I definitely notice hands but it's not a fetish. Hands and jewelry say a lot about a person. I was once mesmerized by the hands of a certain counterperson. This woman's hands, like the rest of her, looked strong and confident but not in a male way. I thought she might be a dancer or an athlete. I was attracted to her although I never spoke with her other than to say "half-a-pound of that, please... thanks." Imagine my surprise when, years later, we met in different circumstances. I first recognized her by her hands, not her face, and we became lovers. [Yes, I *am* married to a man now] I was right about her physicality. She was into body building and self defense, made her living as an emergency medical technician and was studying massage therapy. After we broke up, while I was still heartsick, I saw her at a party. She touched my arm and I felt it as an electric shock running through me. Wow... hands.siamese dream said:I've always liked a person's hands too. I think they can be very interesting, sexy, even relevant to the personality of their owner 😉