Well, after months of planning, weeks of hectic anxiety, and finally a weekend of ticklish fun, hysterical jokes and antics, and making lots of new friends, the first GLAT gathering has finally come to an end.
It got off to a shaky start. Thanks to the ever reliable transportation system, and a curse of HORRIBLE weather in the area, many folks arrived much later than anticipated. But by Saturday morning the weather had cleared, everyone had arrived, and the fun REALLY got under way. We had a FABULOUS time, and I have since come to the conclussion that the tk community is comprised of some of the FUNNIEST damn people on the planet. I don't think more than 10 minutes passed this weekend where I was not laughing and snorting hysterically over some asinine antics of several members of the GLAT party. You guys ROCK!!
I'd like to thank EVERYONE who attended and helped to make the first GLAT gathering a success. You all are the greatest, and I am all the richer for having met you. You all played your part in making this past weekend one I will NEVER forget, and it will be a long time before I can look back on it without busting into a fit of giggles.
Also, let the record stand, that for the very first time EVER, the invincible, INSAITABLE Mimi was broken not once, but TWICE. Yes, me. The one who could never be broken. The honors go to:
Amne-I'm so dense at this, I don't know what I am doing, is this having any affect on you at all? This spot right here? Is this working?-nesiac!
Luv-I wonder how well my car keys will work on this really sensitive spot on the balls of your feet right here? Oh is THIS the back spot?-toes!
You both accomplished something I did not think was possible, and I HATE YOU BOTH for it! Hehe! Just kidding! It was an amazing experience, and you both should be DAMN proud of your efforts and ingenuity. Bravo!
Some highlights from the gathering......
"Oh this f*cking sucks. YOU ALL F*CKING SUCK!" - Pawz - screamed while being pinned and attacked on the couch by Amnesiac, Uni, and Beachtickler.
"F*CKING CADAVER!!"/"Check that man for a PULSE!" - Mimi - hollared about 37 times, everytime the cold clammy dead hands of Amnesiac touched my skin. Next time wear MITTENS you damn corpse! BLERG!
"Are you guys done already?!" - Prinny - Sarcastically asked when the 5 boys working her over decided to give her a short break to recouperate.
"WATERMELON!" - Pawz - Incoherently babbled in the midst of trying to break the concentration of the mob of lers working her over.
"Big Dick" - Originated by Amnesiac, Perfected by Zero - The last phrase of nearly every sentence uttered during Saturday's activities. Example: (spoken by someone at the gathering) "I got in so late last night, and couldn't find you guys, so I decided to hell with it and crawled into bed" (tossed in by Zero) "With a big dick..."
"F*cking retard!"/"F*cking dweeb!" - Mimi - Two of many "f'ing" names screamed directly at Zero when he would pop up 3 inches in front of my face while I was being tickled to insanity, to do something completely outrageous like scream like a woman, do his large mouth bass impression, or perform the "Horny Koala Bear" mating call.
"Horny Koala" - Nearly everyone - This phrase came to be when several members of the party were reflecting on my habit of snorting uncontrollably when I started laughing really hard...either from humor or from being tickled. In the midst of the reflection, Pawz happened to mention what horny little creatures Koala Bears tend to be, and how they snort when they are 'in the mood'. I was then coined the "horny koala" for the remainder of the weekend. Hence where the 'horny koala bear mating call' came into play.
"Randy Dolphin" - Several members - See "Horny Koala".
"Ticke Belly" - Several members - What TickleBelly became known as before his name tag (that he made HIMSELF, mind you!) was spell checked.
"Exit Stage Right" - Several members - This was one of MANY of Amnesiacs hilarious antics of the weekend. What it was comprised of was sort of an exaggerated, high stepping dance with an imaginary cane and a huge goofy smile plastered across his face...shades of Buggs Bunny/Daffy Duck song and dance routines. It was also followed every damn time by hysterical laughing/snorting/crying from Pawz and myself.
"Burn in HEEEEELLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!" - Pawz - Proof of demonic possession. Ever seen "The Exocist"? We got to see it live this weekend. Full head rotation and all. Thankfully, she did not spew any green stuff, but the satanic voice was enough to scare all her lers bad enough to force them to pause for at least 2 or 3 seconds. Now we know why they include a bible in every hotel room. Just in case Pawz should happen to check in.
"Orgasmic Garlic Bread" - Spoken by Dskiz, Demonstrated by TickleBelly - This took place at the italian restaurant several of us dined at Saturday evening. Djskiz recommended the place, due to their "Orgasmic Garlic Bread". TickleBelly decided he must try this "Orgasmic Garlic Bread", then proceeded to demonstrate the orgasmic effects it had on him by caressing himself happily while munching down his first slice. The first slice was also followed by the phrase "Damn, that's rich."
"The Luvtoez Victory Dance" - A high hopping, full room, pogo stick romp performed by Luvtoez after he succeeded in getting me to hollar my safe word during our private session. Has to be seen.
"F*CKYOUREDF*CKINGBASTARDAAAARRRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!!!" - How my safeword (red) actually sounded when screamed in frustation at Amnesiac.
"Look how nice this ice cube fits in her belly button!" - Zero - Stated as he plunked a cube into my navel to sit and melt during the duration of my torment.
"Pawzamania" - This was the attempt of 5 male lers in attendance to actually pin and tickle the tiny little pipsqueak Pawz. This was also immediately followed by a "Play Room Brawl" as several of those 5 male lers were flung across the bed by the flailing shrimp.
"Let the whappings begin!" - The act of nearly every in attendance getting whapped by a rolled up magazine by yours truly, following my first session, due to their own involvement in my demise (suggestions, observations, and participation).
"Yes master, yes master" - Zero - The act of Zero entering the room as Egore after being beckoned.
"The three room forward crab crawl" - Mimi - A desperate attempt of mine to escape the furious flying fingers of Amnesiac by doing a forward crab crawl/butt scoot through three rooms with him following immediately behind.
"You're a BIG BOY now!!" - Pawz - Exclaimed as I slapped a name tag on Amn's chest. Followed by Amn's 'look of death'. However, she found it slightly less amusing when I slapped a name tag over her left breast and asked her what we should name the right one.
"The Wake Up Call" - Performed by Mimi - This followed Amn's mistake to sleep in too late, and resulted in me barging into his room and leaping onto his bed, catapulting him clear off the mattress.
"The 2 Dozen Sneak" - Amnesiac - A demonstration performed by Amn on how to take advantage of a free continental breakfast, by sneaking a huge heaping plate of Dunkin Doughnuts from the breakfast bar into his hotel suite.
Those are ones that come immediately to mind. As others who were in attendance begin to add to this thread, please feel free to submit any others I may have forgotten. There truly were too many highlights to mention.
In closing I would like to award the "Rookie of the Year" award to Amnesiac, for his valliant efforts and quick learning. He amazed EVERYONE, including himself, and was a HUGE asset to the success of this gathering. Take a bow, bubbles. 😀 😀 😀
Again, thank you EVERYONE who attended. This gathering would not have been a success without the presence and participation of every single one of you. I am so pleased to have met you all. It was truly a blast, and I can't wait until we can all get together and do it again!!
Mimi 😀
P.S. One thing I forgot. A special thank you to Amnesiac, who got in one last tickle in the parking lot of the hotel, in an attempt to stop me from breaking down into a sobbing mess from having to say goodbye. I think it was a good 15 miles later before the tears cleared up enough that I could actually see where I was driving. I miss you all so much already!
It got off to a shaky start. Thanks to the ever reliable transportation system, and a curse of HORRIBLE weather in the area, many folks arrived much later than anticipated. But by Saturday morning the weather had cleared, everyone had arrived, and the fun REALLY got under way. We had a FABULOUS time, and I have since come to the conclussion that the tk community is comprised of some of the FUNNIEST damn people on the planet. I don't think more than 10 minutes passed this weekend where I was not laughing and snorting hysterically over some asinine antics of several members of the GLAT party. You guys ROCK!!
I'd like to thank EVERYONE who attended and helped to make the first GLAT gathering a success. You all are the greatest, and I am all the richer for having met you. You all played your part in making this past weekend one I will NEVER forget, and it will be a long time before I can look back on it without busting into a fit of giggles.
Also, let the record stand, that for the very first time EVER, the invincible, INSAITABLE Mimi was broken not once, but TWICE. Yes, me. The one who could never be broken. The honors go to:
Amne-I'm so dense at this, I don't know what I am doing, is this having any affect on you at all? This spot right here? Is this working?-nesiac!
Luv-I wonder how well my car keys will work on this really sensitive spot on the balls of your feet right here? Oh is THIS the back spot?-toes!
You both accomplished something I did not think was possible, and I HATE YOU BOTH for it! Hehe! Just kidding! It was an amazing experience, and you both should be DAMN proud of your efforts and ingenuity. Bravo!
Some highlights from the gathering......
"Oh this f*cking sucks. YOU ALL F*CKING SUCK!" - Pawz - screamed while being pinned and attacked on the couch by Amnesiac, Uni, and Beachtickler.
"F*CKING CADAVER!!"/"Check that man for a PULSE!" - Mimi - hollared about 37 times, everytime the cold clammy dead hands of Amnesiac touched my skin. Next time wear MITTENS you damn corpse! BLERG!
"Are you guys done already?!" - Prinny - Sarcastically asked when the 5 boys working her over decided to give her a short break to recouperate.
"WATERMELON!" - Pawz - Incoherently babbled in the midst of trying to break the concentration of the mob of lers working her over.
"Big Dick" - Originated by Amnesiac, Perfected by Zero - The last phrase of nearly every sentence uttered during Saturday's activities. Example: (spoken by someone at the gathering) "I got in so late last night, and couldn't find you guys, so I decided to hell with it and crawled into bed" (tossed in by Zero) "With a big dick..."
"F*cking retard!"/"F*cking dweeb!" - Mimi - Two of many "f'ing" names screamed directly at Zero when he would pop up 3 inches in front of my face while I was being tickled to insanity, to do something completely outrageous like scream like a woman, do his large mouth bass impression, or perform the "Horny Koala Bear" mating call.
"Horny Koala" - Nearly everyone - This phrase came to be when several members of the party were reflecting on my habit of snorting uncontrollably when I started laughing really hard...either from humor or from being tickled. In the midst of the reflection, Pawz happened to mention what horny little creatures Koala Bears tend to be, and how they snort when they are 'in the mood'. I was then coined the "horny koala" for the remainder of the weekend. Hence where the 'horny koala bear mating call' came into play.
"Randy Dolphin" - Several members - See "Horny Koala".
"Ticke Belly" - Several members - What TickleBelly became known as before his name tag (that he made HIMSELF, mind you!) was spell checked.
"Exit Stage Right" - Several members - This was one of MANY of Amnesiacs hilarious antics of the weekend. What it was comprised of was sort of an exaggerated, high stepping dance with an imaginary cane and a huge goofy smile plastered across his face...shades of Buggs Bunny/Daffy Duck song and dance routines. It was also followed every damn time by hysterical laughing/snorting/crying from Pawz and myself.
"Burn in HEEEEELLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!" - Pawz - Proof of demonic possession. Ever seen "The Exocist"? We got to see it live this weekend. Full head rotation and all. Thankfully, she did not spew any green stuff, but the satanic voice was enough to scare all her lers bad enough to force them to pause for at least 2 or 3 seconds. Now we know why they include a bible in every hotel room. Just in case Pawz should happen to check in.
"Orgasmic Garlic Bread" - Spoken by Dskiz, Demonstrated by TickleBelly - This took place at the italian restaurant several of us dined at Saturday evening. Djskiz recommended the place, due to their "Orgasmic Garlic Bread". TickleBelly decided he must try this "Orgasmic Garlic Bread", then proceeded to demonstrate the orgasmic effects it had on him by caressing himself happily while munching down his first slice. The first slice was also followed by the phrase "Damn, that's rich."
"The Luvtoez Victory Dance" - A high hopping, full room, pogo stick romp performed by Luvtoez after he succeeded in getting me to hollar my safe word during our private session. Has to be seen.
"F*CKYOUREDF*CKINGBASTARDAAAARRRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!!!" - How my safeword (red) actually sounded when screamed in frustation at Amnesiac.
"Look how nice this ice cube fits in her belly button!" - Zero - Stated as he plunked a cube into my navel to sit and melt during the duration of my torment.
"Pawzamania" - This was the attempt of 5 male lers in attendance to actually pin and tickle the tiny little pipsqueak Pawz. This was also immediately followed by a "Play Room Brawl" as several of those 5 male lers were flung across the bed by the flailing shrimp.
"Let the whappings begin!" - The act of nearly every in attendance getting whapped by a rolled up magazine by yours truly, following my first session, due to their own involvement in my demise (suggestions, observations, and participation).
"Yes master, yes master" - Zero - The act of Zero entering the room as Egore after being beckoned.
"The three room forward crab crawl" - Mimi - A desperate attempt of mine to escape the furious flying fingers of Amnesiac by doing a forward crab crawl/butt scoot through three rooms with him following immediately behind.
"You're a BIG BOY now!!" - Pawz - Exclaimed as I slapped a name tag on Amn's chest. Followed by Amn's 'look of death'. However, she found it slightly less amusing when I slapped a name tag over her left breast and asked her what we should name the right one.
"The Wake Up Call" - Performed by Mimi - This followed Amn's mistake to sleep in too late, and resulted in me barging into his room and leaping onto his bed, catapulting him clear off the mattress.
"The 2 Dozen Sneak" - Amnesiac - A demonstration performed by Amn on how to take advantage of a free continental breakfast, by sneaking a huge heaping plate of Dunkin Doughnuts from the breakfast bar into his hotel suite.
Those are ones that come immediately to mind. As others who were in attendance begin to add to this thread, please feel free to submit any others I may have forgotten. There truly were too many highlights to mention.
In closing I would like to award the "Rookie of the Year" award to Amnesiac, for his valliant efforts and quick learning. He amazed EVERYONE, including himself, and was a HUGE asset to the success of this gathering. Take a bow, bubbles. 😀 😀 😀
Again, thank you EVERYONE who attended. This gathering would not have been a success without the presence and participation of every single one of you. I am so pleased to have met you all. It was truly a blast, and I can't wait until we can all get together and do it again!!
Mimi 😀
P.S. One thing I forgot. A special thank you to Amnesiac, who got in one last tickle in the parking lot of the hotel, in an attempt to stop me from breaking down into a sobbing mess from having to say goodbye. I think it was a good 15 miles later before the tears cleared up enough that I could actually see where I was driving. I miss you all so much already!
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