In the case of the example I'm going to use, it was a choice of whether the negatives outweighed the positives.
I dont know how closely you've read my posts, Lily, but.. in November 2010, , I ended my relationship with my best friend of 29 years, at the same time my mom had cancer. I'm an only child, so he was like the brother I never had.. at one point.
My ex best friend's mother has always hated me, because I have not allowed myself to be controlled by, and I am estranged from, my father, who was abusive to me my whole life, and has treated me terribly. . My ex best friend's sister was not close to her parents, and the mother blamed me for "showing the sister the way", because the sister didnt want her mother to control the sister's life.
For years, my ex best friend allowed his mother to control our friendship. The mother would say the worst things about me, and make up vicious lies. His mother kept saying that if he met a girl, he wouldnt need to see me anymore. This is precisely how our friendship ended.
In late 2010, my ex best friend met a girl. He started blowing me off, and never making time for me, yet made time to see his other friends, his parents, and his gf. Additionally, my mom had a long hospitalization, and he never called, or came by to see us during that.
As upset as I was, I couldnt take him allowing his mother to control our friendship anymore, and that , I, his best friend of 29 years.. didnt matter anymore, merely because he had met someone a month before.
One week, he did his usual blow off of me, and I told him that I couldnt see any point to continuing on with him, with the way he was treating me. He replied that he agreed that we should part. Fine. Doing so was very painful, and I'm still not completely over it, but I feel better than I did when it happened.
I found out through a friend of mine, a reliable source, who I talk to regularly, and who doesnt talk to my ex best friend, that my ex best friend isnt even with his gf anymore. They are just now "friends", and she is dating someone else. As this friend of mine said, he fucked a 29 year friendship for someone he had met a month before, and isnt even with her anymore.
Having to disassociate from him was one of the most difficult things I've ever had to do. We lived far apart for many years, and I traveled long distances to see him. When we lived near each other, I saw him every week, so not having that the past year, has been an adjustment.
Anyhow, that's my reply to this topic.