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Harley Quinn: Trick or Tickle Part 3 (Huntress) (F/*F)


3rd Level Red Feather
Aug 31, 2004
Sequel to

Harley Quinn: Trick or Tickle Part 3 (Huntress) (F/*F)
By MrObscura101

“If I catch you here again I’ll end you permanently… got it?” Huntress growled to the barely conscious criminals she had just finished beating to a pulp. Following Batman’s no-kill rule, despite thinking it was stupid, she had beaten up a group of car thieves in their chop shop and left them tied to an overhead railing for the cops to find before heading out

“Not a bad night, two muggings, one attempted burglary and the chop shop, better get home and grade those tests” she thought as she remembered she still had work to do as her alter ego Helena Bertinelli as she headed to her purple bike

Walking into the alley where her bike was parked she then felt something slip under her boot

“Huh?” she thought as she looked down and saw a black and pink ooze

“Oil?” she thought in the first instance… but then the pool of shiny liquid began to move…

“WHAT?!” she gasped as the liquid turned into a group of tendrils that lunged at her!

“HEY!!!! LET GO!!!!” she shouted as two tendrils grabbed at her legs, wrapping around them, while another grabbed her left arm. Huntress tried to pull free while also managing to reach her holstered crossbow, grabbing it with her right hand she immediately fired at the middle of the creature, however it just shrugged the cross bolts off and continued moving at her

By now Huntress had moved back to the far wall of the alley trying to break the creatures grip

“WHAT IS THIS STUFF?!” she thought as three tendrils rushed at her, one grabbing her right wrist, one grabbed her elbow and the third snatched away her crossbow. Huntress could now feel her back pressed against the wall and tried to reach for the emergency beacon in her belt buckle… only for two dozen tendrils to suddenly reach down from the roof of the building above and grab at her

“WHHHAAATT??!!!” Huntress cried as they wrapped around her at great speed and lifted her up into the air, carrying her all the way to the roof where she landed, by now nearly her entire body wrapped by various tendrils

“GGRRRHRHHHH” she growled as she fought to get free

“Well well… looks like I ensnared a Huntress… isn’t that ironic…” a voice said with glee as she looked over the purple clad heroine

“HARLEY?!” Huntress gasped to see Harley standing there, but her body was covered in a black and pink ooze with multiple tendrils coming off her

“In the symbiotic flesh!” she grinned, showing off rows of sharp teeth

“WHAT THE HELL IS THIS STUFF?!” Huntress then demanded

“Oh this is my new partner Giggles, she’s from out of town and I’m showing her the sights” Harley smirked as the tendrils began to tighten their grip

“LEEET… GGOOOHHHOOO…” Huntress snapped as she tried to break free, but the tendrils strength far outclassed her

“Sorry, but we’ve got an appointment” Harley replied as more tendrils dove at Huntress

“NOOOMMMHHHFFHFFFFF!!!!!!” Huntress cried as they joined in to wrap around her until her entire body was covered, with only a small gap by her nose for breathing, she struggled about on the floor as she felt Harley scoop her up in a bridal carry and walk off to who knew where!

Huntress blinked as some of the tendrils at last retracted away from her face and she took in a gasp of air

“Harley…” she grunted as she found herself held up vertically in midair secured in a mesh of black tendrils all around her and immediately tried to pull free, but any attempt to do so would cause the tendrils to tighten their grip on her

“Uh uh uh…” Harley called and Huntress looked up to see her clinging to the ceiling wagging her finger before jumping down to face her

“WHERE ARE WE?!” Huntress growled

“Somewhere out of the way where pesky Bats won’t find us” Harley grinned as the creature around her head retracted to reveal her human face

“WHY AM I HERE?!” Huntress then asked

“Well like I said I have been showing Giggles around our town and she and I had a chat where we agreed you need help”

“Great, psychiatry from a psycho…” she muttered to herself

“A formerly licensed psycho I’ll have you know!” Harley replied back in mock hurt “See that’s your problem Huntress… you’re always so serious… you need to lighten up…”

Huntress was so focused on Harley that she didn’t notice some of the tendrils moving and slowly inch towards her underarms, with one at each of them slowly and carefully cutting into her purple body armor

“I don’t need advice from a pschhhhhoooMMMHMHHHFFFF!!!!!” Huntress began to say, but then she felt something touch her underarms

“Sorry what was that?” Harley asked, cupping her ear for emphasis while grinning as Huntress was now shifting around in response

“NO!!! SHE WOULDNT?!” Huntress thought worriedly as she tightly held her mouth shut while glancing about and seeing the holes in her costume now allowing the tendrils to touch her

However her hopes that this was only temporary quickly diminished as more tendrils joined in, some slowly pulled at the armor to make the holes larger and accommodate more of them until there were 8 at each underarm, each moving at a different speed and area and all moving independently to each other

“WHHAHATTT DOOHHOOOOHHHH YYOOHHUU WWHAHHAHNNTT???!!!” Huntress growled as she fought to hold in her laughter

“I told you… to make you lighten up” Harley grinned sadistically

As soon as she said that more tendrils from the swarm holding Huntress began to move, as they began cutting at more of her costume, exposing her sides and ribs, some at her inner thighs, and a large hole to expose her abdomen

“Much better! You know I really miss the old suit of yours that showed off your 700 sit ups a day stomach!” Harley grinned as her index finger began to stroke Huntress’s navel

“Look at these toned abs…”

“GGRRRR IIHHMMM GOOHHHNNAAAHHH KKIHIHLLLLL YOOUHUHUUU!!!!!!!!” Huntress snarled angrily as she tried to move her navel away

Harley grinned as she continued lightly trailing her index finger around as Huntress’s toned stomach and grinning at her anger

“Come on Huntress, laugh and you’ll feel better”


“Never say never…” Harley grinned as her fingers began tickling Huntress’s navel, skittering about as the other tendrils continued to, with some more wrapping around Huntress’s eyes to blindfold her

“DDAAAHHMNN IIHHTT!!!!!” Huntress thought, feeling the laughter building within her as the tickling went on

Harley meanwhile could feel through her connection with Giggles how close Huntress was to cracking

“Yes… feel that ticklish anguish… her laughter will taste delicious…” Giggles said in Harley’s mind

“Oh yeah partner… and I know just how to get her to start…” Harley thought back as the symbiote returned to cover her head, and she poked out the prehensile tongue, inching towards her navel…

Huntress had no way to see or mentally prepare for this until she felt the tongue lightly touch her skin and move about

“HHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA HAHAHAHAHHAHARRLLLEHEHEHEHEYYY!!!!!!! NOHOHOHOOOO!!!!!!!!” she let loose a frantic torrent of laughter in response as she thrashed around trying vainly to break free and protect herself, then laughed even harder as Harley’s fingers tickled the rest of her stomach while the other tendrils continued on


“Aw don’t you feel better laughing compared to being all grouchy?” Harley asked as she retracted the tongue back into her mouth


“Well then you know what that means… we’ll have to keep going!”

“HAHHAHAAAA STAHAHAHHAHAAPPPP RIIGGGHHTTT NOHOHOOOWW DAHAHAMMNN YOOOHHUUUU!!!!!!” Huntress growled back still trying her hardest to break out of the slithering mass holding her

Still blindfolded Harley then had Giggles retract from her face once more and moved her head towards Huntress’s stomach

“Look at this adorable belly button…”

“GEEEHHT AWAHAHAYY YOOHUUU FREEAHAHAKKK!!!!!!!!” Huntress seethed, guessing what was coming next but unable to stop as she felt Harley’s human tongue gently lick around her belly button


“Oh my, what would all the criminals in Gotham say if they knew the fearsome Huntress was so ticklish?” Harley asked mockingly as she kept going

“HAHHAHAHAHAAAA IIHHHMMM GOHOHNNAAHHH KKIIHHLLL YOOUUUUUU!!!!!!” Huntress screamed angrily, hating that she was ticklish, in fact the only person who knew this was Nightwing from when they had briefly dated, and she had sworn him to secrecy under pain of death!

Harley was unconcerned though as she kept going, her tongue making several licks around the edge of Huntress’s belly button until suddenly licking inside it


“mmmmm” was all Harley moaned back in delight, further angering Huntress as she kept licking away, before the symbiote returned to cover her head and the larger, more prehensile tongue did the same with its long tip

“HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAA NNOHHOHOHOOHOHOOO!!!!!!!” Huntress cried as Harley randomly alternated which tongue would be used against her, then at the times Harley used her human tongue she started to also press her lips against Huntress’s navel and blow raspberries against her as well


Huntress gasped for air when the tickling all at once finally stopped, it took her a couple of minutes to catch her breath before glaring at Harley when the tendrils around her eyes retracted

“How you feeling?”

“Yhoohohhohohhoo… goohhnnaaa… kkhhilll… yooohhuu…” Huntress gasped back angrily

“Aw that’s ok, we need to push through all this anger… and I know how to do it…”

Huntress then felt something moving at her legs, realising to her horror that some of the tendrils were now working at the clasps of her boots

“NO!!!! DON’T YOU DARE!!!!!!!” she ordered

“Oh looks like I hit the jackpot…” Harley chuckled, making Huntress curse herself for reacting like this as she felt the multiple tendrils moving around her boots, soon enough all the clasps were undone and more tendrils grabbed at her knees and lower legs to force her legs to bend back at the knees, leaving her boots stuck in the quagmire of Giggles’s body and no matter how much she tried to kick her legs they were trapped, with more tendrils holding her legs to support her weight

“Let’s have a look…” Harley chuckled as she walked behind Huntress to see her feet now trying to kick away, covered in black ankle socks

“Oh so nice and big…” Harley said admiringly as Huntress’s size 10 feet before her

“HARLEY!!!! I SWEAR IF YOU TOUCH ME YOU WILL REGRET IT!!!!!!” Huntress shouted as she tried to kick, then felt Harley’s clawed index fingers trail against her arches

“GHGMFFHFHFHFHFHFHFF!!!!!!!!!!!” Huntress grunted as she clamped her mouth shut, refusing to laugh for her captor as Harley began using all her fingers against Huntress’s socked soles

“Come on Huntress, it’s not healthy holding it all in…” she cooed in her ear

“GHHFHFHFFMFMFFHFHHH!!!!!!!!” Huntress growled as she did her best to shake her head defiantly

Harley however simply smiled deviously as some tendrils moved towards the right foot

“GHGHFMFMFHFHFHH!!!!!!!” Huntress scowled as she felt them start to pull at her sock, she tried her best to kick them away or keep her sock on but was no match for the multiple tendrils pulling at it as they quickly uncovered more and more of her bare skin until finally it was gone

“Now then… lets stop all that moving about…” Harley added as the tendrils grabbed at each of her toes and pulled them taunt to render them still “Much better…” Harley grinned in delight as she moved her fingers closer once more

“GHFHFMFMFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFFFFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Huntress cried as her face turned red from holding in her laughter as the fingers scurried about her foot while she fought with all her strength to move it away but unable to break the grip

“I can feel you quivering about within my symbiote web…” Harley said excitedly “Laugh for me Huntress… it’s all you can do now…”

“GHFMFMFFHFHFHHFHFFFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” she cried then felt Harley’s other fingers start tickling her still socked left foot to

“NOOHOHOHOHOOO!!!!! DOOHHNNTTT LAUAUAGGGHHH!!!!!!!” she repeated to herself over and over in her mind

Harley however could sense how close she was to cracking as she once more extended the prehensile tongue and moved it towards the bare arch…

“HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAAAA HAHAHAHAHHARRHHEELLEEYYYY STAHAHAHAHAHAPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!” Huntress let out a panicked wail as she felt the alien tongue moving against her arch, licking about randomly in perfect synch with the fingers still skittering about

“mmmmmm” Harley moaned in delight as the tongue and fingers continued, then she commanded some smaller tendrils to also tickle at each of the pads of her immobile toes as well

“HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAAAA OHOHOHOHO GAHAHAHAHHDD NOHOHOHOOOTT THEHHEHEHERREEEEE!!!!!!!!!” she pleaded, as Nightwing had once learned her toes were her most ticklish spot and having them all tickled at once was unbearable!

However Harley gleefully continued as more tendrils quickly pried off her other sock and grabbed her other toes as well, rendering both feet trapped before her tongue began randomly licking against the arches and insteps, before starting to weave in-between each toe one by one causing Huntress to scream out in ticklish agony

“HAHAHAHAHHAHHAHAA GGEHEHEHTTT OOUUHTHTTAAA MAHAHAHAHAYY TOHOHEEESSS!!!!!!” she begged, trying desperately to clench them shut without success, then Harley used more tendrils to tickle in-between the gaps her tongue wasn’t targeting, the symbiote working in perfect unison to torment the heroine

“HHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA HAHAHAHAHHARRLLELEYYY STAHAHAHAHAHAAPPP!!!!!!” Huntress howled as her feet were tickled mercilessly, then to her absolute horror all the other tendrils resumed at her underarms, sides, inner thighs and bare stomach, with a second “head” growing out the symbiote to start licking at her belly button once more


After a few minutes of this there was silence, Harley looked up to see Huntress unconscious and slumped against the bindings

“That was fun!” Harley grinned

“And delicious…” Giggles added

“She certainly needed to laugh more” Harley grinned as the symbiote binding Huntress morphed into a cocoon to hold her to the ceiling as Harley placed her beside the cocooned Batgirl and Catwoman

“A lovely collection so far…” Giggles said

“Oh yes, and the next one… she’s gonna be a real scream…” Harley grinned as they leapt off into the night…

To be continued
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