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Gilligan’s Island - Island Madness

Tickler Bart

2nd Level Orange Feather
Aug 12, 2001
Gilligan’s Island
Island Madness
by Barton J. Donnelly

10 years on the island has made the 7 castaways very close. They’re a family to each other now. & like all families, there is the occasional sibling rivalry. This story is about Ginger & Maryann. They can be like sisters at times, but they are such opposites that their personalities tend to clash more often than not.
Living in the same hut has been frustrating for Maryann, especially.
She’s tolerated Ginger’s ’holier-than-thou’ attitude & her prima donna upbringing. Maryann is a VERY patient girl. . . up to a point. & her patience is almost exhausted.
Then, Ginger, being her usual self-obsorbed self, sent Maryann over the edge . . .
It was almot 11 AM. Ginger was still asleep.
Maryann burst into the hut she shared with Ginger.
Ginger, still in bed & half asleep.
“Wha? What’s wrong now, Maryann?”
Maryann was really angry & screamed as loud as she could.
She moved closer to the startled Ginger. her voice became lower, but just as forceful.
“Looks like I’m gonna have to teach Miss Prima Donna a lesson.”
Ginger was fully awake now from Maryann’s tirade. She shot back, “Listen to me, Mary Poppins. I told you a thousand times. I DON’T . . DO . . . HOUSEWORK.”
Maryann’s face turned beet red. Her eyes were blazing with pure hatred for this woman.
Without thinking, Maryann grabbed Gingers’s wrists & they struggled for a few moments.
Maryann’s anger made her fearless & stronger.
She noticed part of a bamboo rope that was used to tie Ginger’s bed together hanging from her bed post.
She held Ginger’s wrists with one hand while she reached over & grabbed the hanging piece of bamboo rope.
Maryann wrapped the bamboo rope around Ginger’s wrists a few times so that Ginger’s arms were now over her head & behind her, leaving no room for much movement.
Maryann, then stepped back & whispered, “Now I‘ve got you, you spoiled brat.”
Ginger was frantically trying to get herself loose, but Maryann secured her well to the bed post.
“What are you gonna do?” Ginger started to panic.
Maryann had a devilish look on her face that Ginger never saw before.
In a manacingly low voice, Maryann said, “Everyone else is on the other side of the island. They’ll never hear you scream.”
Ginger was really frightened now.
“You’ve gone mad, Maryann. Stop this now before you go too far.”
“Too far? Hah. I haven’t even begun yet.”
Ginger struggled again. “Let… me.. GOOO.”
“Sorry, HONEY. It’s almost time for your first lesson.”
Maryann pulled the covers off of Ginger. Ginger was wearing a very short nighty. Maryann saw her legs.
“Oh, yes. We must keep your legs from flailing all over the place.”
She turned to leave. When she got to the door she turned back at Ginger & said, “Be right back. Don’t go anywhere. Hahaha.”
When Ginger was alone, she struggled frantically to get loose. She tried in vain to undo the knot that Maryann made. She didn’t want to break a nail, so she tried with the sides of her fingers. Didn’t work.
Maryann came back with some more bamboo rope.
“Miss me?”
Ginger was getting angry now.
“Shut up you lunatic. Get me outta this thing.”
“That’s it. Keep it up. You’ll only make it worse.”
Then, out of shear desperation, Ginger used the only form of persuasion she knew very well. . .Seduction.
In a low sexy, soft voice, Ginger said, “Maryann. . . Please don’t do this.”
Maryann stopped & looked at her in disbelief. “You ARE kidding, right?”
“Oh, please stop this, whatever it is you’re think of doing.”
“Sorry. No more time for 2nd, 3rd or 4th chances. I’ve had to put up with you for 10 years. 10.. YEARS. No more, Ginger.”
Maryann grabbed Ginger’s left ankle & quickly wrapped the bamboo rope around it, then secured it to the corner of the bed. All the while Ginger was trying to kick her, but being so lazy, she didn’t have the strength to really stop her.
Maryann, then, secured her right foot to the other corner.
She stepped back & admired her handi-work.
“See Ginger? When you do chores, you learn how to do all kinds of things. Like how to make knots that cannot be easily undone. I learned that from building this hut with the others while you stood there & filed your nails.”
“I have to look good for my fans.”
That hurt Ginger‘s feelings, but Maryann couldn‘t care less.
Maryann’s rage began to build up again from Ginger’s self-obsorbed remark.
Maryann went to her dresser drawer & pulled out a small stiff feather.
She showed it to Ginger.
“I’ve been saving this for a special occasion.”
Ginger looked at the feather & didn‘t make the connection right away. Then it dawned on her. Her eyes bulged out. “Oh NO. Maryann… You wouldn’t… You COULDN’T”.
“Oh, I would & I could. . . & I WILL!“
Maryann brought the feather closer to Ginger‘s exposed armpits.
The tip of the feather made contact with Ginger’s smooth hollowed armpit.
“Kitchy kitchy koo, Ginger. Tickle tickle tickle.”
Maryann stroked Ginger’s sensitive armpits for about 5 or 6 minutes.
Ginger jumped all over the bed, but still was not able to get loose.
Ginger snapped (No pun intended) , “HAHAHAHA STOP IT YOU CRAZY- HAHAHAHAHAHA!”
“My my. Ginger is so tickly under her arms, aren’t you? Yes you are. A-tickle tickle tickle, Ginger.”
Maryann puts the feather down.
Ginger, trying to catch her breath says, “Oh thank you. I’ve (gasp) learned my (Wheeze) lesson now.”
“Learned your lesson? Ginger. . . this is just the beginning. A warm up. Now it’s time for your first lesson. This is called, ‘Common Courtesy 101’”
Maryann picked up the feather & walked over to Ginger’s bare feet.
Ginger began to really panic.
“Oh no. No no. Maryann. NO. You Can’t tickle my feet. That is too mean. Even for you.”
“I can… & I WILL.”
Maryann crouched down at Ginger’s soft feet. Ginger’s feet were perfectly pedicured. No callouses, no redness, not a hint of dryness. Maryann held Ginger’s right foot in her hand.
“I must admit, Ginger. . . I DO have perfect feet.”
“Oh thanks. I try my best to keep them - HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA”
Maryann stroked Ginger’s bare sole with the feather.
“The softer your feet, the more ticklish they become.”
“Kitchy kitchy Ginger! Oh you love this. Admit it.”
Maryann put the feather down & started to use her nails. She scribbled the ball of her foot.
Ginger started screaming & laughing so loud & hard that Maryann thought she might have a stroke.
Maryann stopped for a moment to make sure Ginger was alright.
When Ginger was breathing normally again, Maryann tickled her foot again. She held Ginger’s toes & pulled them back. She then raked Ginger’s taut sole & heel.
Ginger started to laugh silently as Maryann’s nails slowly scritched her sole.
After a 6 long minutes of this intense tickle torture, Maryann stopped.
Ginger was almost passed out from the intense sensations inflicted by Maryann.
She was dazed from lack of oxygen to her brain & lungs.
Maryann left the hut to get some water.
When she returned, she gave Ginger a few sips of the water.
Ginger’s breathing returned to normal.
“Ok, Maryann. I‘ve learned my lesson. I’ll do my share from now on.”
“We’re not done yet. Lesson 2 - Consideration Of Others 101”
Maryann crouched down again at Ginger’s feet.
“OOH, no.. Not my feet again.”
“Yes, Ginger. We must complete the lesson. So you’ll learn better.”
“Oh God please no.”
Maryann held Ginger’s left foot & began to slowly stroke her sole.
Ginger’s eyes werer closed tightly, her lips quivered. Her body shook . She grit her teeth, trying so hard not to laugh. Finally .. . “MWAA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!”
“There ya go, Ginger. Good girl.”
Ginger’s mind was no longer on the island. She didn’t know where she was anymore. She just knew that her foot was being tickled & she had no way of stopping it.
Maryann scritched the ball of Ginger’s foot & under her toes. Ginger’s toes flexed in & out at Maryann’s gentleness.
After what seemed like an eternity, Maryann, mercifully stopped tickling Ginger’s foot.
She stood up & watched Ginger still cunvulsing & laughing.
She walked over to her & whispered, “Have you learned your lesson now, Ginger?”
“Yes.. Yes. please no more tickling.”
“Remember this day, Ginger. The next time you shirk your chores, you WILL be tickled.”
Ginger was finally catching her breath.
“I swear, Maryann. I’ll do my share from now on.”
“Are you sure you’re not just saying that?”
“No, really. Please untie me now. I’ll do my part. I swear.”
Feeling confident that Ginger may be sincere, Maryann untied her.
After being untied, Ginger rubbed her wrists. As Maryann was leaving the hut, she turned to Ginger.
“Oh, & by the way. . . If you EVER tell any of the others about this, you WILL get it a lot worse. BELIEVE me.”
“Oh, I believe you Maryann. I do.”
Feeling humbled by Maryann’s method of control, Ginger quickly showered & got dressed, hoping that Maryann would not still be angry with her.
During the course of the day, Ginger was uncharacteristically quiet & obedient to Maryann’s demands.
Maryann felt confident that she did the right thing & helped Ginger become a better person & contribute possitively to the survival of all concerned.
That evening, while Maryann slept in the bed next to her, Ginger began to plan her revenge. . .

End of part 1

Gingers’s Revenge

Ginger Grant lay in her bed every eveninmg for 2 weeks after Maryann went Tickle Mad on her. Ginger never felt so humiliated in all her life. She would never let that farm girl get away with what she put her through, so she thought up a scheme to get her revenge on Maryann. It was just a matter of timing.
Ginger wanted to give Maryann a false sense of security, so she played along for 2 weeks doing everything ’proper’. Maryann couldn’t be happier. Every once in a while, when they were doing chores together, Maryann would give Ginger a little dig, making snide comments to tease Ginger.
“See Ginger? Isn’t it better this way when we’re ALL doing our part?”
Ginger, looking rather plain without her ’glamour’ make-up & slinky dresses, just muttered, “Uh, yeah.”
Ginger’s anger was building up. She was ready to exact her revenge on her co-called ’friend’ Maryann.
It was 2 weeks & 3 days after that Tickle Madness happened when the Professor made an announcement around the breakfat table.
“Alright everyone. It’s been 2 weeks & 3 days since our last visit to the other side of the island. After careful calculations, I believe we may have an answer to our water supply problems. We must go back & re-check those hot springs before I can make a final deduction.”
The skipper, Jonas Grumby, whined, “Aww, Professor…do we really HAVE to go back there?”
“I’m afraid so, Skipper.”
Gilligan chimes in, “Not as afraid as I am, Professor. Those caves are scary. Even for me”
“My little buddy has a point there, Professor. they kinda give ME the willies too.”
The Professor became sterner, “Now, look people. . this is too important to let some dark caves scare you.”
Mr. Thurston Howell III stands to address the group. “The Captain is absolutely correct, Professor. We simply can’t return to those dark damp caves.” He shivers in exaggeration. “B-r-r-r-r.”
The Professor becomes agitated. “Listen to me everyone. This is NOT up for debate. We MUST go back & we’re going back NOW.”
Everyone started to disperse the table & heads for their respective huts, grumbling to themselves.
“I don’t wanna go back there, Skipper.”
“I don’t blame ya, Little Buddy. But the Professor says it’s important, so we gotta go.”
“Thurston, dahling, I do hope we won’t see any more of those dreadful bugs like last time.”
“We’ll just leave the bug-busting to the Skipper, Gilligan & the Professor, shall we?”
“Oh, Thurston, you think of everything.”
Ginger was excited about being alone again with Maryann for the entire day. Now she can put her plan into action.
The others have been gone for about an hour . . .
Ginger’s daily morning chore was to make the beds. She prepared Maryann’s bed while Maryann was cleaning the breakfast table. Ginger found & used the same bamboo rope that Maryann used on her. She tied one end of each rope to the corners of the bed, then hid the rope so Maryann wouldn’t get suspicious.
She also discovered a few exotic feathers during the past 2 weeks & hid them under her bed.
Maryann had no idea what was about to happen to her. Ginger . . . was ready.
Ginger decided to put her make-up on & dress in her usual sexy attire.
Maryann walked into the hut & saw Ginger putting the final touches on her face.
“What are you doing? We still have the laundry to do & gather fruits for lunch.”
Ginger got up & turned to face Maryann.
“Change of plans, Maryann.”
“What do you mean, ‘change of plans’? You’re not going back to the way you were, are you?”
“Not ONLY I am ‘going back’ to the way I was, but so are YOU.”
Ginger rushed Maryann & grabbed her by the shoulders. She pushed Maryann towards her bed.
“What are you DOING? Are you crazy?”
“Not as crazy YOU were 2 & a half weeks ago.”
Ginger managed to throw Maryann onto her bed. Maryann tried to get up but Ginger’s strength increased since she’s been doing actual work for 2 weeks.
Ginger quickly grabbed Maryann’s wrists with one hand & reached behind the headboard with the other.
She pulled out the bamboo rope from the right side of the bed & quickly wrapped it around Maryann’s right wrist. Maryann half-struggled die to the shear shock of Ginger’s actions. This was so unexpected that Maryann didn’t know how to react right away.
Ginger grabbed Maryann’s left wrist & pulled put the other rope. After securing her wrists to the head board, Ginger stepped back to observe Maryann’s reactions.
“Now for your feet.”
“Now wait a minute, Ginger. You can’t do this to me. I was only trying to help you be a better person.”
“Be a better person? HAH. Here? Who cares? There’ only the 7 of us. Besides. . . I LIKE who I am.”
Maryann began to panic. “Oh please, Ginger. I promise not be so hard on you next time.”
“Next time? NEXT time? Listen, sweetie. After this, there won’t BE any NEXT time.”
Ginger wrapped the rope around each ankle & secured them to the corners of the bed.
Maryann’s heart was pounding furiously. Her breathing became a little heavy. Ginger saw this & commented, “Oh, honey. You’d better calm down. You‘re gonna need to breathe while I stroke your bare soles.”
Maryann’s eyes bulged. “Oh NO. Ginger NOO. PLEASE! don’t tickle my feet.”
“That’s funny… I remember saying that same thing to you a few weeks back. You didn’t listen… so why should I?”
Ginger bent down & untied Maryann’s shoe laces. Then she slipped them off without much of resistance.
Maryann’s mind was reeling. She didn’t know what to do or say, not that it would help matters at this point. her rationale was beginning to fade.
“I’ll - I’ll make you deal. You let me go & I’ll do all the housework like I used to.. Okay? You Don’t have to lift a finger?”
“Sorry . . No deal.” Ginger walked over to the bound Maryann.
“Besides… I WILL lift a finger. THIS one.” Ginger lifted her index finger & wiggled it. Her red nail polish still glistening in the bright morning sunshine that covered the hut’s opened window.
“NO NO. Please don’t… Pleeease?”
“Time to go to WORK…”
Ginger went to her own bed & bent down. She raeched under her bed & pulled out 2 feathers. One was small & stiff. it was black. the other feather was longer & wider. it was pure white.
Maryann looked at them in horror. Knowing full well what the intent was, she asked the quiestion anyway. “Wha… what are you gonna do with THOSE?”
“Oh, Don’t be so naive, Maryann. I’m gonna tickle you with them, silly.”
Ginger gave Maryann a sadistic evil grin. Maryann never saw that expression on Ginger’s face before, & that scared her even more.
“Now..” Twirling the feathers, one in each hand. “Where to begin.”
“PLEASE Ginger.. NO….”
“Hmm, ya know Maryann. I’ve always like the way you tie your shirt just above your belly, like it is now. Now I can get your belly & sides without much effort.”
Maryann’s energy returned, trying desparately to yank herself out of the ropes. She was about to scream.
Ginger slowly walked over to Maryann & sat down at her right side. Ginger reached over with feathers in hands & began to tickle Maryann’s armpits. The feathers slid up & down Maryann’s exposed arm pits.
“Does that tickle you, sweetie?”
“Sorry Hon. No speakie de inglie. Hee hee.”
“We’ve just started. I still need to tickle your feet. But I‘ll save THAT for last.”
The feathers moved down to Maryann’s bare midrift. Dancing all around her bare skin.
Maryann was bouncing all over the bed, but remained secured to the bed posts.
Ginger was having a splendid time. “OOHH, this is so much fun.”
Ginger put the feathers down to let Maryann catch her breath.
Ginger’s long nails wiggled in front of Maryann’s face.
Ginger taunted Maryann. “I’m gonna tick-le you, Maryann. Tick-le tick-le tick-le.”
“What’s that? You want more? Ohh kaayyy..”
“Yes. You said, ‘NOO… MORE!’”
Ginger began tickling Maryann‘s armpits with her long red nails. Ever so lightly, Ginger‘s nails whisped up & down Maryann‘s sensitive pits. Maryann was jumping up & down in her bonds. She started to sweat.
Ginger held Maryann’s right elbow down as she continued to lightly tickle her armpits, sides, belly & ribs. Maryann rolled from side to side, trying get away from Ginger’s dainty fingers.
“Gitchy gitchy gooo, Maryann. You are just a tickle toy today.”
‘Would you like me to stop tickling your armpits, honey?”
“Okay. I’ll stop.”
Ginger ceased her assault on Maryann’s ultra-ticklish upper body. Maryann was sweating & breathing heavy. Her chest heaved up & down in labored breathing.
Ginger got up & headed for the door. “Be right back. Don‘t go anywhere. Hee hee.”
While Maryann was recovering from her tickle torture, Ginger went to get some water for herself, & for her ticklish captive.
When Ginger retuned, Maryann was fully recovered & started to yell at Ginger. “WAIT UNTIL I GET OUT OF THIS. YOU’LL GET YOURS YOU . . .YOU…”
“You what? Say it Maryann. Say what you want to say to me. It can‘t get any worse for you.”
Maryann lowered her voice until it was almost inaudible. “You… bitch”
Ginger couldn‘t believe what came out of Maryann’s mouth.
When Maryann tickled Ginger so severely, Ginger never cursed at her. This hurt Ginger more than the humiliation of being tickle tortured.
This changed Ginger’s demeaner almost immediately. She was just playing with Maryann up until now. But now she she went too far. Ginger’s re-newed determination went into full throttle.
She walked over to Maryann’s bare feet. She sat down on the floor at her bare soles in front of her face.
Ginger was re-enacting almost every move that Maryann made on her. Now it’s different. NOW she wants Maryann to really suffer.
With re-newed vigor, Ginger began to lightly stroke Maryann’s bare soles.
Ginger needed to yell over Maryann’s screaming & laughing.
Ginger scr-r-r-raped Maryann’s bare soles up & down with such enthusiasm & delight that she was beginning to LIKE tickling her hut-mate.
Maryann was laughing & screaming from the intense foot tickling. She thrashed her head from side to side, struggling so desparately to get her bare soles away from Ginger’s gentle touch.
Maryann didn’t have any clue as to how to stop Ginger’s assault.
Ginger played with Maryann’s flexing toes.
Maryann’s eyes wearing tearing up. Her voice was beginning to crack.
She coughed. Ginger, mercifully, stopped tickling Maryann’s bare soles.
Ginger watched Maryann’s chest heaving up & down. Her breathing was labored.
Maryann’s only other defense was to break down & cry. Between her panting & catching her breath, she said, “No…more.. please…Ginger…”
Ginger looked her Maryann’s face & saw that she seemed truly sorry.
She walked over to Maryann.
“Are you REALLY sorry, Maryann?”
“YES! YES! Please, don’t tickle my feet anymore.”
Tears of desparation were streaming down Maryann’s reddened face.
“Do you promise to treat me with the same respect as the others?”
Ginger pondered Maryann’s plea for mercy.
She say down next to Maryann. She looked deep into Maryann’s eyes.
Maryann was weeping uncontrollably now.
That made Ginger feel sorry for her little tickle slave.
“Alright, Maryann. I’ll let you go. But you promise to. . “
“To give you the same respect as the others.. Yes, I promise.”
“Alright. I’ll untie you.”
As Ginger began to untie Maryann’s wrists, she said, “& if you say a word to any of the others about this, I WILL tickle your feet a lot worse than this.”
“I promise. I won’t say a word to anyone.”
As Ginger continued to untie Maryann, a shadowy figure lurked near the window, just outside the hut.
Gilligan couldn’t believe what he just witnessed.
The Professor sent Gilligan back to retrieve some notes he left on his desk.
Gilligan saw & heard almost the whole scene.
& that gave him an idea . . . . . . . . .

The End ???
Gilligan couldn’t believe what he just witnessed. The Professor sent Gilligan back to retrieve some notes he left on his desk. Gilligan saw & heard almost the whole scene. & that gave him an idea . . . . . . . . .
How about this...
Quickly Gilligan entered the hut and said, "Ginger! A boat just arrived on the other side of the island with a video crew that's been taping a documentary. We mentioned to the director that you were here, and he asked me to get you for an immediate on-camera interview! You go ahead and I'll untie Maryann!"

Ginger streaked out of the hut.

Gilligan waited until she was out of sight, then he knelt by Maryann's still bound feet. Picking up one of the feathers he said, "I guess it's just not your day, lady!" 😉
GREAT ending.
I will include this as an Alternate Ending.
Or . . . I'll start another story as a Sequel.
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