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Ghost's Ticklish Quest, Prologue III


TMF Expert
Jan 21, 2005
Despite having spent the whole night being tickled by Pixies, Ghost was by no means tired when she reached the town, and took a few minutes to look around. It was a modest sized town, with all the amenities one would expect, and seemed to be popular with travellers. She could have made a decent haul here, but she didn’t come to steal, unfortunately. Against her will, she came to be tickled so some witch could profit from it. When the curse was gone, Hazel would be sorry she messed with her. It was easy enough to figure out where to sign up, a stand just beyond the gate bore a sign that said “Tickle Tournament”. A smaller sign below it announced a “Win Gold by Laughing!” Despite every ounce of her being mentally screaming not to, she walked up to the stand, where she saw the rules posted.

1. Each contestant will strip to their underwear, only their chest and crotch may be covered
2. Each contestant will be bound and tickled by two woman until they give up
3. When only one contestant remains, they are declared the winner
4. When a winner is declared, the bonus round begins
5. The longer the winner can go without giving up, the larger their bonus prize
6. Should any contestant be forced to give up due to safety concerns, their entry fee will be refunded
7. Should any contestant prove not to be suitably ticklish, they will be disqualified and their entry fee will be refunded
8. Woman only, no children

Ghost REALLY did not want to go through with this, but she literally had no choice. Unable to control herself, she signed up, receiving a certificate of participation. The entrance fee was quite small, she imagined not a lot of people were anxious to sign up as it was. Next, she decided to get some breakfast. Hazel had left her more than enough money for the two days before the contest, but she still only ate a modest amount, and secured lodging at a decently priced inn. Next she hit the baths, the warm water relaxing her stomach muscles, tired from laughing all night long. The rest of the day went by much faster the Ghost would have liked. With one day left before the contest, she spent the next day exploring the town, including taking a moment to look at the location where the contest was to be held.

It had once been a gladiator arena, but such violent pastimes had been outlawed in this region several generations of monarchs ago. It had since been repurposed as a theater, the blood-stained sand pit replaced with a wooden stage that allowed the audience to view it from all directions. This day, too, passed much quicker than she would have liked, as is often the way of things, and before long, she turned in for the night.

She awoke the next day feeling nervous. After some deliberation, she decided not to bring her lucky feather to the theater. She didn’t want to think about what might happen if they discovered she was walking around with a tickling instrument tucked under her clothes. When she arrived in what was now a costume room, she found two woman already there, engaged in a conversation. Ghost, however, did not feel like talking. She stripped down to her bra and underwear, revealing her pale, soft, highly ticklish body, which turned red with embarrassment when she noticed one of the two woman staring at her with a smirk. She was appeared to be in her late 30s, with shoulder length brown hair and a curvy frame under her green bikini.

In the end, 4 other women had signed up, and after they had all arrived and undressed, they were lead out to the pit, the crowd cheering. It seems as if the whole town showed up, and likely many visitors. Town guardsmen were posted around the edge of the pit, presumably to keep anyone from interfering with the half-naked woman in the middle, for which Ghost was thankful. The crowd looked to be mostly men, but a surprising number of woman had showed up. She tried to find Hazel, but there were too many people, assuming Hazel was even watching. In the middle of the pit were 5 racks arranged in a circle, padded with supple leather. Each one was flanked by 2 women wearing white masks displaying a large smile, and wearing a plain white tunic and tights, an emblem of a pair of crossed black feathers on their chest, with feet that were bare save for the tights. A trail of carpet lead to the middle of the stage, feeling soft against Ghost’s own soft feet. She wanted badly to leave, but was helpless to stop herself from letting the two masked woman tie her to the device. They bound her hands in a pair of leather manacles attached to a single rope, while her feet were locked a similar set at the bottom of the device. They then tightened it, just enough that she was pulled taut, exposing her ticklish sides, from her pits to her hips. It was next tilted she was lying flat. To her surprise, the table then split in the middle, the two halves folding down slightly, elevating her stomach. She quickly realized this pulled her stomach taut, leaving it as vulnerable as her sides. She now knew why the contest was held in this pit. If it were on a stage, they’d have to put the rack straight up, to remain visible, and that would make her lower half harder to reach. Not that she would have minded that. Finally, the masked woman bound her big toes with a strip of leather, and tied it to a small brass ring between her knees, pulling her feet taut. She was now virtually immobile, and all her ticklish spots were stretched out.

“And now” boomed the judge “to reiterate the rules. Each contestant will be tickled by her two masked ticklers until she says “I give up”. The ticklers will not show any mercy, and will tickle the contestants anywhere they think is ticklish. When 4 of them have given up, the 5th will be declared the winner, and the bonus round begins. It will last 5 minutes for every 20 minutes that had passed, or 15 minutes an hour. It will not last less than 15 minutes, or more than 1 hour. She will win an extra 1% of the prize for every 5 minutes that pass.”

“Let the laughter begin”. He rang a small bell, and the two masked woman descended on Ghost. Her first reaction was to shy away, but she couldn’t even twitch. They started at her head, intent on testing every spot of her before trying to make her give up. They started with her ears, their nails teasing them, while Ghost giggled. Then they moved down to her neck, as she tried in vain to protect it by moving her head. When they reached her armpits, she began laughing. They tormented her smooth pits without mercy, while she struggled to pull her hands down.

“HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA WAIT HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA GO HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA EASY HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Of course they didn’t, but she couldn’t help but beg them to. She wanted to tell them not to tickle her, but evidently her inability to give up mean she couldn’t say anything that involved them stopping. They continued to move downwards, tickling her always sensitive, quite vulnerable ribcage, their nails sliding between each ribs over the sensitive skin. Next they scratched her stomach, which, drawn taut by the folded rack, was quite a bit more sensitive than normal.

“AAAAAH! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA THAT’S HAHAHAHAHA NOT HAHAHA FAIR!” She objected, but alas, they either disagreed or didn’t care. They slid their nails down her legs, squeezing her sensitive knees, as she tried to bend her legs to escape. However, the tight rack proved to make any such movement impossible, and all she could do was lie there and continue her laughter. Next up were her feet, and the two woman proved to be much better ticklers then the pixies. Their nails raked over her soft soles, as she tried to scrunch them helplessly. Her inability to do so allowed them easily access to the bottoms of her toes, which they attacked with apparent delight, reveling in her torment. Finally, satisfied with their test, they set to work, one going for her pits, the other staying at her feet.

“HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA” All Ghost could do was laugh, not even bothering to beg anymore. She was helpless to end this torment, dependent on the others giving in. And so she lay there, stretched and tickled, as the two masked women moved all over her body, going from one spot to the next, never letting up, or letting her adjust to a pattern. The crowd mingled with each other, some leaving, other coming, and most only half paying attention but enjoying the gathering. One by one the other contestants gave up, leaving the pit a giggling mess until after almost two hours, only the girl to Ghost’s left remained. It was the same girl who had been staring at her before the contest.



“WHAT HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA?” If she was telling the truth, this was bad news for Ghost. Seeing as she couldn’t give up, she had no choice but to be tickled until this girl did. But if she was enjoying it, this could last for hours!


“HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA THEN YOU HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA BEST HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA TOUGH HAHAHAHAHA IT HAHAHAHAHA OUT HAHAHAHAHAHAHA BECAUSE HAHAHAHAHAHA I’M NOT HAHAHAHAHAHAHA DONE YET HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” And so the two continued to be tickled, Ghost silently cursing the strange girl who enjoyed tickling, who in turn laughed helplessly but happily. Finally, after half an hour, she spoke up,



“HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I HAHAHAHAHAHAHA GIVE UP!” The girl yelled, and her two ticklers stopped. As they unstrapped her, the judge yelled “Looks like we have a winner! And with just a hair over three hours having passed, the bonus round will last for 45 minutes!” Ghost was relieved, but also apprehensive. She did not want to be tickled another 45 minutes, but then again, it didn’t matter what she wanted at this point. Surprisingly, the strange girl didn’t leave the pit, but instead leaned back and watched as the two masked women continued to tickle Ghost as if they hadn’t even realized she’d won.

“Mind if I have a go?” asked the strange girl, who had been eyeing Ghost hungrily, after 15 minutes.

“Be our guest” replied one of the two ticklers, as the pair stepped back. With a wolfish grin, she straddled Ghost’s legs, and set upon her, digging her hands into the soft flesh of her inner thighs, as Ghost continued to helplessly laugh.

“You say you just really need the gold, but I think you enjoying this more than you’re letting on.” She whispered “The bonus isn’t nearly high enough for someone who hates tickling to go through another 45 minutes. But don’t worry, your secret’s safe with me.” At this point, Ghost was too tired to respond. The girl’s nails tormented her thighs, scratching over ever ticklish inch without mercy.

“Hmm, I wonder if you’re hiding a ticklish spot under this?” said the girl, as she slipped off Ghost’s bra with a quick movement, to the delight of the crowd. She then set to work tickling the soft underside of Ghost’s breasts, who in turn laughed with renewed vigour. She had discovered previously that her breasts were ticklish when the pixies pulled a feather between them, but that was nothing compared to the effects the sharp nails had on the sensual skin.


“Too much? I always found mine were more sensitive than the rest of me, which I guess makes sense. And I don’t think I’m half as ticklish as you, with your soft pale skin. Why don’t you ask me to tickle your ribs if you don’t like me tickling there?”


“Well, if you want me to stop completely, then give up. Now tell me how much you love having your ribs tickled.”


“Well, you heard her” said the girl with a sly grin, looking at the two masked ticklers. “She really wants her ribs tickled.” Without hesitation, the pair eagerly attacked her ribs, 8 nails running up and down each side.


“Me, a liar? That’s not very nice. I never said I would tickle your ribs instead if you admitted you loved it. I think you should be punished for calling me that.”

Ghost would have objected she was already being punished enough, but the girl bent down and blew a raspberry on Ghost’s bellybutton, before she stuck her tongue right into the sensitive spot, making Ghost laughed too hard to respond.


Ghost was almost too tired to even realize she had won. The girl helped Ghost out of the pit, the latter too tired to walk. As she put her clothes back on, the girl then struck up a conversation with her while doing the same “Sorry, I guess I got carried away there. I just never met someone who could take so much tickling. Why don’t you join me for a drink? Hell, I’ll even buy the first round.” Ghost hesitated, but in the end she accepted. Especially after the girl said “If you refuse, I may be upset with you, and who knows what I’ll do” and prodded Ghost’s ribs.

“I’m Ghost, by the way”


The tavern was fairly crowded, most of the patrons having come from the contest, and taking a moment to congratulate Ghost. She joined Lacy at a table in the corner, and struck up a conversation with her as they drank.

“So why’d you give up? It couldn’t be just because I wanted the money”

“Actually, I normally give up. I do well enough for myself as a trader, so I don’t need the money. Like I said, I just love being tickled, so I always make a point of being here for the contest. It’s usually just locals competing, and I often give up as soon as the last one does, and just declare her the winner. But you lasted so long, I decided to see if they’d let me tickle you myself. So what do you do?”

“Oh, you know, just a wander” Ghost said, trying to avoid the question. Lacy looked at her suspiciously, but didn’t force the issue. As the two continued to chat, Lacy proved to be quit the drinker, while Ghost stopped after a few. Unfortunately for her, as Lacy got drunker, she started poking Ghost in the ribs, soon backing her into the corner, with a sadistic grin. Finally, Ghost managed to slip to the side, and bid Lacy goodbye. Lacy, in return, teased with a drunken smirk “You won’t get a way so easily next time we meet.” Ghost didn’t like the idea of Lacy tickling her again, but she seemed nice enough, and Ghost kind of hoped she would bump into her again one day. She’d just have to remember to leave before she got drunk. At this point, it had grown dark, and Ghost had grown tired, so she returned to the inn.

When she unlocked the door to her room, she was only somewhat surprised to see Hazel sitting on the bed. She hadn’t expected, however, that Hazel would be lightly stroking her face with her lucky feather. Ghost quickly closed the door.

“Sorry, but I sensed some ‘energy’ coming from this feather, and had to find it. Seems a certain little thief actually enjoyed a bit of tickling. If you wish, I could tickle you right now, wherever you want.” She said with a wink. Ghost’s face turned bright red, and she stammered out a refusal, snatching the feather back and sliding it under her bra.

“Here’s the money” she said, passing Hazel the purse “Now remove the curse”.

“Of course, of course. Here, drink this” replied Hazel, passing her a vial of bluish liquid. Ghost drank it, and almost immediately felt her muscles tire. Her legs collapsed, and she crumpled as Hazel caught her. She tried to speak, but couldn’t even move her mouth.

“You still haven’t learned not to drink whatever I give you, have you? Or maybe you were hoping I would tickle you again” Hazel teased with a smirk, as she began undressing Ghost. “You know, I don’t think I need the money after all. You can go ahead and keep it, as an apology from me for misleading you.”

Ghost suddenly grew very nervous. Though she couldn’t speak, her question was obvious.

“How did I mislead you, you’re wondering? Well you’ll recall I never actually said that if you won the contest, I’d remove the curse. My exact words were ‘I suppose you want to know what it will take to make me remove it’. Then I commanded you to win the contest. Although you probably assumed I would remove it if you won, it could also be taken to mean I’d tell you what you need to do to make me remove it if you won. And the answer: nothing, because I can’t.”

Ghost felt scared and angry at the same time. Was she supposed to have random women tickling her for the rest of her life?

“Don’t worry, there is a way to remove it. I take it you’ve heard of the Springs of Light? Blink if you have”. Ghost blinked. The Springs of Light were hot springs far to the north, said to be able to rejuvenate a person.

“Then you’ve probably heard about their healing properties. Well, the stories about them are mostly not true. However, they do have an effect few know of. They can remove almost any curse, including mine. So all you have to do is go bathe in them. Of course, they’re far away, and I’m sure you’ll run into all kinds of woman who will be affected by the curse, but that’s what you get for trying to rob an old lady.”

“Now, I’m sure once you get rid of the curse, you’ll want some revenge. Which is why I gave you that potion. You see, it did more than just numb your body. When you awake tomorrow, you won’t remember me, or the curse. You will, however, have a compulsion to go and bathe in the hot springs.” She finished stripping away Ghost’s clothes, placing them in her magic satchel. To Ghost’s humiliation, Hazel had stripped her down completely, and was looking over her pale, hairless body. She turned to leave after she placed Ghost in bed.

She started through the door, before turning towards the helpless thief “Oh, one last little magic trick. That little feather or yours? Whenever someone tickling you finds it now, they’ll want to use it to ‘tease’ you, if you catch my drift. And you should find it enjoyable no matter where it tickles you, whether it’s a ‘sensitive’ spot, or just a ticklish one. Of course, you won’t remember that either, but you will want to always keep it tucked in there.” With a grin, she added “Don’t worry, with your thin, skimpy outfit, I’m sure people won’t need take your top off too often to tickle you.” She then closed the door, as Ghost sat in the darkness, planning a revenge for a slight she would soon forgot.

She awoke to the sun shining through the cracks in the window’s shutter shining on her face. Her throat felt sore, but she supposed that was from all the laughing she did at the contest yesterday. She got out of bed, to discover she had gone to sleep nude. Strange, she never did that. Getting dressed, she reflected on the contest. Why the hell had she entered it? Not that it mattered anymore. What mattered is she had won, and the gold was safe in her magic satchel. She couldn’t remember where she had gotten it, but it was remarkably useful. It held much more than its size indicated, and no one ever noticed it. Quiet useful to a thief.

Gathering up her things, she reflected on the journey ahead. She had to reach the Spring of Light. She though “why?” for a second, but that thought vanished almost immediately, as she tucked her lucky feather into her cleavage. Before long, she was out of town, hitching a ride of a cart going north.

End of Prologue
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