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"Get out of there, I beg you!" (Caterpillar/F Bellybutton, Non-Con)[I Tickled a Demon until she Joined my Party: Chapter 1 Part 2]


Registered User
Jul 16, 2024
Part 1 can be found here:

This tiny little harmless bug was easily driving this beautiful elven adventurer, this powerful mage of the Feywild, to absolute madness with just the lightest of touches and nibbles, strategically targeted at her greatest weakness: her deathly ticklish bare sole. The caterpillar mused that it wasn’t even trying that hard, driving this great adversary out of her mind with minimal effort, and dreamed of all the other giants it will defeat in the future with this similar technique. ‘Especially,’ he realised, ‘once I teach all the other bugs how to do this as well! We shall swarm the giants! They won’t stand a chance!’

The caterpillar’s dreams of greatness were suddenly interrupted by a giant hand casting its shadow overhead.

“Egads!” he squeaked.

Chapter 1 - Part 2:
“Ahahahalrihihight, th-that’sssssss…. Quihuite… e…hmm…nough of that, little one,” Celestia giggled as she picked the little caterpillar off her tortured sole. She began catching her breath as if she’d battled a dragon, and slumped flat on her back onto the forest floor with a thud, the foliage now teasingly prickling her exposed lower back. Her small chest heaved rapidly and she welcomed the crisp breeze evaporating the sweat off her body. Her left sole was planted safely on the cool ground, but she found she had to cross her other leg over her knee to keep her right foot up in the air, and away from any kind of touch, as it still tingled with an unnaturally heightened sensitivity. It was only as she looked at her tingling foot that she realised that, in her violent throws of passion, she’d morphed into her summer form; her skin radiated hot with a golden glow and her hair glittered in brilliant platinum. But calming down on the ground and recovering from the intense experience, she could already see her skin turning into a pale blush and her hair to a vibrant green as she slowly bloomed into a joyful spring, her body tingling with deep catharsis and relaxation.

“Whatever did you do to me, little squirm?” she asked as she held the caterpillar up between her fingers and close to her face. The bug had an anger to it, she could see him squirm violently in her grasp in a fervorous defiance. “Hm, you’ve got spirit, little one, and an incredibly ticklish touch. Did you… somehow make me more ticklish?”

The bug replied with an aura of anger and vengeance.

“Perhaps I should punish you, no? For humiliating me such.”

She brought the little insect close to her face and dangled him above her open mouth. As her little pink tongue slid out receptively between her sharp, fang-like teeth, she felt his squirming stop cold. A giggle spilled from her soft lips as she closed her mouth and looked closely at the bug again.

“I’m just kidding, you’re WAY too much fun. Think of all the people we’re going to drive insane, together.” The caterpillar started squirming again with unadulterated outrage and resentment towards his giant captor. “I think I’m gonna call you Squirm. Because you squirm. And because you make me…” Celestia’s eyes glazed over somewhat as her mind began to wander to unsavoury places.

She looked down at her exposed stomach, flattened by her supine position, and her deep bellybutton that sat cutely between the subtle hints of toned abdominal muscles. She sucked it in in anticipation and her prominent canine tooth dug deep into her lower lip as she slowly brought Squirm over to the sensitive dimple at the centre of her taut tummy. Her breath stuttered, her body quivered, and her skin broke out into tingling goosebumps once more as Squirm dangled but a quarter inch above her inviting navel. His little claws wiggled violently, desperate to dig and claw into her soft skin on the moment of contact, and his little furry body wriggled with a vengeful desire to drive his captor out of her mind once more.

Giggles already bubbled up in her throat as she slowly lowered him and felt his long prickly fur barely graze against the inside of her deep bellybutton; she realised that if just that little gentle contact had already felt that ticklish, then she was really about to get her mind short-circuited beyond comprehension. And not only was she fine with that, but she suddenly found herself deeply craving it. She even noticed that her other hand had subconsciously moved over to her threatened navel, and was gentle spreading it open, welcoming the ferocious insect, and helping it to slip deeper inside of her. It was clear that even Squirm was beyond excited to explore and exploit this vulnerability.

The tension was palpable, Squirm’s hairs tingled the inside of her navel and his claws reached out hungrily to dig into her skin… just a hair’s breadth away… and then she raised him back up to a safe distance. She let out a high pitched “oohoohoh” as she felt the tingling rush of endorphins rush through her body, then she squirmed to shake out the tension.

“Oh boy that was exhilarating.”

She watched Squirm squirm with frustration between her fingers.

“What, you thought I was going to let you tickle one of the most sensitive spots on my entire body? When you make everything you touch a dozen times more sensitive? When just your hairs barely brushing my skin was already making me giggle?” She laughed. “Hell no, I’d be dead! I may like a good teasing tickle now and again, but I’m not about to literally TORTURE myself to insanity.” She left out the part where the last time her bellybutton was tickled, she ended up peeing herself. The memory was too embarrassing to share, even with a caterpillar.

She could feel his disappointment, however, and felt a little bad. “Don’t worry lil buddy, we’ll find you a fun victim to torture. I have a few in mind…” She grinned ear to ear with mischievous malice.

They were suddenly and rudely interrupted by an earth-shaking roar. Celestia felt the ground tremble against her back as a plume of fire and smoke burst into the sky from a nearby source. The growl was otherworldly and startled the hell out of Celestia, leading to her fingers no longer holding a certain vengeful caterpillar. She noticed a distinct lack of bug in her hand, and time slowed to a crawl as she watched Squirm freefalling towards the surface above which she had been teasingly dangling him, the dip in the middle of her bare tummy. Squirm stretched out into a missile and raced downwards through the air, towards his target. She could do nothing but stare in horror as the hairy bug, like a drop of water into a sink drain, plunged perfectly into her exposed bellybutton, slipping as deep inside as his momentum allowed, and then began burrowing even deeper.

“YAHAAAH!” Celestia screamed, louder than she ever had, her eyes the size of moons. She felt Squirm’s prickly hairs scratching the wildly sensitive inside of her navel as he wriggled and burrowed deeper, clawing at her sensitive skin as he did. It immediately drove her to the edge of insanity.

“NO! Wait! Plea-hea-hease! Get out of thEEHEHAHAH!”

Tears ran down her cheeks as she frantically failed to get any grip on the bug’s body and pull him back out, then rolled over to try and make him fall out, to no avail. She could feel Squirm’s special secretions seeping into the soft skin of her bellybutton, making the inside tingle and itch maddeningly as she actively felt her skin become more and more sensitive with each passing second. She tried to beg him to stop, and—ignoring the fact that you probably can’t bargain with an insect—she could no longer get the words out. Opening her mouth only led to uncontrollable laughter to spill forth from her lips as he drilled deep into her ticklish button, and soon, even that stopped.

“Yes, suffer!” thought Squirm as he madly wriggled and scratched at the soft skin around him with his prickly fur and sharp claws. He could hear Celestia screaming with insanity, and it filled him with drive and motivation that he was once again single-handedly driving this poor giant to madness. He revelled in her suffering and knew he had truly discovered its weakness. But what’s this? He reached the bottom of her bellybutton and saw… a knot? A little lump right there at the very end of her navel. “This must be the motherload,” he thought with malicious excitement, “look how deliciously sensitive it looks. Oh, this will end her.” Celestia had no idea of the kind of mind-breaking torture that was about to hit her poor melting mind, as Squirm approached the knot and plunged his mandibles into it.

Celestia’s body jolted hard and she collapsed on her side, then curled up on the ground and went into silent laughter. Her body and face still laughed, squirming and thrashing in the grass, but no sounds came from her lips. She was truly breaking. As squirm nibbled mercilessly on the vulnerable knot at the bottom of her bellybutton, she felt like he was directly attacking the nerves in her spine, as jolts of lightning flowed directly from her navel up to her brain, overwhelming her completely with maddening sensations. The entire world around Celestia disappeared, and now there was only her mind and the incessant tickling deep inside her deathly ticklish bellybutton. And soon, there wouldn’t be a mind anymore either.

Suddenly, silence. Not in terms of sound, but of the assault on her body and mind. It was gone. Celestia’s thoughts and faculties returned to her, and she realised she was no longer being tickled. The sound of her own rapid breathing came back to her first, and slowly she recovered from her complete shut-down to find Squirm hovering helplessly in the air, flailing and wiggling in place as if held there by magic. Once strength flowed back into her limbs, she carefully reached out to the insect trapped in space and noticed that her skin was white as snow. A cloud of vapour flowed from her blue lips and snowflakes scattered from her as she sat up, crunching the frozen leaves around her. She’d been wrecked so hard that she’d morphed into her winter form. She let out a breathy laugh, billowing forth more mist on her icy cold breath. She’d gone through all four of her seasonal forms in the span of several minutes. That might be a first, she mused.

She picked Squirm out of the air, ending what magic was holding him there, and the freezing touch of her palm sent him into diapause hibernation. As she watched his curled up, still body, a tiny part of her wanted to crush him in anger, but she had to admit that what he did to her had been wildly exhilarating. She could still feel the ghost of his touch, quickly rubbed her bellybutton in the hope of making it go away, and dreaded to think what would’ve happened if she hadn’t been saved by an invisible magic force.

“You’re lucky I don’t just eat you,” she growled at the bug while she shakily got to her feet, scanning the trees around her for her potential saviour.

She took one step and her right leg flinched up the moment her soft bare sole touched the sharp frozen foliage.

“Still?!” she snarled. Her sole was indeed still in a state of supernaturally heightened sensitivity wherever Squirm had touched her. “If that’s permanent, then… hrrm… that’s bad.”

She slipped her little shoes back onto her tingling feet and sighed as her soles experienced some relief. Then she noticed the frost around her begin to melt and she felt herself slowly return to autumn as she calmed down and recovered.


Another column of fire and smoke rose up in the distance causing Celestia to shrink down. This time without a roar.

“What is that? A beast? A… a dragon?” Celestia didn’t know whether to be curiously excited or cautiously terrified at the latter prospect.

Celestia snuck silently towards the source, gracefully floating through the plants and trees without snapping a single twig or even rustling a single leaf. She was quite in contrast to her earlier, playful self; she was focused. Every so often a stiff blade of grass still slipped between the halves of her shoe, tantalizing the exposed parts of her annoyingly sensitive sole and threatening to break her composure. She found herself raising her heels and bouncing around on her tiptoes just to avoid it from happening again, but that just put her arches at the exact same height as the tips of the grass, so her soft skin was assaulted by only the sharpest parts.

Despite that, she managed to reach the edge of the woods without making too much noise, and crouched down behind the last foliage before the terrain became rocky and barren as it transitioned into a collection of natural hot springs. What she saw there was a sight to behold.

Chapter 2 - Part 1 (*/F Armpit, Ribs, Breasts) Preview:
“Well?” the demoness asked with her hands on her hips. She leaned closer and bared her fangs again, but this time a red glow poured out from within, as fire roared deep within her being.

Celestia opened her mouth to try and straighten out this misunderstanding and perhaps save her own life, but it was at this moment that—inside her shirt—Squirm finally crawled onto the side of her soft breast and turned downwards to make a slow and torturously teasing journey along the extremely sensitive underside.

“N-no, I m-meahean… I wahasn’t… ffff-fuck… s-sssorry, I’m uh…”

The enraged dragon’s eyes pupils turned to dots as her eyes grew wide in offense, her irises flickering as if burning with hellfire. “Are you… mocking me?! Am I… funny to you?” She stared sternly down at the squirming elf.

“No!” Celestia screamed. This time, because Squirm had suddenly made a quick ninety degree turn upwards to find out what might lie at the peak of this squishy mountain. Then Celestia processed the question. “Aaah, still no. I don’t think you’re funny at all!” she yelped, a little too loudly.

The woman flinched back, looking even more offended than before. “I could be funny… you’re making an awful lot of assumptions.”

“No!” Celestia said again. “I mean… I’m sure you… hmpf… could b-ugh…” Her whole body tensed as she tried to gather the last of her braincells together and form a coherent thought, but it was useless. The fuzzy little caterpillar was slowly crawling its way up from the underside of her breast, scratching and pricking her skin with its tiny little claws while its fuzzy hairy body tickled like nothing she’d ever felt. And worse, she could clearly feel the effects of its magical secretions taking effect, leaving any skin he touched several times more sensitive. She wanted to appeal to this beautiful but powerful being standing before her, but her brain was rapidly turning to mush as this cursed little insect approached her petite nipple, which was already fully erect in anticipation.

She took a deep breath. “I… hmpf… offer you my… ngngng… deepest apologiEHEsss for aaahhh… offfff-hmmm-offending you.” She summoned all the strength of her ancestors to make it through this apology and rattled off the rest of her words in rapid succession. “I am merely so intimidated by your presence oh fiery one!”

The dragoness stared as the much smaller girl bowed her head in respect, then she smiled. “Good, as you should be.”

Thanks for reading! Chapter 2 should be posted up soon. I really appreciate any comments, or ideas for what you would like to happen to poor Celestia and Azraelle in the future (you'll meet Azraelle next chapter).
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