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GLAT Gathering Was a Success!


1st Level Black Feather
Oct 12, 2001
Well, after months of planning, weeks of hectic anxiety, and finally a weekend of ticklish fun, hysterical jokes and antics, and making lots of new friends, the first GLAT gathering has finally come to an end.

It got off to a shaky start. Thanks to the ever reliable transportation system, and a curse of HORRIBLE weather in the area, many folks arrived much later than anticipated. But by Saturday morning the weather had cleared, everyone had arrived, and the fun REALLY got under way. We had a FABULOUS time, and I have since come to the conclussion that the tk community is comprised of some of the FUNNIEST damn people on the planet. I don't think more than 10 minutes passed this weekend where I was not laughing and snorting hysterically over some asinine antics of several members of the GLAT party. You guys ROCK!!

I'd like to thank EVERYONE who attended and helped to make the first GLAT gathering a success. You all are the greatest, and I am all the richer for having met you. You all played your part in making this past weekend one I will NEVER forget, and it will be a long time before I can look back on it without busting into a fit of giggles.

Also, let the record stand, that for the very first time EVER, the invincible, INSAITABLE Mimi was broken not once, but TWICE. Yes, me. The one who could never be broken. The honors go to:

Amne-I'm so dense at this, I don't know what I am doing, is this having any affect on you at all? This spot right here? Is this working?-nesiac!

Luv-I wonder how well my car keys will work on this really sensitive spot on the balls of your feet right here? Oh is THIS the back spot?-toes!

You both accomplished something I did not think was possible, and I HATE YOU BOTH for it! Hehe! Just kidding! It was an amazing experience, and you both should be DAMN proud of your efforts and ingenuity. Bravo!

Some highlights from the gathering......

"Oh this f*cking sucks. YOU ALL F*CKING SUCK!" - Pawz - screamed while being pinned and attacked on the couch by Amnesiac, Uni, and Beachtickler.

"F*CKING CADAVER!!"/"Check that man for a PULSE!" - Mimi - hollared about 37 times, everytime the cold clammy dead hands of Amnesiac touched my skin. Next time wear MITTENS you damn corpse! BLERG!

"Are you guys done already?!" - Prinny - Sarcastically asked when the 5 boys working her over decided to give her a short break to recouperate.

"WATERMELON!" - Pawz - Incoherently babbled in the midst of trying to break the concentration of the mob of lers working her over.

"Big Dick" - Originated by Amnesiac, Perfected by Zero - The last phrase of nearly every sentence uttered during Saturday's activities. Example: (spoken by someone at the gathering) "I got in so late last night, and couldn't find you guys, so I decided to hell with it and crawled into bed" (tossed in by Zero) "With a big dick..."

"F*cking retard!"/"F*cking dweeb!" - Mimi - Two of many "f'ing" names screamed directly at Zero when he would pop up 3 inches in front of my face while I was being tickled to insanity, to do something completely outrageous like scream like a woman, do his large mouth bass impression, or perform the "Horny Koala Bear" mating call.

"Horny Koala" - Nearly everyone - This phrase came to be when several members of the party were reflecting on my habit of snorting uncontrollably when I started laughing really hard...either from humor or from being tickled. In the midst of the reflection, Pawz happened to mention what horny little creatures Koala Bears tend to be, and how they snort when they are 'in the mood'. I was then coined the "horny koala" for the remainder of the weekend. Hence where the 'horny koala bear mating call' came into play.

"Randy Dolphin" - Several members - See "Horny Koala".

"Ticke Belly" - Several members - What TickleBelly became known as before his name tag (that he made HIMSELF, mind you!) was spell checked.

"Exit Stage Right" - Several members - This was one of MANY of Amnesiacs hilarious antics of the weekend. What it was comprised of was sort of an exaggerated, high stepping dance with an imaginary cane and a huge goofy smile plastered across his face...shades of Buggs Bunny/Daffy Duck song and dance routines. It was also followed every damn time by hysterical laughing/snorting/crying from Pawz and myself.

"Burn in HEEEEELLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!" - Pawz - Proof of demonic possession. Ever seen "The Exocist"? We got to see it live this weekend. Full head rotation and all. Thankfully, she did not spew any green stuff, but the satanic voice was enough to scare all her lers bad enough to force them to pause for at least 2 or 3 seconds. Now we know why they include a bible in every hotel room. Just in case Pawz should happen to check in.

"Orgasmic Garlic Bread" - Spoken by Dskiz, Demonstrated by TickleBelly - This took place at the italian restaurant several of us dined at Saturday evening. Djskiz recommended the place, due to their "Orgasmic Garlic Bread". TickleBelly decided he must try this "Orgasmic Garlic Bread", then proceeded to demonstrate the orgasmic effects it had on him by caressing himself happily while munching down his first slice. The first slice was also followed by the phrase "Damn, that's rich."

"The Luvtoez Victory Dance" - A high hopping, full room, pogo stick romp performed by Luvtoez after he succeeded in getting me to hollar my safe word during our private session. Has to be seen.

"F*CKYOUREDF*CKINGBASTARDAAAARRRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!!!" - How my safeword (red) actually sounded when screamed in frustation at Amnesiac.

"Look how nice this ice cube fits in her belly button!" - Zero - Stated as he plunked a cube into my navel to sit and melt during the duration of my torment.

"Pawzamania" - This was the attempt of 5 male lers in attendance to actually pin and tickle the tiny little pipsqueak Pawz. This was also immediately followed by a "Play Room Brawl" as several of those 5 male lers were flung across the bed by the flailing shrimp.

"Let the whappings begin!" - The act of nearly every in attendance getting whapped by a rolled up magazine by yours truly, following my first session, due to their own involvement in my demise (suggestions, observations, and participation).

"Yes master, yes master" - Zero - The act of Zero entering the room as Egore after being beckoned.

"The three room forward crab crawl" - Mimi - A desperate attempt of mine to escape the furious flying fingers of Amnesiac by doing a forward crab crawl/butt scoot through three rooms with him following immediately behind.

"You're a BIG BOY now!!" - Pawz - Exclaimed as I slapped a name tag on Amn's chest. Followed by Amn's 'look of death'. However, she found it slightly less amusing when I slapped a name tag over her left breast and asked her what we should name the right one.

"The Wake Up Call" - Performed by Mimi - This followed Amn's mistake to sleep in too late, and resulted in me barging into his room and leaping onto his bed, catapulting him clear off the mattress.

"The 2 Dozen Sneak" - Amnesiac - A demonstration performed by Amn on how to take advantage of a free continental breakfast, by sneaking a huge heaping plate of Dunkin Doughnuts from the breakfast bar into his hotel suite.

Those are ones that come immediately to mind. As others who were in attendance begin to add to this thread, please feel free to submit any others I may have forgotten. There truly were too many highlights to mention.

In closing I would like to award the "Rookie of the Year" award to Amnesiac, for his valliant efforts and quick learning. He amazed EVERYONE, including himself, and was a HUGE asset to the success of this gathering. Take a bow, bubbles. 😀 😀 😀

Again, thank you EVERYONE who attended. This gathering would not have been a success without the presence and participation of every single one of you. I am so pleased to have met you all. It was truly a blast, and I can't wait until we can all get together and do it again!!

Mimi 😀

P.S. One thing I forgot. A special thank you to Amnesiac, who got in one last tickle in the parking lot of the hotel, in an attempt to stop me from breaking down into a sobbing mess from having to say goodbye. I think it was a good 15 miles later before the tears cleared up enough that I could actually see where I was driving. I miss you all so much already!
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What an Awesome Time you Guys Must Have Had!

I am sooo glad that everything turned out so wonderfully , Mimi. Must have been some classic moments. I had been planning on going ,but do to the curmudgeons @ work who wouldn't give me the time off( I work most saturdays) and the fact that I have big exam tomorrow and had to study hard, I wasen't able to make it!🙁 Next year tho I definately will. Looks like GLAT will go down in tickling history as a roaring( with laughter!) success! Congrats again!
I just finished reading this as your response to me came in. LOL

I am so glad it was a success. You deserve it after all the work.

Amnesiac, what can I say? You broke the Meemster? And she did not send you on a snack flight? 😀
Good going hon. Now, I want to meet this adorable and sadistic man more than ever.

Congratulations on a super first gathering.

Thanks to Mimi!!!! GLAT was great!

WOW! What a great time and a great bunch of people. I wish we all had more time together.
I am extremely impressed with strength and stamina that these women have. We all came to the conclusion that both Mimi and Pawz could crush all known forms of matter with their toes! It took one of us to hold back the toes just so the other could tickle properly. Amazing!
Thanks to Mimi for making it all possible! Thanks to everyone attending for making it so much fun and thanks to all the ticklish women for being just so damn irresistible!

Mark 🙂

If you want a great place to eat in Indy check out Elmos or Ruth Chris Steak House

Thanks Neutron!

Of course Ruth's Chris is good, it's from New Orleans! lol 🙂
I live in downtown Indy, but haven't made it to Elmo's yet. I've heard great things about it though.

Mark 🙂
I tried to respond via e-mail, but my server is being a bitch again.

I wanted to give you a nice big High Five for doing a great job!!!

It sounds like your virgin hosting went well...😛... and some of your virgin ticklers/lees went home with a few notches for their tickle-bedposts!Good of you to make it possible for 'em!

Hope to hear more about it!
It was a great gathering Meems, I had the time of my life. You all were great fun, I don't think it would have been as fun as it was if even one person were missing. Thanks guys!!

Mimi-you are a wonder. You put together a great gathering. You have a wonderful sense of humor and I am so very very glad I met you.

Amnesiac-dude! you are freaking funny! I am glad I met you, you have a wonderful sense of humor and can make even the most sour face smile. I will never forget the first words you said to me....:devil:

TikleBelly-another funny dude! OMG you were killing me at the restaurant! So glad to have met you!

SmileyTkls-funny guy! had so much humor to contribute, wonderful meeting you!

Prinny-You have an awesome laugh girl!!! You are so funny to watch! great meeting you!

Zero-dude....all I can say is LMAO!!! You added so much, your energy and sense of humor were great! You were a great deal of fun. So glad to have met you

Uni-you are such a great guy. You are fun and sweet and great to play with. I truly enjoyed it. You have been a friend for so long, great to finally meet you!!!

everyone else I didn't get your screennames, and don't really want to blurt names out here. Great meeting all of you!!! It was fun to play and mess with everyone 😀

What a gnarley gathering!! Mimi is a goddess!!! (Even though she safeworded after about 30 seconds)

Everyone who attended are so cool. I can't wait for the next one!!

Amnesiac, you da man!!

LuvsToes, you, ummm . . . also da man!!

Pawz, I am madly in love with you (even if you do only come up to my bellybutton)

Prinny, I am also madly in love with you (But you are taller)

Mimi is STILL a goddess

TikleBelly, you, errrr, are a man as well!!

Anyone I am forgetting, it's just because . . . ummm . . . I forgot. I know there was the guy in the green shirt, but I dont remember his name. And the guy who came late. And the guy with the mustache. Props to all of them, too!!
A few Missed Items

Mimi, you were quite accurate in your recollection of memorable moments, there were a few that were forgotten (but that's forgivable considering how much sleep deprivation for all of us factors in). I will recap the missing segments.


"WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?!" - Pawz - During one of her sessions, Amn took it upon himself to test out various tools on Pawzs' body, one of which was a slender single-row brush between the big toe. The above phrase was screamed out as she tried (effectively) to curl her body out from under the wieght of her captors.

"Noooooooooooooo-oooooooooooo!" - Pawz - The beautifully addictive sing-songy (yes, sing-songy) cry the mini-Hulk gave out frequently when overpowered (temporarily) by any would-be tormentors. Characterized by the high intonation is begins on and the falling note on which it ends. Typically followed by sibling phrases like "Not fair!"/"Fuck You!"

"Looks Like Burl Ives, right?" - Amnesiac - The improvised characterization I mentioned when trying to summarize the appearance of someone you knew who looked like Col. Sanders and Santa combined. The response was a bout of laughter that would kill most mortal men by asphixiation.

"TWICE! TWICE IN ONE F*CKING DAY!" - Mimi - First words uttered by you when returning to the room from the private with Luvtoes.


Luvtoes discovers the power of car keys as instrument of torture. Mimi subject of research.

Amnesiac overpowers Mimi's toes of can-crunching strength. Experts still mystified.


"Pip" - Mimi - The name you decided to give Pawz because of her size. Hardly fitting considering the mini-hulk's prowess.

There are a few I'll leave for you to recall...for example, you might want to be the one to tell the story of what happened when I overslept AGAIN on Sunday, and the first words I said to Pawz at the airport.
I'll put in my two pennies

I was the "quiet" one of the lot, and I said nothing of particular note, nor did I stand out above and beyond the crowd. For all the superstars at the gathering I was just the average Joe Smith. I settled down, mapped the territory and went to work on specific targets that I had in mind, as well as targets of opportunity.

In that aspect I am proud to say that I consider myself victorious. The public tickling was grand fun, and the private ones even more so. I won't go into the details on the latter, because it simply isn't my way...but I was very honored to have the experience. The amount of trust that was put upon me was considerable, and it showed an aspect of a good friendship that I did not consider. Quite frankly it floored me, and I send my deepest thanks to that person. You showed me something that I rarely see these days. 🙂

Hey Mimi: My congradulations and my thanks go to you for your kindness and understanding, not to mention your skills as a hostess in general. Without you this gathering simply would not have existed, period. The time you took in making people comfortable showed an empathy beyond measure, and your bravery was taken into note. If I had to give I would give it to you. As for you being broken, well...that's the law of averages for you. Take it in stride willya?

Special props go to Amnesiac and Luvtoes, for their outstnding individual work in the field of battle. Both of them have the calm, penetrating skill of Nazi scientists, and it was quite a delight to look upon the faces of their victims. Quite entertaining, to say the least. If this was the NBA, they would be the MVPs, while I would get the "garbageman" award. Somebody has to do the gruntwork, and I would like to think that I did a decent job of it.

One more thing before I go. I don't know the screen name of this woman, and I'm not one to blurt out real names so I won't. But this lady was a grand sport as I mauled her into a laughing mess, and I wanted to say thanks. Thanks, your boyfriend is a very lucky man, and you have great toes to gnaw on. 😀

*Sigh* If only we had one more day. (Wallows in his memories)

I am so glad and happy for you that your event went so greatly!
I am soo sorry that shygirl and I could not be there to share in your first gathering however, as you know, I am in the midst of relocating to my new house in Rockland County NY that things could just not be coordinated as to to allow us to get on up there. I am equally sorry I did not get to see you broken and even more sorry I was not able to take part in your breaking.
Please, I hope you did not take it personal that I was not able to attend. There simply was nothing I could have done about it.

Hope to see you again soon.


Uni, you were a wonder to be around. Heh I enjoyed SAMing no one more than you!!:devil: I am so very glad I got to meet you!!

Amnesiac, I got one thing to say.....pppphhhhhhtttttthhhhhhhh😛
I will never forget the first time we talked lol, I will allow you to tell the story if you wish. I can guarentee I will be laughing about that for years...and no, you will never live that up!
You overslept on sunday? geez, lol. Well it was 43 straight hours awake til I got to sleep last night, or should I say very early this morning.

That last one with Amn and Uni got to me, I felt your guys's hands on me til late late last night! lol.

Beach, I wanted to mention you as well....the guy who started the mega attempt to pin the Pawz. LOL glad ya did buddy😀

As I said...everyone was great, I had a total blast!
Hi. GLALT was a great gathering, and my thanks go out to everyone who helped make the weekend especially fun! Special thanks go to Mimi, and her husband. Thanks for everything, you two are the best.
Also, it was cool to finally see some of the faces behind the names. Uni, Am, 4paws, belly, Mimi and her husband of course, zero...I know there were more, but those are the ones I remember off the top of my head. I had my first ler and lee experience. Oh yes, Dianne and her husband were there as well, and I got into a tickle fight with dianne. She was a handfull!!! If there is one person you don't want to piss off, and let her tie you up and tickle you, it's dianne. She didn't get me, but I know it would be hell. Well, it was great, and I hope to see you all again

I can see that everyone is suffering from the Post-Gathering blues already. It's a common aliment that affects nearly everyone who has ever gone to a gathering. Symptoms are:

1.) Longing for another day with the gang.
2.) That tingly feeling on your body anywhere you've been tickled.
3.) Sudden urge to cry out of loneliness when you're in a room full of people.
4.) That tingly feeling in your fingers where you've been tickling people.
5.) Discussing how to all move to one town, somewhere, ANYWHERE, where we can all live together.

Yep... be there, done that... and I'll do it again.

Congratulations Mimster! Sounds like an incredible success and just the beginnings of GLAT Gatherings to be noted in TK History
Whew! Finally a chance to reply to all of you who have posted!

Thank you Celtic, Jen, JoBelle, TTD, and QB for all your kind words, support, and for sharing in the happiness of our success with us. How I wish each and every one of you could have been there to share in the fun with us.

TickleBelly - You are just the most adorable, fun-loving, all around sweetest guy! MAN what a blast it was meeting you! I certainly hope it won't be the last! You are an AMAZING ler, and such a funny guy. I can not thank you enough for attending and letting us all get the chance to meet you and hang out with you. You added SO much to the gathering. I doubt you'll ever look at garlic bread the same way again. Lord knows I won't.... *giggles*

Pawz - PIPSQUEAK!! I've already said all of my "it was so fabulous meeting you, you are by far the cooloest freaking chickie on the planet, so glad we're friends, gotta do this agains" to you on messenger, so I won't repeat them again. Wait, I just did, didn't I? 😀 Anyway, I am SO proud of you! What a trooper and all around WONDERFUL participant and asset you were for your first gathering. And since neither you nor Amn will tell the 'airport' story, I will recap it quick:

Even though Pawz was flying in from Arizona, and Amn from Montana, they wound up having the same transfer along the way, and ended up coming into Milwaukee on the same plane. During the transfer where they were to get on to the same flight together, they both found themselves waiting in the boarding area. Pawz noticed this GUY who kept giving her the oddest looks and staring at her. Not sure what to make of him, she tried to avoid his glances. Finally, this GUY walked up to her, and asked "Pardon me, but you wouldn't by any chance have a leg injury, would you?" This GUY, of course, was Amnesiac. And he had known from talking with Pawz before that she had sprained her ankle. So upon her answering the question, he knew he had properly identified her, and they were able to get a bit acquainted with one another before flying into Milwaukee.

Zero - You FR!!! OMG what a trip you are!! You should be required to attend every damn gathering ever held, for comic relief. You have got to be one of the FUNNIEST people I have EVER met, and I simply can not thank you enough for all the laughter and silliness you brought to the gathering. Here I was all worried about Amn using his voice impression skills against me during my sessions (since voice impressions/silly humor are my kryptonite while being tickled)....I did not know that YOU would soon become my biggest fear. Even worse than the wiggling fingers coming in my direction. Between the box head, big mouthed bass, koala mating calls, stupid humor, and startling screaming, you kept me in total stitches and made me that much easier prey for any of the lers. FR!!!

Amnesiac - OMG how could I have forgotten Burl Ives!! LMAO! Only you could take a cross reference of Santa Claus and Colonel Sanders and warp them into one person that so perfectly fit the mold of the person I was trying to describe (me dentist, for those who were not there). DUDE!! I know you told me you were good with voice impersonations, but I had no clue you would have been THAT damn good. Folks, this guy is a vocal talent WONDER. I was only treated to a SAMPLING of his impersonations, and they alone included PERFECT replications of both Beavis and Butthead, Hannibal Lector *shivers*, the entire Monty Python crew, Chris Rock, Chris Tucker, Eddie Murphy, George Carlin, Popeye, Kermit the Frog....and I know there were lots more, but I'm drawing a blank...lol. And when I mean perfect replication, I mean you could stand in the other room, listen to him, and not be able to tell the difference from the real person/character. Just amazing. And lets not even get into his physical comedy as well. Oh cripes and the Drag Queen. HILARIOUS! Okay okay, I gotta cut myself off here. I wonder if it's legal to adopt a 23 year old? If so, I'm bringing you home with me.

Uni - yes, always the quiet one, but it's those quiet ones you gotta watch out for the most!!! I am so glad to see you were so comfortable in the social situation, and you helped to get everyone comfortable with the whole task of tickling by stepping up to the plate with me and getting the ball rolling on the first public session. For your first gathering, you were an absolute wonder, and a helluva lot of fun. I am so glad you were able to make it sweetheart 🙂

Luvtoez - WIMP!! *giggles* It was such a thrill to meet you, and *cough*be broken*cough* by you. Friggin car keys! UGH! Next time, you're leaving those babies at home! You were so much fun to private with, on BOTH ocassions. Even if I was afraid you were gonna rip the freaking headboard right off the wall! And it was a TOTAL euphoric high getting that one "THOSE F*CKING NAILS!" out of you! Ah, the memories of gatherings past 😀 😀 😀

On a side note, I got the pictures developed tonight, and as soon as all the "yays" and "nays" come in on who wants their pics posted, and who doesn't, I will get them up for everyone to see! Thanks again everyone!

Mimi 🙂
At Mimi's threat-, er, suggestion, I'll post some comments of the organized chaos that was GLAT, or as I hope it'll be known, Round 1. 😀 After the prerequisite 'getting-comfortable' phase, it was quite the rousing 'hold-'em-and-tickle' session. Lots of intensive tickling, with much concern and pampering of the 'lees, a terrific thing to behold and participate in. All of the people were funny and great to get to know, so if I don't single you out next, you're in mind in saying the previous.

Mimi - Well worth the 6 or more years of mutual taunting and teasing, getting to help tickle and 'helpfully suggest' ticklings for you, horny koala. <Purrrrrrrr>

Amn - A terrifically gifted mimic and movie and comedy encyclopedia, as well as the Mimi-breakingest 'cadaver hands' I know. Glad you came and hope to see you at another in the future.

Zero - Another comedian/entertainer, you and Amn need to team up and tour. An insidious laugh maker who increases the 'lee's hilarity with jokes and bass impersonations. Hope you get Pawz and/or Prinny to admit their feelings for you.

TikleBelly - A large pleasure to meet you and commiserate over a mutual friend, as well as see why she likes you, charming even when tickling the heck out of a 'lee. Impressive.

Uni - Always great to see a man who enjoys his interests, esp. tickling. A master and a gentleman I was happy to meet.

4Pawz - The Mighty Mite, made of spring steel and even managed to fling me around with her spring steel leg, which is no easy task at all. Loved your babbling, as well as threats to be sent to the unpleasant underworld, helpful hand gestures, and death threats. Yes, I am asking for it, and I hope to see you again so I can taunt you more.

Luvtoez_20_M - Another tickling pro, I'm grateful you showed us a new (to us) devastating tickling tools, car keys! And I really believe you, Mimi didn't break you, nooooooo. LOL.

Prinny - So happy that you got to experience the...adoration of many 'lers, and even happier you loved it. You're soooo confident now, picking tickling fights with folks, asking, "Are you guys done already?" Too funny. You've just catapulted into popularity around here. 😀

And again, a verrrry positive experience, look forward to seeing and talking to all of the attendants in the future. 😀

A random post here, of a few things that just came to mind....

First off, Smiley, it was an extreme pleasure finally getting to meet you. Even if I did whap you a few times, and even if the though of elimination crossed my mind once or twice after one of your friendly "suggestions". Grrrrrrrrrr! And yes, this past weekend was only Round 1. And you and Prinny had best BOTH be there for Round 2! I still owe you a few whappings, and I owe Prinny some well placed revenge :devil: :devil:

Another thing that popped in to mind, was one of the very first 'defining moments' of the gathering we forgot to mention. Pawz's famed "feather reaction". In the past, in the chat room, the mere mention of the word "feathers" would send Pawz into a frenzy. So upon checking into the suites, Amn said to Pawz, "I just wanna see if this really works. FEATHERS!" Pawz's reply was "shut up!" as she rubbed her ears. I thought he could get a better reaction out of her, so I reached into my bag of tricks, and pulled out an actual feather, handing it to Amn. He thanked me and then proceeded to step forward toward Pawz. Her reaction was PRICELESS. She LITERALLY flattened herself up against the wall so hard that an imprint of her form was embedded into the paint, and she yelled "Get that f*cking thing away from me!!!", which was followed by an even higher pitched "MIMI!!! GODDAMN YOU!!" Not wanting to risk castration, Amn put the feather away for later use, as I left the room giggling my ass off to set up for the festivities. That was a truly priceless moment.

The final thing that I wanted to add was about the references and memories that came to haunt me at Walmart today. First, upon dropping off the film, we stopped to check out the DVD's. Among them, was a Monty Python DVD, which in turn, obviously, sent me into a fit of giggles remembering Amn's MP antics over the weekend. Then I made a pit stop in the ladies room, where in the stall next to me, a small child was singing "Koaaaaaaala, koaaaaaaaaala". I wanted to climb into the plumbing system, I swear. Then on my way out of the rest room, I passed by a clearance isle. In stopping to view some of the items on sale, I saw a box of fishing tackle. One of the lures in the box was called a "Tickle Tail". I gotta get me one of them. Might make a nice addition to my bag of tricks 🙂

That's it for now. I'll probably add more as it comes to mind! lol

Mimi 🙂
This Needs to be Said

In light of reading these posts and revelling in the memories (particularly the Pawz-"feather" incident), I have realized that I, in my unforgivable negligence, have...neglected to give recognition to certain parties. Here is the reparation for that.

A man of kind character and placid sadism; who has as insatiable drive to tickle as myself, combined with the indefatiguable pleasantness of Mr. Rogers. When anyone was in trouble (restraining)or coming up with ideas, Beach was there to lend support and a two hands and even a leg to everyone's cause. Truly a man for all 'lees'n's.

A man of great charm and eloquence...who could joke around like one of the guys and then approach a female lee with the chivalrous restraint and courtesy of a true gentleman, down to the very touch...even if the touch yielded less that gentlemanly squirms, but that's not important at the moment.

A woman of great personality, wonderous humor, enviable enthusiasm for participation and fun, and...easy on the eyes if I do say so myself...which I DO! Because Smily isn't here to stop me! BWAHAHAHAHA! Anyway, an addition are you to the r/l menagerie that cannot be measured in words, grams, joules or any form of measurement that has been used by humans (Martians are another story, perhaps, but I don't know any). It is at this point that I formally request for your DNA so that I may clone my own tickle pet, or that you attend every gathering that I might attend. Actually, BOTH would be nice.

I will keel you! You found yourself a woman that most people in here (myself included) would kill for, and you found her before me! Never mind the fact that your sense of humor, laid back personality and sense of pop culture reminds me of my friends I grew up with and left behind and who were the only friends worth having! It doesn't matter! You found yourself a catch and therefore...you must Die!
*sharpening lawn darts*
Oh Yeah, you'll PAY for this!

I never knew anyone other than a professional comedian who could best me and my vast array of assimilated comedy routines. Not only that, but you've bested my lines with your own. Hats off to you man, the better timing-guy that you are. Although as you have seen firsthand, our combined efforts were much more effective than staying at odds with each other. Next time we should see if we can get you, me and Smiley and maybe GTP and turn ourselves into a quartet and use our powers to make all female lees helpless.

It is almost beyond belief that a man of your size, stature and strength could be equipped with a mind and mood befitting a flower child. Everyone else may talk about your innovation in Mimi-torture and Mimi-dominated-sucker, but for my money, I won't bypass the gentle-giant nature that makes all other qualities secondary but cobined makes them golden. Glad that you could be part of us.

About this downplaying of yourself: "No more of that talk or I'll put the fuckin' leeches on ya, understand?" as Raoul Duke said. In what must be a hybrid of Ex-football player meets Buddhist monk with the face of Forest Whitaker (with a good eye), you were perhaps the most enlightened individual of the group; even more trustworthy than myself, Beach and perhaps even Mimi, you were the rock with velvet moss my friend, stable and comforting. Truly, the guru on the mountain.
*looks at writing*
Man I need to lay off the shrooms or else I my descriptions won't make ANY sense. In essence Uni, you are beyond match or measure...like one of those quiet laid-back guys who never sweat anything that doesn't need to be, and hardly do when they need to; guys who could live to the age of 112 and live 80 of those years on coolness alone. That and the fact that your raspberry torture of Pawz created EXCELLENT facial expressions of anguish.

The only reason that any of these people would be overlooked by anyone else is the fact that many people have lives, or, like Mimi, a lotta thoughts occupying their mind and a selective memory that forgets the good stuff every now and then.

I forgot to mention these people at first because I was still basking in the fact that I had Pawz and Mimi under my fingertips; remembering their anguished faces and reactions has a way of monopolizing my thoughts....ahhhhh.

Bye now
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Oh, why couldn't I have been there!!!!!!!!!

Sounds like all of you had a great time. Hope I can have similar fate at NWOT in July. More details coming soon.
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