Well... it matters to me! 😀 😀 😀
It keeps it from becoming completely predictable - at least, it kept Vice City from.
I even started it all over again from 0%, so I could complete the side missions before tackling the main plot.
Can't tell about SA, yet.
So, far, it seems fine, with its foibles.
For example, as others already pointed out, CJ is nowhere as personable as Tommy Vercetti was.
I mean, he had attitude in spades, had a psychotic streak about him, and wasn't that clichèd as an italian mafia man.
Poor CJ is half as old, twice as meek, and tenfold as moronic: he actually begged Catalina not to kill him!
You are supposed to be a street gangster, not some pansy assed poser boy, fool!
Of course, if somebody manages to finish it to 100%, I bet SA becomes stale!
I mean, Vice City was big, and it was just one city...
SA is so huge you can actually lose your bearings!
I really wish they had done a better navigation system - but all in all, riding about in a Freeway bike, listening to my fav tunes, makes for a nice, albeit virtual, easyrider-like experience. 🙂