaly see the girl, who was still up between her toes in an oil puddle!

Not funny! She howled. And soon we managed to solve the problem.

Then I Cleaned myself & looked at the girl, who was sitting on the fence, looking into the distance. Her overalls were stained & so were her cheeks & mostly her bare handss & feet (still under the remains of the gooey oil she'd managed to remove the worst). I wanted to clean her up, but she declined.

"Aww! Come on! I want to at least clean you up a bit, as a token of thanks for helping me repair my car. Honest!"
I'd put my hands (one holding a cloth) on her filthy feet and began cleaning her soles, which tickled her enormously.

Hahahahahahahahahahhaahahahahaha! Cut it Out silly! She giggled.
"Oh, Don't be such a baby!" I complained. "It's just a clean up!"

Soon I managed to clean up most of the mess from the rest of her body. And she was a little suprised after how clean she was.
"Hey Thanks!" She said. Now I can look like I haven't been anywhere too far away!"
"Away from what?" I asked.
"None of your business!" She retorted, slightly irritated, then smiled rather shame-facedly. "I'm sorry, I just want to spend some time alone for the moment, just hanging around, that's all."

"Will I ever see you again?" I asked.
"Maybe...!" She said & flashed a rather cheeky smile.

It was when I got into the car, that I asked that question that changed everything: "What's your name?"

Samantha. She replied. "But my friends call me Sammi! What's yours?"

"Christian." I replied back.

"Well, Nice knowing you Chris!" She said with a warm smile. "Till we meet again!"

Yeah. I thought as I drove away, not knowing it was going to be sooner than I'd thought..........

End of Chapter 1

Alternate Sammi Belongs to....Well, Her "Real Goth self"

Christian belongs to me
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Chapter 2: Arrival, Departure & a shock.

I finally arrived at the farm. Jimmy was waiting for me at the entrance of the house that I was going to call home for some days.

"Hey Chris! Where were you? I was thinking you weren't coming at all!"

"Nah, I had some trouble with the car, but that's been taken care of now." I said, still thinking who this girl belonged to. I was about to talk about her, when Jimmy tugged me inside to meet his grandparents.

He introduced me to them & then hastly began to take the suitcases down to their van.

"Look." He Said. "You don't mind having someone else to help you out?"
I shook my head saying that I don't mind anyone so long as I won't get bullied and so forth.
"Well.." He continued. "You won't have to worry. There will be some people who will be joining you shortly, as soon after we'd left the place & We hope you take care of the place without making much of a mess. OK?"
I nodded. "But you best be careful of the guy next door though, he's a bit of a prankster! Oh! And make sure you take care of the cattle!"

They all began to clamber into the van. "And By the way...." Jimmy said as he began to start the engines. "We'll see you in 2 months!"

"TWO MONTHS?" I gasped. "I thought it was going to be a few weeks! What about my small job? My time at school?"

"Don't worry! It's been taken care of! We spoke to your parents and they'd say it's all right. And the school had been having a bit of a small problem with the restructuring & they say they won't re-open for the 2 months you're here!
So Good luck Chris, you will get payed when we get back & have a good time!"

I was left in a cloud of dust & smoke, my jaw still opened with shock.
Then, after 2 minutes after they'd left: My car broke down....again!

Brilliant! I thought. Just Brilliant!

End of Chapter 2

Jimmy is an alternate version of TheJimmyjames

Christian belongs to....well you know....me.... 😉

I know it's a bit of a boring story, but I'm just wanted something out of my chest & my head for sometime!

There will be a really big Tickle Ending! Please Hold On! :]
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Chapter 3: Falling on (Ankledeep) Hard Times.

I managed to open the bonnet of the car, just to see the smoke rise even higher! It sounded more even worse than before! So I had to leave the bonnet open for a few hours.

I went to look at the barnyard animals that inhabit the farm & to my delight there were plenty horses & cows that roam the grasslands.

There was (to my utter shock) that there was a pigsty, as wide as a shed. I had to test the solidity of the mud, only to stick to my finger like glue, or worse: Tar!
How did they manage to take care of the pigs without getting stuck in the rather viscous mud? But seeing the pigs wallowing around without getting affected by its stickiness suprised me...Where did they get that awful stuff?

I had to donn on these aweful cumbersome waders & set to work. I somehow got the work done well, even though it was quite long & hard throught the middle of the day. Then as I had the cows rested after the milking, I settled for a stroll on the dirt pathway not far from the farm.

It was during that walk past the pathway beyond the long grain field and towards the woodlands that I heard a voice. A Cry for help. A somewhat familiar voice, crying for help.
That voice.....that couldn't be.......?

A horrible feeling swirled in my stomach as I ran to where the noise of the cries were being heard.

It was through the the bushes in the woodlands that I discovered the girl, Sammi, who had helped me the morining before, up between her toes & sinking slowly in a mud puddle. She was pulling & pumping her legs & I discovered that the mud looked familliar to the mud found at the pigsty, as I saw her bare soles & toes (as well as the rims of the leg-sleeves of her denim overalls were gummed up with tar-like mud.

"Chris! I'm glad you've come!" She cried. "I was trying to get more mud from this gooey enchanted puddle & I seem to get stuck in these situations."

She looked down again to see in horror, that her toes dissapearing into the dark, wet ooze.

"Help Me Chris!" Sammi wailed. "These puddles were enchanted, all these long years ago, by a nasty wizard with a horrible foot fetish! He had planned to leave a copy of his face in every single bubbling puddles of mud so that he uses his sinister voice to lure young maidens like me, long enough to let be stuck in its grasp. You've got to get me outta here fast before I get permantly stuck to my ankles, to witness the tingle in every parts of the body as the mud sucks, licks, bubbles & tickle at our feet. The Worst is, it'll try and make our feet grow! Help Me Chris! Please!" Tears streaked her cheeks.

I had to think fast and to my delight that I was still wearing my wader-suit that I didn't bother to pull off, and a greater joy appeared as I pulled some long strong vines that sprouted everywhere amongst the trees.
Carefully tying my waist & then to a large, strong tree I waded slowly towards the stranded Sammi.

The ground gave way up to my ankles. Then around my calves. It was strange why they leave the girls somehow up to their ankles & for boys to be sinking deeper. But somehow without tipping over, I managed to get to her.

"Grab My hand" I said. "And I'll tug you out."

Willingly, she caught my outstreched hand, and pulled & tugged my way back to hard, dry land, though it was difficult because the mud still had a viscous grip at Sammi's bare feet & was not wanting to let her go.

With a heave, I pulled her out of the messy trap. We landed onto each other on the dry grass glaring at each other, breathing wooping breaths. Sammi was on top of me, her big denim overall-clad boobs pressing onto my chest.

"Tha....Thanks....Thanks for rescueing me Chris!" She breathed. Though I'm quite concerned if my feet were affected by the goo.

I looked over her shoulder as she lifted her legs painfully to see her feet had somehow grown a bit in size, even though they were covered in thick, brown sticky mud.

I told her, truthfully about her feet's change & she sighed.

"Well It could've been worse." She said calmly. "My feet could've been more bigger than pillows, if you, or anyone else had'nt come to my aid. "Thanks Chris!" And with that gave me big hug. Her boobs pressing even harder than before.....
"Your Welcome!" I'd said, sweating & nearly getting a blood nose. "Your Welcome!"

End of Chapter 3

Bumpkin Sammi belongs to....Sammi-chan! 😉

Christian - Me, as usually! :super_hap

Fourth & Final Chapter of this first part coming soon! :redface: Honest!
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... ok I must admit I am a little bit confused...
Yeah! I know this sort of thing (normal into fantasy) gets weird.

But This is how I work my way....! 🙁

No Offence whatsoever is intended, but, to repeat my second post, I wanted to get it out of my chest.

There's no need to worry to those that want a good tickle: It's on the fourth & final Chapter! Promised!
Haha! This is getting kinda funny once the mud came into play. It'll be interesting to see where you go with this for the fourth part. n_n;;

Keep at it, though. It's entertaining.
Heehee! Sammi! I'm glad you like your alternate version of you getting into some ankle-deep sticky problems with my OC jumping into the rescue! ^_^

I'll be posting it very shortly where....Oh I don't want to spoil the fun just yet, so please hold on! ^.^
Let's see it! I, too am waiting! So far it's been great! It is a little bit fun, too... to see an Englishman trapped in the American Midwest 🙂
Here it is! It took me a while to sort things out a bit.

Enjoy! ^.^ :kiss:

Chapter 4: The Gloves come off! (Well, literaly.....)

I'd manage to drag Sammi away from the enchanted mud puddles as
her bare feet were caked in mud and the pulling at her legs had sapped her strength.

She was shivering, not with cold, as she had told me, but because the sucking squelching sounds her trapped bare feet made as she was pulling at her legs.

We made it back to the farm and I decided to try and wash the gooey mess off her feet, though she wanted to do it herself, but I insisted...

So I grabbed a hose, a bucket, some soap bars (as it was going to take a long hour or more), a cleaned up horse trough & a big brush.

Sammi looked nervous as I brandished it in my hands holding the brush.
"Chris..." She said with a hint of worriedness in her voice "..Using a big Brush on my very muddy feet isn't such a good Idea and..."

"Nonsense!" I'd responded. "I know what I'm doing!"

And thus I started to work my magic. It was a little hard getting the goo away from her barefoot skin. But soon I had manage to break it off her....

"Hehehehey! Chrihihihis!" I heard Sammi giggle as the layer of goopy mud came off & the brush touched her wiggling toes. "Cut Ihihihit Out! That Tihihihihickles!!!!!

I gave a grin....I had never had the chance to tickle many girls feet that much and it always somehow aroussed me as tickled a hapless girl's barefoot, so this was my chance to do it on Sammi.....a half naked barefoot girl in Overalls.....

"Nohohohohohohooooooo! Quihihiihiheet Ihihihihihiiit!!!!!!!!!"

"I told you before!" I told her with a sly grin, remembering the first time I'd met her that Morning. "Stop being such as baby!"
More mud gave way from the soapy brush and her bare feet slowly appeared. Sammi was wiggling & twitching her soft soles as the brush did some nice strokes all over.

"Now It's time for my hands to do the talking." I'd said putting away the brush, and grabbing a bar of soap.... I proceeded to wash her wet feet.

"Kyahahahahahahaahahahahaaa! Chrihihiihihihhiihhihihhihihihissss! Stohohoohohohhoohohhoopp! Wahahahahahahhaahahahahahahahaaa!"

I rubbed the bar over her soles, then used my fingers till they're were all wrinkly, rubbing her soles from the heels, the arches to the Balls & toes......

"Whoahohohohohohohohohohohohohohohhoooo! Chris!" Sammi howled with laughter. "Thahahahahahahahaht's Enough! Stohohohohohohohohohooop! It Tihihihihihihihihihihihihihihickles Sohohohohohoho Bahahahhaahahahaaad!"

This went on for half an hour with little breaks as I opened another bar of soap out of the package & the switching between the bucket & the horse trough....

Soon We had been puffing out whoops of breaths of air...

Me for it felt so good to tickle a girl's defenseless bare feet. I rubbed my cock feeling all hot & bothered.

Sammi was breathing too, having laughed so long & so hard from all the punishing washing for not being too careful. Well....that's what she thought....

Soon it was dark & we went inside after putting the animals safe inside the barn. We both had some macaroni ham&cheese that Jimmy had kindly provided to give me. Soon I decided afterwards when we cleaned up the dishes that we should got to bed.

Sammi decided to go wash & change into a white pair of overalls (as the white one was her choice of pyjamas...) & she went upstairs, her (now cleaned & rather wrinkly) bare feet slapping on the cold wooden stairs.

I heard the telephone go off & I immediately answered the call.

"Hey Chris!" It was Jimmy! "Where are you now?" I asked.

"We're on the cruise right now & we're having a good departure & We'll be OK! However I've got some more bad news.....I had received further news that reconstructuring of your school is having a technical difficulty & it needs more work done..... It'll take another month or so to find the solution, & we will be away a bit longer that you think. Terribly Sorry for that!"

"3 MONTHS?!" I'd mouthed silently trying not to shout. Then told him about my car braking down again & asked what I would be doing....

"Relax man!" Jimmy said, then I heard him sipping his cold beverage. "There's a small van in the shed. It'll take you to the town where My old folk usually get their groceries. Oops! The Connection's going badly on my line! Darnnit! I'd knew I should give my cellphone a new card! OK I gotta go! I'll see you in some months time, or later if the storm that I heard on the radio causes the ship to slowdown, but I think we can manage! See Ya! Oh! And don't forget about the visitor's bed. It's...:click!:"

The line was cut & I put the phone down on its holster....

Great! I quietly muttered. How am I going to survive this hot wilderness?
I decided to think it over another day as I walked up the stairs, dragging my suitcase.
It was after the shower, when I slipped into my pyjamas pants & T-shirt & long black socks is that I saw Sammi, in White overalls & a opened buttoned shirt (revealing her busty cleavage) relaxing in the only visitors bed. The one that Jimmy tried to tell me....
I looked on it shock. The Bed was a huge Collossus single bed and I was left wondering what I should do. It was then she saw me....

"Chris!" She said with a smile. "Come into the bed! I reserved a spot here for you!"

I flinched, and with a gulp, switching off the larger lights, replied: " I think I should sleep on the couch downstairs. I don't think I want to disturb...."

"Don't be such a crybaby, you! Sammi said walking over to me grabbing my arm, reprising my words with a really cheeky grin. "Come on in and it's nice, and sooooo soft!!!

I heaved as she threw me onto the bed. Then She dugged into the blankets & gave a squee of delight. I decided to do the same, but feeling nervous climbed into the blankets at the other side of the bed.

Sammi glared at me with a childish glint in her face.
"I want to thank you again for rescueing me from the mud puddle." She said quietly, then giving a yawn. "I had a nasty fright after getting trapped into it."

"And I like to thank you for fixing my car...it had a good restart...until....."
I backed away not wanting to hurt her feelings about her work on the car if she had done something wrong....

"It's OK Chris! No need to worry!" Sammi giggled. "We think of something tommorow. After all. I was the one Jimmy Sent me to keep you company!"

I nodded quietly....Maybe I thought, things aren't going to be a complete shambles after all.....

"Good night Chris...." Sammi said softfully as she went to sleep.
It was then when she turned over, I saw her bare feet (under the rim of the sleeves of her white overalls) popping over at the end of the blankets. They had growned slightly bigger than before.
I gave a tiny grin to myself and decided to give her soft soles a little stroke.

"Hihihihi! Cut it out Chris!" I heard Sammi whisper sweetly at the front side of the bed. "You've had your fun, now let's get some sleep & do this some other day."
I chuckled as I turned off the small lights & curled up, still looking at her wiggling, wrinkling soft soles.

And with that gave a long sigh looked out at the window at the night sky, I thought to myself...this could not be so boring as I thought out to be after all....

End of Chapter 4 & of this Part.....

Bumpkin Sammi belongs to Sammi-chan :super_hap

Jimmy Belongs to TheJimmyJames 🙂

And Christian..........ME! :redface:

Next Time Another girl of Sammi's world joins the fun and also gets up to her ankles into some sort of Winnie The Pooh style problems with more dick raising results.

(Well For me at least!) :content:
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Well you could work a little bit more on the style, description and plot... all in all good effort so far, but you need to practice. Practice makes everything perfect!
It's not quite the alternate world that Sammi and I had envisioned, but it seems pretty fun!

I wonder who the other you speak of will be... A couple come to mind.

And just to clarify, the "character" of Jimmy is a little less of a character, and more me. So, perhaps...

Jimmy is (CC) to Jesus? The Holy Trinity? God? I figure they'd use a Creative Commons license, otherwise derivative works (kids) would be an intellectual property nightmare.

So funny.
I know that some of these characters aren't what you've all expected! And I'm pretty usless at trying to describe them.....

I'm trying my best, but for now I wanted to set things up in a simpler way...for now.....It may not be as good as it can be....but that's just me. 🙂

I truly apologize if these sort of things are not anyone's cup of tea. :sad:

And the CC thing is basically....just not to get into trouble....I'm sorry!

I'll need more inspiration though.....
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