Hey y'all
Been looking for quite some time now to get myself a new amp, been playing 2 years now mostly blues and classic rock (have an accustic for everything else). I've checked out a few models ( Definatly wanna go all tube) and have narrowed it down to the peavey classic 30 and a Marshall class 5. My price is around 700 tops. I was just wondering if anyone has one of these two amps and can speak on there behalf or if there's anything else in the price range I should be looking at ( even used) ? I've read alot of reviews but I wanna know people around here have to say. Good or bad
Been looking for quite some time now to get myself a new amp, been playing 2 years now mostly blues and classic rock (have an accustic for everything else). I've checked out a few models ( Definatly wanna go all tube) and have narrowed it down to the peavey classic 30 and a Marshall class 5. My price is around 700 tops. I was just wondering if anyone has one of these two amps and can speak on there behalf or if there's anything else in the price range I should be looking at ( even used) ? I've read alot of reviews but I wanna know people around here have to say. Good or bad