Three old men were sat around talking in their nursing home. The first, who was sixty, said, "Sixty is the worst age to be. You feel like you want to wee all the time, then when you stand waiting at the toilet nothing happens." "Rot," said the seventy year old, "seventy is the worst age to be. You sit on the toilet all day after taking your laxatives and bran, and nothing happens." The eighty year old pipes up, "Actually, eighty is the worst age of all." "How come? Do you have trouble in the toilet area as well?" asked the others. The eighty year old said, "Not! I pee every morning at 7AM sharp and my bowel movements are perfectly timed at 7.30AM." "Sounds great to me. So what's so tough about being eighty?" asked the sixty year old. "I don't wake up 'till ten." 😱