What about false accusations?
Areenactor, the law can't be super-duper gung-ho find 'em and immediatly fry 'em about these guys, because what about a false accusation?
Once again, I don't know how the legal system prosecutes these guys or gals, but it seems like false accusations would be real easy to make. Like, if someone accused you of murdering BigJim, and we all go to BigJim's house, and he's sitting on his couch eating a cookie and watching the Incredible Hulk, we know for an absolute fact that you didn't murder him. If someone accuses you of stealing a million dollars, and we go to your bank records, and see that a million dollars was never deposited, and we audit the bank and a million dollars isn't missing, and your DNA isn't anywhere, you never stole the million dollars! But with pedophilia, it seems like all you need is one person's word. Look what happened to Paula Poundstone. She was taking care of some unstable children, one got pissed off and accused her of molestation, and she was dragged through an expensive legal process because of one kid's word. If there was an immediate death penalty, in essence, any kid could snap their fingers and have any adult executed by one accusation.
If the treatment avenue is pursued, and the person is innocent, the doctors won't be treating anything, so it can't be that bad (again, I don't know what treatments are used, so maybe it would be bad, but I'm assuming unnecessary treatment is better than death.)
This may sound like paranoia, but guess what? It did happen.
Remember way back, in like the early 90's, I believe, late 80's. Scores of parents were being accused of molesting their children, carted off to jail, humiliated, their children were taken from them and placed in the state's custody. They'd bring their kid to the doctor, and the doctors were using repressed memory therapies on them, and hypnosis. People started to wonder why so many parents could be doing these horrible things. Well, the people who revealed this was a sham came out of left field - the skeptics. That's because people who believed they were kidnapped by aliens were also using these same techniques to prove their abductions to Venus happened, and the skeptics debunked them. The doctors were implanting ideas into the children's heads, and it led to tragedy for the parents. Why would they do this? Why do cops break up supposed satanic cults, where poor girls are kidnapped and forced to have scores of babies to be sacrificed to satan? Because they get recognition, awards, and thousands of slap on the backs. But questions arose, like in the satanic cults cases - these girls were too young to possibly have that many babies, tests show they were never even pregnant, if hundreds of girls were kidnapped, who are they and why hasn't the city noticed..etc. These doctors didn't want to admit they were wrong, because it would mean for them loss of pride, loss of jobs, and massive lawsuits. So most stood by their lies. Even with the Catholic Church, though many priests are molestors, many are completely innocent, who are targets of people who don't like them and know they can take them out by one false accusation.
Now, that's on the innocent front.
Lets turn to those who are guilty.
If the penalty is so harsh, so severe that it outweighs the crime, worse things will happen. Look at WWI - Germany got treated so harshly after the war, it got revenge in WWII. The lesson - chill out with the unbelievable harsh justice, bad things happen. How many murders turn themselves in? A few, not a lot, but a few. They know if they do, they'll just get life in prison, and probably be released in their lifetime. How may robbers turn themselves in? A few more, the penalties are bad, but they can be out in a few years and start all over again. How many drug users turn themselves in - quite a few more - they'll just get treatment, and probably no jail time. (Look at all those actors...) Now, how many Al-Qeada turn themselves in - None! They know the penalties will be so harsh, they should just stay evil, they have a better chance. If the penalty for anyone who is a pedophile, even if they haven't done anything yet, is death, how many will turn themselves in - Zero. And that's the last thing anyone wants. You don't want society to start feeling sorry for them because they are being treated worse than murders. You don't want them to stay out there, and therefore have a better chance of doing harm, because they won't get help for fear of death or torture. And you certainly don't want to organize! That's would be the main affect of intensly harsh penalties - they actually join together, and start to help each other aggressively. They're bad enough alone, and they're even worse when in these loose knit groups, like the one that just got busted in Germany. I don't want to imagine what would happen if real fear drove them to form tight knit groups.
I truely believe that a cure can be found, but no one wants to find one. This is a different sitaution, but look how many people out there are happy that AIDS is around. I know too many people who just love the AIDS virus, because they're conservative christians, and conservative christian wll play lip service to how bad AIDS, and how a cure "must be found!" But take them behind the scenes, and they'll let you know that God sent down AIDS to punish those evil gay and lesbians, and anyone else who dares have too much fun with their sex life. AIDS is what they get for not living the way Jerry Falwell demands that they live, dammit! I believe this attitude prevails in society - better to judge these people than find a cure for this, because if we cured it, we'd have that fewer people to look down on and judge. Can't have that, now can we. Meanwhile, children are at risk, because of this stupidity. I also think this whole nightmare could almost prove God and Jesus non-existent. We're taught to be loving and forgive, but here is a group of people who are incapable of forgiveness, who are incapable of being saved. This would appear to nullify everything Jesus said, and prove religion false. Or am I wrong?
I mean, come on people! We can make artificial hearts, we can clone cows and cats and plants, and grow human ears on mice, and stick a damn rat with some glowing chemical, and have that damn rat that glowed in the dark, but we don't have the science to cure a bunch of pedophiles? I think if scientists REALLY tried, they'd cure this once and for all, and protect children today and forever from future predators. They just need to TRY.