With my taking posession of the apartment today.. it's official. Goodbye.. Lancaster, PA.. Hello... Forest Hills, NY.
I'm actually moving next Sunday.. but the apartment in Forest Hills is officially mine. My dad went to the building today, got the keys, called me, and said "Hello, from (the name of the building)"
Goodbye. all you can eat buffets. Goodbye.. Jim Gardner..
Goodbye.. Lancaster. You took my mom, my business.. my best friend.. but you haven't taken my dreams. I'm leaving here battered.. bruised.. but with my head held high. I look forward to reunions with family and friends, new opportunities.. and making new friends in New York.
Mom, if you're watching.. I love you.. and I miss you. I know you're happy with this decision, and I have every confidence that in time.. things are going to be just fine.
I'm actually moving next Sunday.. but the apartment in Forest Hills is officially mine. My dad went to the building today, got the keys, called me, and said "Hello, from (the name of the building)"
Goodbye. all you can eat buffets. Goodbye.. Jim Gardner..
Goodbye.. Lancaster. You took my mom, my business.. my best friend.. but you haven't taken my dreams. I'm leaving here battered.. bruised.. but with my head held high. I look forward to reunions with family and friends, new opportunities.. and making new friends in New York.
Mom, if you're watching.. I love you.. and I miss you. I know you're happy with this decision, and I have every confidence that in time.. things are going to be just fine.