Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Bad guy (our good friend) Don Turtelli has works his way into reallife/fiction. He tickles the feet of these lady spys. Who Cracks First?
I chose Heather. Somehow, she just looks really ticklish to me. I know there is no such thing as "looking ticklish", but it is just a guess. Jennifer Garner says she is only a little ticklish, and while I have no particular feeling about Beyonce, I just have this hunch that Heather would crack first. I may be wrong, but this is my suspicion.
Wishful thinking on the Beyonce cracking with tickle torture. I read an interview a while ago that asked that question. This is back when it was still just Beyonce's Child. She said that she wasn't very ticklish but Kelly was the ticklish one.
Of the remaining two...I'm thinking Heather Graham may be the one to crack.