4th Level Red Feather
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This story was only supposed to be one part and now I can't even keep it to two...enjoy! 😀
Such a simple question seemed to hit Angela like a bolt of lightning as I virtually felt the shiver run up her spine. Unexpectedly, after several seconds of dead shocked silence, my lusty red head neighbour crossed her legs tightly like a small child at school on the floor listening to the teacher, hiding her feet beneath her knees. Angela was just as surprised as myself, I think, that she had the energy to do that.
"You...you can't touch me anymore...I...I don't like you Paul." Angela said with a whimper of fear as unsure of her point as I was. "This has to stop...its not right."
"How about we make a deal?" Fighting the lust back that had overwhelmed me for the last few minutes I decided this was clearly enough. "What say...you clean my house on Saturday...and I won't tickle your feet for the next three days?"
"...You...you'll let me go right now?" There was very little hope in her voice, she didn't even attempt to make eye contact.
"If you promise to-" I was quickly interupted, we both knew she would have done or said literally anything to get out of futher tickling.
"-I'll do it! I'll clean your house...please please let me go." Angela was still sobbing with fear of more tickles despite the fact I was completley genuine.
True to my word, with the help of cooking oil, I released the busty red head neighbour from the letter slot in my door and watched her weakly wander home. Over the next few days all I did was think about those few glorius minutes when I had tickled her silly. Sure she had got mad, and even scared but I didn't care, not one bit. Everything else was mute, I went through work with a blank expression living outside of daily chatter with only that one thought on my mind.
The only time I saw Angela all week after the incident was brief as I pulled up home from work and her pace seemed to increase as she scurried inside. I did manage to speak to her via telephone on Firday evening to confirm 11am cleaning time which suited both of us fine. Only when Saturday rolled around, it was 2pm and still no sign of Angela.
"Angela?" I called as I knocked on her front door wearing my usual casual jeans and t-shirt for a hot summers weekend. "Are you home? I thought we said eleven o clock?"
After atleast five solid minutes of knocking on the door it became apparent she had either gone for a walk or was simply not answering. Angela's car had been in the drive way all day so she can't have gone far. The garden too was empty when I wandered around the back of her house but fortunatley the back fly screen door allowed me to see the main door behind it was fully open to the warm breeze.
"Hellooo?" I called in a friendly tone as I pushed open the creeky little door as if I'd done it a thousand times.
Wandering into the dimly lit laundry I thought it funny that I'd lived in this neighbourhood for two years and mine was the only house I'd actually been in. It was that surreal feeling you get when you've worked in a office building for several years and still don't know where the manager's office is. Oddly enough the lino floor continued straight into the kitchen which stopped at the carpet in an arch way leading to the surprisingly large living room. Given the amount of seats in there it was a wonder she lived by herself, didn't even have a cat.
"Angela? I'm making myself at home." I called casually noticing the front door through the arch way to my left sitting opposite a nicely carpeted set of stairs. "Are you up stairs? You better be decent I'm coming up."
Unlike my house Angela's stairs didn't creek if you stood in the middle, out of habit I still hit a few steps standing to the side. Arriving on the second story there were five doors in the hallway, one at either end to my left and right, two opposite me and one on the wall right next to my right which sat open just slightly unlike the other. Deciding to begin my search clockwise I vered left and opened the end door, a small study room by the looks, nothing for me there.
Turning around to question the next door I spied one of Angela's sexy green eyes peeking out between the gap of the slightly open door. Quickly yet queitly as if trying not to wake an bear or lion the door closed with a small click. Wandering casually up to the door both Angela and I knew she had been found but remained to act relativley normal about it.
"Angela?" I asked knowing full well that it was her while pushing down the slim golden coloured handle. "Are you o.k? Did you forget you promised to clean my house?"
"Go away Paul! Ahh!" Angela was startled as I managed to push her fine figured off from the other side of the door and enter straight into her bathroom.
"You promised to clean my house...you can't just go round breaking promises." I towered above Angela even though I still stood several feet away from her, the sexy red head looked like a deer in the head lights. "I thought we were friends? You don't break promises to friends."
"Look...Look Paul I'm sorry...nows just not a good time." As Angela avoided making eye contacted she stepped softly in her socks trying to brush past me but without thought I side stepped in her way making the shorter woman walk right into me. "...Hm? excuse me."
"Where are going?" I asked sternly grabbing her forearms in a firm but not harsh grip. "You have to clean my house."
"I told you...nnn...I told you nows not a good time." Angela still avoided eye contact as she wiggled slightly to try and free herself. "Could you let me go please? Right now?"
"...I don't think you deserve to be let go do you? You broke a promise to a good friend." I increased my grip slightly and posistioned her up right to cease from struggling. "Infact I think you need to be punished."
"No...no don't do that! Stop it!" Angela recoiled backwards batting at my arms as I squirmed them up her t-shirt and attempted to clutch for her ribs. "Stop it! Get HA! No! Get off me! HA! Stop! EEEE!"
Holding my arms tightly Angela tried to concerntrate of keeping my hands back but it was too late. Once her warm soft flesh had made contact I was totally consumed by the need to tickle her senseless. The gorgeus red head was doing a good job of holding back the laughter with only miner mousy squeals slipping out.
"Are you going to clean my house or do I have to teach you a lesson?" I asked ceasing my claws but keeping my hands imobile around her delicate ribs.
"O.k! O.k! I'll come over!" Angela yelled with one final heaving pushing my hands back out from beneath her cotton white t-shirt.
Already wearing her short shorts, t-shirt and shoes it wasn't nessercerry for any futher delays. Not wanting to walk infront of me for obvious reasons Angela followed me back down the stairs, noticeably keeping her distance as we went. A small hesitation in Angela's step when reaching the ground floor prepared me for futher protest but a false alarm was quickly apparent as she continued her uneasy walk to my house.
"You can start in my room its the messiest." I commented with a joking smile as I darted in front of my tasty neighbour to open the door for her.
"...It'd be better if I just start downstairs and work my way up." Angela slowly walked into my entrance way not even looking at the stairs which lay only a few feet in front of her.
"Or the other way around, you can follow me." I began walking up the wooden steps keeping my eye on Angela the whole time. "...you coming?"
"...I dunnno...I don't think this is such a good idea...people might get the wrong idea you know?" People can come up with any excuse under pressure no matter how stupid it sounds.
"C'mooon." I said with puppy dog eyes wandering back down towards her and popping my head in front of Angela's, forcing eye contact. "If you clean my room I won't have to do this..."
"EEE! Stop that!" Angela leapt back when I gave her a sudden jab with my index finger dead on her belly button. "Stop that! Stop it now! You can't keep tickling me! You can't make me do things and tickle me all the time I hate it!"
"Come on now, stop being silly." I said reaching out to her and holding her hand. "If you just kept your promises you wouldn't get tickled."
I knew Angela was trying to release her hand from mine but regardless I held it firm and lead her up the squeaking steps. The second story of my house was relativley the same as hers however all my doors were left open. Entering the bedroom Angela could see it truly was a mess, there was even a huge card board box, unopened in from of the bed from when I had moved in.
"...Where should I start?" Angela asked nervously but blatently trying to keep it casual.
"Wouldn't know to tell the truth. Under the beds pretty mess, I can't fit there." I commented bending over and pulling out a crinkled t-shirt from beneath the queen sized matress. "...you may want to start at the back and work your way out, theres a load of stuff thats fallen between the bed and the wall."
Anglea looked at me for a few seconds, I guess wondering if I was going to leave the room or offer a cup a joe. Giving a 'oh well' look the older woman crouched to her knees, snaked onto her belly and tunneled under my large messy bed. With her legs wiggling out from the messy dark it was too an oppurtunity to pass up as I kneeled over the back of her shins making sure not to make contact until the last second.
"Hey!" Angela sparked in surprise as she felt my weight come down pinning her legs to the shagged carpet.
Funnily enough the real horror of her situatuion didn't dawn on her until I began slipping off her lace up running shoe. As the cloud white sock was revealed the trapped red head began screaming bloody murder, all be it slighty muffled by the immensity of the bulky bed. Screaming at the top of her lungs yelling order after order I took no notice as I removed the other shoe followed quickly in my excited haste by the two small socks.
"You have very pretty feet." I sat slightly in awe, I hadn't even imagined them to look so creamy soft and bone tinglingly vunerable.
"LET ME OUT OF HERE YOU SICK FUCKING PERVERT ASSHOLE!" Angela screeched, I had never actually heard her swear...or yell so loudly. "BASTARD! STOP THIS NOW! I'M CALLING THE POLICE!"
"...Call the police? I just gave you a compliment." The idea of the law made my stomch sink until I gazed back upon the prizes before me. "You should thank someone when they compliment you."
"DON'T! I'm sorry! Please Paul!" Angela's tune quickly changed as I slowly and ever so softly, barley touching the skin, slid my index finger down the side of her wrinkly little sole. "I won't call the police! Just don't tickle me anymore!"
Of course Angela wouldn't call the police I had her trapped. Bare feet, ready to tickle at point blank range. Increasing my speed slowy her begging became noticibly strained as the bare footed woman forced back inevitable giggles. Building up to some proper raking was fun but the element of surprise was even better ecspecially when, without any warning, scrambled all ten fingers in wild random motions over her soft sikly soles.
"...I'm begging you hereeehe...no..I'll do NAHAHAHA! HAHA!" I knew she was fighting more violently than ever beneath the bed however in such a tight space and surrouned by all that clutter the busty red heads room to thrash was seriously limited. "HAHAHA! OHHAHA OHNO! HAHAH!"
The loud screaming tortured laughter came straigt from the belly and streamed to my ears like heaven on the radio. If I could have sat there for the rest of time I would have, it even made me curious if someone could literally pass out from being tickled too much. Was I really that cruel? Did I have it in me.
A light shade of pink soon washed over the small trapped feet, I knew she was crying a tormented cry under the bed. Admiring her sweet little toes I simply couldn't resist for the life of me. My fingers burrowed under her toes wiggling like mad and it seemed her laughter grew possibly ten times louder. With some of the squealing coming out from under there I was glad the bed muffled her slightly as other wise I would have surely gone deaf.
For Angela it must have surley seemed forever and I hadn't taken notice of the time. An easy guess would be over five minutes solid. Gasps for air and frequent sobs bellowed from behind me, interupted by impaitence as I began tickling once again.
I should have thought about what it was like for her, under there in the dark, all alone and trapped. Angela's only companion in the world was the feeling of total helplessness as her feet were tickeld and tickled. I should have thought about her but I didn't, all I felt was the tremendous exotic pleasure it bought me.
God they were gorgeus. The most perfect thing in the world, up turned little wrinkled soles with a perfect shade of light pink. Items from the gods sat before me all mine and mine to tickle as much as I pleased. And I pleased a lot. Angela hadn't made any plea for mercy since I had scrambled my fingers onto her naked feet, I don't think she could with all that forced laughter.
"Huh...huh..ahhh...uhh." Sobs and crys and crackled gasps whimpered from the dark when I finally stopped after who knows how long.
"Did you enjoy that?" I asked with no reply just continuous cries and whimpers. "I'll take that as a 'yes'."
"NAAHAHAH! HAHAH!" Angela screamed when I returned fingers to ticklish flesh for the thrid wicked round.
In the same case as when a baby won't stop crying I wondered where Angela found the energy to continue laughing, although she had no choice. Thinking about it now I wonder how come it was so different from the stories I had read? Why didn't her screaming laughter turn to silence after the first few minutes? Why wasn't she getting obviously arroused and secretly enjoying it despite her pleas for a cease tickle? Whatever the answer I didn't want silence anyway, Angela's tormented laughter was perfect for my ears.
It must have kept up for a little over twenty minutes with five minute full on finger dancing bursts. The last session I had got most carried away, I don't think I even blinked, Angela must have laughed for eight minutes straight. Filled to the brim with passion there was no way I wanted to let this ticklish beauty go, there was still so much left for me to play with.
"Uhhuh hh...ah...nooo...huh" Tearful whimpers came from under the bed with mousie silent pleas as Angela felt me tightly wrapping a long tube sock around her ankles, the beauty of a messy room. "...what are...huh...stoohp...what are you...you doing?..huh huhh"
"Quiet now, don't be scared." My assurance didn't take as I stood up, bending fowards and gripping Angela's slender ankles in my hands. "Your o.k."
What a mess my ticklish beauty was. Drenched in a glowing sweat, hair matted and sticking to her beet red face. Not to mention the tear filled eyes and her tight white t-shirt was twisted oddly. As I dragged Angela out into the open she did grip at the carpet but was either too exhaust or had began to accept her fate because it worked to no avail.
"Paul...paul what can I do?" Angela asked after I rolled her exhasuted body onto her back, pinning her arms with my knees. "How can I...huh stop you...?"
Stroking lightly with my index finger around her gorgeus cleavege I didn't answer. Truth was her best bet was probably a S.W.A.T team at that point. Fill me with enough bullets I might have stopped. Keeping my hands skating circles over Angela's collar upper chest my eyes scanned the immediate floor for futher restraining material. Her sleak body struggles weakly between my legs however I took little notice as my hands tried to creep discreetly behind her back.
Angela had given up trying to beg, threaten or reason. More tears swam from her horrified jade eyes as I tugged her t-shirt up and, with minor effort, over her cushy bra covered boobs. With the white cotton shirt wrapped up under her arms I could sit and admire the creamy white mountians I had climbed but never seen. A light caress steered my hand towards the front clip and with a quick snap the crying red heads glorius melons burst from their containment.
Shutting her eyes and turning her head to the side Angela looked as if she was trying to simply pretend she wasn't there. Lying there, trapped beneath me, her breats open to the air and vunerable to the touch. I had heard that when people are angry or scared they can loose their ticklishness, this was not the case with Angela as prooved by the screaming laughter that followed when I spidered my fingers over her jiggling gifts.
"Aww whats the matter, are you ticklish?" My verbal taunts were more for my pleasure then Angela's horror but they seemed to work both ways.
"HAHAH NOMOREEEE! HAHA!" Wild squirming sent purposeful kicks into my back but due to her weak and uncoordianted state the knees came as no more than a hearty pat. "HAHA OHNOOHNOOHUHHH! HAHA!"
The sweet softness was even better in the open then when I had tickled them under her clothes. The fleshy cushions bulged out between my fingers with each squeez and bounced with laughter from every tiny stroke. Still in an effort to give Angela some pleasure I did use one hand to fondle her left nipple for some time but it came with no obvious results, if any. With the high pitched screeching dying as I stopped ample oppurtunity presented itself to completley remove the shirt. Whipping the sexily red bra out from underneath the gasping woman I lifted my knees and forced Anglea's arms above her head, easily stripping her of her upperbody clothing.
"You can do this the easy way or the hard way." I had played these impossible to win mind games with girl friends in the past. "Either you roll onto your front or I'll roll you...and if I have to roll you, you know what'll happen."
"Uh huhhh hhh hh" Nothing doing as she just lay there crying away, being ignored was not part of the plan and what better way to get attention the vicously dig my fingers into her smooth sikly underarms. "EEEHAHA HAHA NO! HAHA GODNOHAHA!"
Renewed energy let Angela buck up and down, her tummy softly hitting my groin. Attempting to close her arms over my curious hands led to nothing but dissapointment as my knees blocked there way. Eyes shut tightly and mouth open wide with myrth Angela's head rolled frantically from side to side in an effort to make it all go away. Go away it would not as my hands slipped back and prodded rapidly into her heaving ribs.
"So anyway...great weather we're having latley wouldn't you say?" Chuckling to myself it rose to villainous levels as I cackled with joy to the greatest time of my life.
To be continued...
Such a simple question seemed to hit Angela like a bolt of lightning as I virtually felt the shiver run up her spine. Unexpectedly, after several seconds of dead shocked silence, my lusty red head neighbour crossed her legs tightly like a small child at school on the floor listening to the teacher, hiding her feet beneath her knees. Angela was just as surprised as myself, I think, that she had the energy to do that.
"You...you can't touch me anymore...I...I don't like you Paul." Angela said with a whimper of fear as unsure of her point as I was. "This has to stop...its not right."
"How about we make a deal?" Fighting the lust back that had overwhelmed me for the last few minutes I decided this was clearly enough. "What say...you clean my house on Saturday...and I won't tickle your feet for the next three days?"
"...You...you'll let me go right now?" There was very little hope in her voice, she didn't even attempt to make eye contact.
"If you promise to-" I was quickly interupted, we both knew she would have done or said literally anything to get out of futher tickling.
"-I'll do it! I'll clean your house...please please let me go." Angela was still sobbing with fear of more tickles despite the fact I was completley genuine.
True to my word, with the help of cooking oil, I released the busty red head neighbour from the letter slot in my door and watched her weakly wander home. Over the next few days all I did was think about those few glorius minutes when I had tickled her silly. Sure she had got mad, and even scared but I didn't care, not one bit. Everything else was mute, I went through work with a blank expression living outside of daily chatter with only that one thought on my mind.
The only time I saw Angela all week after the incident was brief as I pulled up home from work and her pace seemed to increase as she scurried inside. I did manage to speak to her via telephone on Firday evening to confirm 11am cleaning time which suited both of us fine. Only when Saturday rolled around, it was 2pm and still no sign of Angela.
"Angela?" I called as I knocked on her front door wearing my usual casual jeans and t-shirt for a hot summers weekend. "Are you home? I thought we said eleven o clock?"
After atleast five solid minutes of knocking on the door it became apparent she had either gone for a walk or was simply not answering. Angela's car had been in the drive way all day so she can't have gone far. The garden too was empty when I wandered around the back of her house but fortunatley the back fly screen door allowed me to see the main door behind it was fully open to the warm breeze.
"Hellooo?" I called in a friendly tone as I pushed open the creeky little door as if I'd done it a thousand times.
Wandering into the dimly lit laundry I thought it funny that I'd lived in this neighbourhood for two years and mine was the only house I'd actually been in. It was that surreal feeling you get when you've worked in a office building for several years and still don't know where the manager's office is. Oddly enough the lino floor continued straight into the kitchen which stopped at the carpet in an arch way leading to the surprisingly large living room. Given the amount of seats in there it was a wonder she lived by herself, didn't even have a cat.
"Angela? I'm making myself at home." I called casually noticing the front door through the arch way to my left sitting opposite a nicely carpeted set of stairs. "Are you up stairs? You better be decent I'm coming up."
Unlike my house Angela's stairs didn't creek if you stood in the middle, out of habit I still hit a few steps standing to the side. Arriving on the second story there were five doors in the hallway, one at either end to my left and right, two opposite me and one on the wall right next to my right which sat open just slightly unlike the other. Deciding to begin my search clockwise I vered left and opened the end door, a small study room by the looks, nothing for me there.
Turning around to question the next door I spied one of Angela's sexy green eyes peeking out between the gap of the slightly open door. Quickly yet queitly as if trying not to wake an bear or lion the door closed with a small click. Wandering casually up to the door both Angela and I knew she had been found but remained to act relativley normal about it.
"Angela?" I asked knowing full well that it was her while pushing down the slim golden coloured handle. "Are you o.k? Did you forget you promised to clean my house?"
"Go away Paul! Ahh!" Angela was startled as I managed to push her fine figured off from the other side of the door and enter straight into her bathroom.
"You promised to clean my house...you can't just go round breaking promises." I towered above Angela even though I still stood several feet away from her, the sexy red head looked like a deer in the head lights. "I thought we were friends? You don't break promises to friends."
"Look...Look Paul I'm sorry...nows just not a good time." As Angela avoided making eye contacted she stepped softly in her socks trying to brush past me but without thought I side stepped in her way making the shorter woman walk right into me. "...Hm? excuse me."
"Where are going?" I asked sternly grabbing her forearms in a firm but not harsh grip. "You have to clean my house."
"I told you...nnn...I told you nows not a good time." Angela still avoided eye contact as she wiggled slightly to try and free herself. "Could you let me go please? Right now?"
"...I don't think you deserve to be let go do you? You broke a promise to a good friend." I increased my grip slightly and posistioned her up right to cease from struggling. "Infact I think you need to be punished."
"No...no don't do that! Stop it!" Angela recoiled backwards batting at my arms as I squirmed them up her t-shirt and attempted to clutch for her ribs. "Stop it! Get HA! No! Get off me! HA! Stop! EEEE!"
Holding my arms tightly Angela tried to concerntrate of keeping my hands back but it was too late. Once her warm soft flesh had made contact I was totally consumed by the need to tickle her senseless. The gorgeus red head was doing a good job of holding back the laughter with only miner mousy squeals slipping out.
"Are you going to clean my house or do I have to teach you a lesson?" I asked ceasing my claws but keeping my hands imobile around her delicate ribs.
"O.k! O.k! I'll come over!" Angela yelled with one final heaving pushing my hands back out from beneath her cotton white t-shirt.
Already wearing her short shorts, t-shirt and shoes it wasn't nessercerry for any futher delays. Not wanting to walk infront of me for obvious reasons Angela followed me back down the stairs, noticeably keeping her distance as we went. A small hesitation in Angela's step when reaching the ground floor prepared me for futher protest but a false alarm was quickly apparent as she continued her uneasy walk to my house.
"You can start in my room its the messiest." I commented with a joking smile as I darted in front of my tasty neighbour to open the door for her.
"...It'd be better if I just start downstairs and work my way up." Angela slowly walked into my entrance way not even looking at the stairs which lay only a few feet in front of her.
"Or the other way around, you can follow me." I began walking up the wooden steps keeping my eye on Angela the whole time. "...you coming?"
"...I dunnno...I don't think this is such a good idea...people might get the wrong idea you know?" People can come up with any excuse under pressure no matter how stupid it sounds.
"C'mooon." I said with puppy dog eyes wandering back down towards her and popping my head in front of Angela's, forcing eye contact. "If you clean my room I won't have to do this..."
"EEE! Stop that!" Angela leapt back when I gave her a sudden jab with my index finger dead on her belly button. "Stop that! Stop it now! You can't keep tickling me! You can't make me do things and tickle me all the time I hate it!"
"Come on now, stop being silly." I said reaching out to her and holding her hand. "If you just kept your promises you wouldn't get tickled."
I knew Angela was trying to release her hand from mine but regardless I held it firm and lead her up the squeaking steps. The second story of my house was relativley the same as hers however all my doors were left open. Entering the bedroom Angela could see it truly was a mess, there was even a huge card board box, unopened in from of the bed from when I had moved in.
"...Where should I start?" Angela asked nervously but blatently trying to keep it casual.
"Wouldn't know to tell the truth. Under the beds pretty mess, I can't fit there." I commented bending over and pulling out a crinkled t-shirt from beneath the queen sized matress. "...you may want to start at the back and work your way out, theres a load of stuff thats fallen between the bed and the wall."
Anglea looked at me for a few seconds, I guess wondering if I was going to leave the room or offer a cup a joe. Giving a 'oh well' look the older woman crouched to her knees, snaked onto her belly and tunneled under my large messy bed. With her legs wiggling out from the messy dark it was too an oppurtunity to pass up as I kneeled over the back of her shins making sure not to make contact until the last second.
"Hey!" Angela sparked in surprise as she felt my weight come down pinning her legs to the shagged carpet.
Funnily enough the real horror of her situatuion didn't dawn on her until I began slipping off her lace up running shoe. As the cloud white sock was revealed the trapped red head began screaming bloody murder, all be it slighty muffled by the immensity of the bulky bed. Screaming at the top of her lungs yelling order after order I took no notice as I removed the other shoe followed quickly in my excited haste by the two small socks.
"You have very pretty feet." I sat slightly in awe, I hadn't even imagined them to look so creamy soft and bone tinglingly vunerable.
"LET ME OUT OF HERE YOU SICK FUCKING PERVERT ASSHOLE!" Angela screeched, I had never actually heard her swear...or yell so loudly. "BASTARD! STOP THIS NOW! I'M CALLING THE POLICE!"
"...Call the police? I just gave you a compliment." The idea of the law made my stomch sink until I gazed back upon the prizes before me. "You should thank someone when they compliment you."
"DON'T! I'm sorry! Please Paul!" Angela's tune quickly changed as I slowly and ever so softly, barley touching the skin, slid my index finger down the side of her wrinkly little sole. "I won't call the police! Just don't tickle me anymore!"
Of course Angela wouldn't call the police I had her trapped. Bare feet, ready to tickle at point blank range. Increasing my speed slowy her begging became noticibly strained as the bare footed woman forced back inevitable giggles. Building up to some proper raking was fun but the element of surprise was even better ecspecially when, without any warning, scrambled all ten fingers in wild random motions over her soft sikly soles.
"...I'm begging you hereeehe...no..I'll do NAHAHAHA! HAHA!" I knew she was fighting more violently than ever beneath the bed however in such a tight space and surrouned by all that clutter the busty red heads room to thrash was seriously limited. "HAHAHA! OHHAHA OHNO! HAHAH!"
The loud screaming tortured laughter came straigt from the belly and streamed to my ears like heaven on the radio. If I could have sat there for the rest of time I would have, it even made me curious if someone could literally pass out from being tickled too much. Was I really that cruel? Did I have it in me.
A light shade of pink soon washed over the small trapped feet, I knew she was crying a tormented cry under the bed. Admiring her sweet little toes I simply couldn't resist for the life of me. My fingers burrowed under her toes wiggling like mad and it seemed her laughter grew possibly ten times louder. With some of the squealing coming out from under there I was glad the bed muffled her slightly as other wise I would have surely gone deaf.
For Angela it must have surley seemed forever and I hadn't taken notice of the time. An easy guess would be over five minutes solid. Gasps for air and frequent sobs bellowed from behind me, interupted by impaitence as I began tickling once again.
I should have thought about what it was like for her, under there in the dark, all alone and trapped. Angela's only companion in the world was the feeling of total helplessness as her feet were tickeld and tickled. I should have thought about her but I didn't, all I felt was the tremendous exotic pleasure it bought me.
God they were gorgeus. The most perfect thing in the world, up turned little wrinkled soles with a perfect shade of light pink. Items from the gods sat before me all mine and mine to tickle as much as I pleased. And I pleased a lot. Angela hadn't made any plea for mercy since I had scrambled my fingers onto her naked feet, I don't think she could with all that forced laughter.
"Huh...huh..ahhh...uhh." Sobs and crys and crackled gasps whimpered from the dark when I finally stopped after who knows how long.
"Did you enjoy that?" I asked with no reply just continuous cries and whimpers. "I'll take that as a 'yes'."
"NAAHAHAH! HAHAH!" Angela screamed when I returned fingers to ticklish flesh for the thrid wicked round.
In the same case as when a baby won't stop crying I wondered where Angela found the energy to continue laughing, although she had no choice. Thinking about it now I wonder how come it was so different from the stories I had read? Why didn't her screaming laughter turn to silence after the first few minutes? Why wasn't she getting obviously arroused and secretly enjoying it despite her pleas for a cease tickle? Whatever the answer I didn't want silence anyway, Angela's tormented laughter was perfect for my ears.
It must have kept up for a little over twenty minutes with five minute full on finger dancing bursts. The last session I had got most carried away, I don't think I even blinked, Angela must have laughed for eight minutes straight. Filled to the brim with passion there was no way I wanted to let this ticklish beauty go, there was still so much left for me to play with.
"Uhhuh hh...ah...nooo...huh" Tearful whimpers came from under the bed with mousie silent pleas as Angela felt me tightly wrapping a long tube sock around her ankles, the beauty of a messy room. "...what are...huh...stoohp...what are you...you doing?..huh huhh"
"Quiet now, don't be scared." My assurance didn't take as I stood up, bending fowards and gripping Angela's slender ankles in my hands. "Your o.k."
What a mess my ticklish beauty was. Drenched in a glowing sweat, hair matted and sticking to her beet red face. Not to mention the tear filled eyes and her tight white t-shirt was twisted oddly. As I dragged Angela out into the open she did grip at the carpet but was either too exhaust or had began to accept her fate because it worked to no avail.
"Paul...paul what can I do?" Angela asked after I rolled her exhasuted body onto her back, pinning her arms with my knees. "How can I...huh stop you...?"
Stroking lightly with my index finger around her gorgeus cleavege I didn't answer. Truth was her best bet was probably a S.W.A.T team at that point. Fill me with enough bullets I might have stopped. Keeping my hands skating circles over Angela's collar upper chest my eyes scanned the immediate floor for futher restraining material. Her sleak body struggles weakly between my legs however I took little notice as my hands tried to creep discreetly behind her back.
Angela had given up trying to beg, threaten or reason. More tears swam from her horrified jade eyes as I tugged her t-shirt up and, with minor effort, over her cushy bra covered boobs. With the white cotton shirt wrapped up under her arms I could sit and admire the creamy white mountians I had climbed but never seen. A light caress steered my hand towards the front clip and with a quick snap the crying red heads glorius melons burst from their containment.
Shutting her eyes and turning her head to the side Angela looked as if she was trying to simply pretend she wasn't there. Lying there, trapped beneath me, her breats open to the air and vunerable to the touch. I had heard that when people are angry or scared they can loose their ticklishness, this was not the case with Angela as prooved by the screaming laughter that followed when I spidered my fingers over her jiggling gifts.
"Aww whats the matter, are you ticklish?" My verbal taunts were more for my pleasure then Angela's horror but they seemed to work both ways.
"HAHAH NOMOREEEE! HAHA!" Wild squirming sent purposeful kicks into my back but due to her weak and uncoordianted state the knees came as no more than a hearty pat. "HAHA OHNOOHNOOHUHHH! HAHA!"
The sweet softness was even better in the open then when I had tickled them under her clothes. The fleshy cushions bulged out between my fingers with each squeez and bounced with laughter from every tiny stroke. Still in an effort to give Angela some pleasure I did use one hand to fondle her left nipple for some time but it came with no obvious results, if any. With the high pitched screeching dying as I stopped ample oppurtunity presented itself to completley remove the shirt. Whipping the sexily red bra out from underneath the gasping woman I lifted my knees and forced Anglea's arms above her head, easily stripping her of her upperbody clothing.
"You can do this the easy way or the hard way." I had played these impossible to win mind games with girl friends in the past. "Either you roll onto your front or I'll roll you...and if I have to roll you, you know what'll happen."
"Uh huhhh hhh hh" Nothing doing as she just lay there crying away, being ignored was not part of the plan and what better way to get attention the vicously dig my fingers into her smooth sikly underarms. "EEEHAHA HAHA NO! HAHA GODNOHAHA!"
Renewed energy let Angela buck up and down, her tummy softly hitting my groin. Attempting to close her arms over my curious hands led to nothing but dissapointment as my knees blocked there way. Eyes shut tightly and mouth open wide with myrth Angela's head rolled frantically from side to side in an effort to make it all go away. Go away it would not as my hands slipped back and prodded rapidly into her heaving ribs.
"So anyway...great weather we're having latley wouldn't you say?" Chuckling to myself it rose to villainous levels as I cackled with joy to the greatest time of my life.
To be continued...