This is a Hannah Montanna tickle clip where Miley is eating some loli-pops hoping they will heal her soar throat. Lily says that they will rot her teeth and trys to take the loli-pop from Miley's mouth, but Miley refuses to let go. Lily then says" Fine, you leave me no choice, tickle, tickle, tickle, tickle and starts tickling Miley until she lets go of the loli-pop. You can't hear any major laughter since Miley can't talk so her throat will clear up. THe episode is called"I AM Miley Hear ME Croak. The tickling starts at about 4:22 on the clip.
:::BudweiserBob! EDIT: Removed link due to violation of the rules:::
:::BudweiserBob! EDIT: Removed link due to violation of the rules:::
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