Dear Married Couples,
How do you handle relatives and in-laws when they discover tickling ?
You are either a man or a woman, and you have either..
**--> 0, 1, or multiple instances of...
**--> brothers, sisters, stepdad, stepmom, bio-dad, bio-mom,
and that was just your immediate living-arrangement family.
Your spouse almost certainly didn't have the exact same combination of family members that you had.
Somebody correct my math theory, but I think there are over 200 possible combinations in those relationships.
I'm trying to think of how they would react; and I'm drawing a total blank. e.g., your spouse's sister could find out and then tell...
Forget it; my brain can't compute the possibilities.
So just how <I><B>DO</B></I> you handle it ? The big family secret ? Did the two of you share it with all parents before you agreed on the marriage ? Do your siblings know ? Did they find out ? Were they shocked ? Did they make accusations against your mental state ? Did any of them become instant psychiatric experts ? Did they react with a "yeah, so what" response ? Have you kept it secret from other family members ?
Help those of us who are still hoping by giving us the benefit of the experience of your successes and your failures.
How do you handle relatives and in-laws when they discover tickling ?
You are either a man or a woman, and you have either..
**--> 0, 1, or multiple instances of...
**--> brothers, sisters, stepdad, stepmom, bio-dad, bio-mom,
and that was just your immediate living-arrangement family.
Your spouse almost certainly didn't have the exact same combination of family members that you had.
Somebody correct my math theory, but I think there are over 200 possible combinations in those relationships.
I'm trying to think of how they would react; and I'm drawing a total blank. e.g., your spouse's sister could find out and then tell...
Forget it; my brain can't compute the possibilities.
So just how <I><B>DO</B></I> you handle it ? The big family secret ? Did the two of you share it with all parents before you agreed on the marriage ? Do your siblings know ? Did they find out ? Were they shocked ? Did they make accusations against your mental state ? Did any of them become instant psychiatric experts ? Did they react with a "yeah, so what" response ? Have you kept it secret from other family members ?
Help those of us who are still hoping by giving us the benefit of the experience of your successes and your failures.