Happy New Year to all!
Bug, please check out the new Java/chatroom help thread: http://www.tickletheater.com/showthread.php?p=727111#post727111
Thanks Boss but it's no good, tells me I need Java, and I already have it.
I resolve to become less ticklish. Fingers crossed!
Well I went bowling with my GF and a bunch of our mutual friends. It was fun. They did a glow-ball thing, and had a live DJ and food and prizes.
I don't really make new years resolutions, but my unofficial list is always:
1. Live more
2. Love more
3. Tickle more
xD So here's to another year of livin', lovin' and laughin'!
So far, so good...
Wish I could say the same. My father unfortunately just had a mini-stroke yesterday.
There doesn't appear to be any permanent damage but god we were all terrified for awhile there that his short term memory had been destroyed.
Thank god he's gonna be okay. :cry
*hug* My grandfather went through that a few years ago as well, so I know the scariness D: I'm glad he's gonna be okay!