Quoting Frink:
"That was simply that the conditions (despite what created those conditions) precipitated the stricter laws; the stricter laws did not precipitate the conditions (i.e., the crime)."
Wrongo! That's what you've got backwards. The racist laws created the climate of crime, and the racist laws included, as part of the package, gun control aimed specifically at minorities. Granted, there were also a buttload of OTHER racist laws and practices going on too, but gun control was a key factor and the most common remaining piece of the "Jim Crow structure" today.
Notice that Florida Supreme Court statute quoted above? The reason the original bill was REALLY passed in 1893 was that a KKK raiding party had tried to invade a black township outside of Gainsville, FL and was repelled by black residents using revolvers and lever-action rifles in a pitched gun battle. They ended up piling white-sheet-clad corpses on the edge of town. In large part, Buford is fulla $hit, the real cause of that law wasn't to prevent black crime, but to prevent black *self defense* - against white criminals.
I doubt you'll read Clayton's article, but here's one quote you may find interesting:
"[N]o freedman, free negro or mulatto, not in the military service of the United States government, and not licensed so to do by the board of police of his or her county, shall keep or carry fire-arms of any kind, or any ammunition, dirk or bowie knife, and on conviction thereof in the county court shall be punished by fine, not exceeding ten dollars, and pay the cost of such proceedings, and all such arms or ammunition shall be forfeited to the informer; and it shall be the duty of every civil and military officer to arrest any freedman, free negro, or mulatto found with any such arms or ammunition, and cause him or her to be committed to trial in default of bail."
- Mississippi statute of 1865, cited by professors Cottrol and Diamond in "The Second Amendment: Toward an Afro-Americanist Reconsideration", 80 Geo. L.J 1991, 309-361 (1991),
That statute was written immediately after the Civil War. It *pre-dates* the rise of any significant "urban black ghettos", and is one of numerous examples cited by Cottrol and Diamond.
As blacks moved North, racist laws got enacted there too.
In 1925, a black doctor name of Henry Sweet moved his family to a white suburb of Detroit, Michigan. A lynch mob formed across the street and after days of unrest, charged the house. At least six members of the Sweet family fired into the crowd, killing one and wounding another. The cops arrested the entire family. Civil Rights attorney Clarence Darrow defended them in court, and won a total victory on grounds of self defense even with an all-white jury.
Enraged by this incident, the KKK lobbied the MI legislature which in 1927 copied earlier Southern "discretionary gun permit" rules in an attempt to disarm minorities...for reasons exactly mirroring Florida in 1893.
Let me be blunt here: self defense is a basic human right. To interfere with it is *evil*, and will never have a good result.
Quoting Frink again:
"I personally think anyone should be allowed to have a gun in their own home, but would not be at ease with having everyone who "feels they need protection" carrying concealed."
Five years ago, I had death threats against me that first led me to seek one of these permits (unsuccessfully, because Calif still has the old "discretionary" issuance system abandoned now by Florida, Michigan *and* Mississippi).
At that time, widedspread issuance seemed scary to me too. But instead of theorizing on what would happen, I sent out about two dozen EMails to street cops in the shall-issue states, such as Florida, Oregon, Washington (state), Texas, Mississippi, Tennessee, Alaska, etc. I asked those street cops whether or not permitholders were causing problems. The universal answer: no. People willing to go through background checks and training were NOT causing problems, and often were more "allies" of law enforcement in that they're more willing to report crime without fear of retaliation, because their civil right to self defense was no longer being abused by authority at the same time criminals abused them.
I can also show you dozens of stories like this one:
Michigan converted to "shall issue" just last year. The title of the above story says it all: "Gun permits surge, but not violence". There is NO evidence from any of the 33 states and counting with fair access to legal self defense that it causes a problem!