Great phots i8uslowly! Sometimes you can get good closeup shots when they have their feet up in the air but I always wonder with all time they spend at the gym barefoot if it makes them less ticklish or not?
Great phots i8uslowly! Sometimes you can get good closeup shots when they have their feet up in the air but I always wonder with all time they spend at the gym barefoot if it makes them less ticklish or not?
I suppose some might be less ticklish than they otherwise would be. I knew a girl in Germany who had been a gymnast up until about a year before I met her and she was TICKLISH, especially her feet. Made her mad to be given a good going had to go slow and work it into things. (and of course, while a cute girl's feet have all sorts of delightful intrigue to the devilish tickler, they aren't the only places to play).
And one should always consider the whole package (especially one so tightly compact as a gymnast). A toned, petite body, cute, bright face, smiling, dancing eyes and all fired up to show you what tricks they can do.
As an example, survey the cuteness below and try to hear the music to be made...
I would love a gf like that, though its a shame that the girls in my country (uk) care more about drinking the most alcohol and doing bugger all excercise.