I wouldn't worry about it: Alot of girls tease people and then get accusatory as soon as their arse is pinched, or in this case, when you tickled her. In my experience girls who do this sort of thing are either looking to see how you handle the situation, or have a pathetic attitude that they can do what they like, but noone is good enough to touch them. You'll quickly know whether the latter is true if you react in the right way:
Basically, if you react by being embarrassed and intimidated, you'll look pathetic. All you need to do is make them feel like they are being funny, which they are - all you have to do is treat them like it. Just ask yourself: Is this person completely overeacting? obviously they are; so start a playful argument about it. Arguing with girls is probably the best way to suck them in (if you are are good at arguing that is) Trust me, if you can win an argument and keep the mood playful, you're in for sure. I'm serious, remember that, it is the best tip I can give. If you want to learn ways with women, the best thing to do is get practice at it while drunk 😉