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harry potter

tickler tickle1

Registered User
Jun 14, 2007
Harry, Ron and Hermione were going off to their Care of Magical Creatures class, when suddenly Cho Chang ran up to them.
Hermione smiled at her. "What are you doing out of class?"
Cho grinned. "Professor Trelawney is reading her crystal ball and gave specific orders not to be interrupted. So Divination classes are canceled for the entire day."
"Great!" said Ron, giving Harry a poke in the ribs. Harry had been staring at Cho like Hagrid used to stare at Baby Norbert.
"Yeah, great." Harry muttered, wishing his face hadn't picked just that moment to start turning red. Cho just smiled.
"Wow, Harry, imagine you being a Triwizard contestant. That is so cool. I hope you or Cedric win it for Hogwarts." She smiled cutely.
Harry looked down at his toes and managed to mumble something that sounded like "Bimble thimble." Cedric. She's thinking of Cedric as well. Harry wasn't too keen on the perfect Cedric Diggory. Plus, he was sure Cedric fancied Cho just as much as he did. Harry was now sure Cho only liked him as an aquaintence and nothing more. Ron was ready to poke Harry again, when a cool, cruel voice piped up.
"Oooh, Harry's got a girlfriend!"
It was Pansy Parkinson and her little gang of Slytherin girls, going off to Care of Magical Creatures class. Harry flushed even deeper. He wished her had a spell that he could cast on them that wouldn't get him into any serious trouble. Something in the back of his mind tugged at him. Just then, Cho piped up in a loud voice.
"Hey, Harry, can I stick with you for the rest of the class. I am kind of bored."
Harry realized that Cho was doing this to irritate Pansy, but he didn't care. He was almost grateful to Pansy.
Pansy, seeing her plan backfire, began to whisper to her friends and they snickered.
"Now what are they planning?" wondered Hermione aloud.
Suddenly, Pansy swivled around and pointed her wand directly at Cho.
Oh no! though Harry. He wanted to protect Cho more than anything, but he was so nervous around her that he was frozen to the spot.
"Rictusempra!" shouted Pansy, as a silver slight shot from the tip of he wand towards Cho.
"Look out!" To everyone's surprise, Hermione bravely pushed Cho out of the way and got a full blast of the spell and hit the ground hard. "Ohhhh," she groaned.
Her friends rushed over to her. "Hermione, are you ok?" asked Ron.
Suddenly, Hermione curled up on the ground and doubled over in fits of giggles. Her friends looked at each other, then at Hermione again.
"Heeheeheehee! AAH! Heeeheeheehee! Help, it tickahahahahahales! Hahahahahahaha!" She wiggled around on the ground, clutching her sides and kicking her legs.
Pansy smirked. "That was meant for the Ravenclaw. The mudblood should have minded her own business."
Ron growled angrily at Pansy.
"Heeheehahahahaheeheehahahaha! Make it stahahahahahahahap!" squealed Hermione instinctively.
Harry stepped forward and pointed his wand at Hermione. "Finite Incantatem!"
At those words, Hermione's laughter reduced to quiet giggles, as she curled up and tried to regain herself.
"That was bad form, Pansy!" said Cho.
"Would you rather of have it hit you, like it was supposed to?" sneered Pansy.
Cho tried not to squirm at the thought, but she couldn't stop her feet from wriggling within her shoes. When she and her friends had first learned the Tickling Charm back in her second year, she had been so nervous, as she was so incredibly ticklish. When the charm was finally practiced on her by one of her friends, she would have given anything to make it stop. But her friends just cruelly let the invisible tickling continue for 5 whole minutes. Luckily, she was able to get her friends back when it was her turn to practice the charm. She enjoyed the results so much, that she practiced the charm so much that she mastered it. She loved using the charm to give playful tickles to her friends, who sometimes playfully went around calling her the "Tickle Witch", which she actually found pretty amusing. The problem was, that if she used the charm to much, it usually resulted in her getting ganged-on by her friends until she was in complete hysterics. She shuddered.
Ron helped up Hermione. "You okay?" he asked.
"Yes," said Hermione. "Yes I'm fine." She was actually a little dissapointed. Just when the tickling ended, it was starting to seem a bit....fun. She decided she was just imagining it.
"Come on," said Harry. "We got to get to Hagrid's class."
Behind Hagrid's hut, the whole class found a huge orange and black striped cat like looking thing. It was tied to a tree by a long chain around its neck. The creature looked like a tiger, but it had on it a wide grin with rows and rows of sharp teeth. It was also about four times larger. It also had what appeared to be a hundred long furry tails.
Hagrid stood nearby. He beamed at his class, but especially at Harry, Ron, and Hermione. He pointed to the beast and grinned.
"This is a Cravat. It is very rare, and not very well known, so you won' find it in any book."
Hermione let out a sigh. She never did like not knowing about things. This made the rest of the class feel a little better. This time at least, they wouldn't be made to look like idiots by comparison.
Hagrid approached the Cravat. It roared at him. Both Lavender Brown and Parvati Patil squealed in fright. Pansy grinned.
"So much for Griffindor courage."
Lavender and Parvati glared at Pansy with pure hatred.
Hagrid had noticed the squeals, but not the insult. He turned to Lavender and Parvati.
"Don't worry 'bout him. Cravats wouldn't hurt a fly. But they don' like boys though; so all you boys stay well 'way from 'im."
Malfroy sneered. "If he wouldn't hurt a fly, then why can't we get near him."
Malfroy began to walk towards the Cravat. Suddenly one of the tails flew out and flicked Malfroy hard in the forehead.
Pansy looked at her dazed boyfriend in disgust.
Hagrid laughed. "That's why. Now, Cravats may not like boys, but they like girls well 'nough, tho. Cravats are really good at relievin' stress. I need a few girl volunteers."
Hermione's hand shot into the air, to no one's surprise. Everyone knew that Hermione would leap at the chance to learn about something new first hand. But everyone was shocked when four other hands shot up.
Cho was always ready for some fun and decided to try it. Parvati and Lavender were still stinging from the bravery insult and decided to prove their courage. Pansy felt she had to restore the Slytherin pride after Malfroy's silly exhibition.
Hagrid beamed. "Okay, all you gotta do is approach him very carefully. Don't be surprised at what happens."
As the five girls moved closer to the Cravat, something indeed surprising happened. The tails suddenly grabbed each girl by her wrists and ankles and lifted them into the air.
All of the girls screamed with initial fright and started struggling, but the tails were just too strong. The rest of the class was too stunned to try and help them.
The girls' shoes and socks were suddenly entwined by the tails and were pulled off. Their wands were grabbed and thrown off to the side.
Hermione was fascinated at how dexterous the tails were. She also noted the amount of intelligence it took to remove her shoes. Cho was having fun. The rest of the girls were scared speechless.
Just then, Hermione felt something brush her bare foot. Hermione looked down. One of the tails had brushed her foot. It did it again. Hermione giggled. It tickled.
Hermione realized that the other girls were giggling too. Just then, two tails brushed each of her feet. Hermione realized that this was deliberate and giggled, as much from the silliness of it as the tickling. Not AGAIN, she thought amusedly to herself.
"Its some sort of heheheheheheehee ticking monsteheheheheheehhe." She said through her giggles. It was quite pointless, as the rest of the girls had already realized that.
Cho was remarkably ticklish on her feet and was already practically screaming with laughter. Lavender and Parvati were laughing almost at the same time, creating a sort of harmony. Pansy was just laughing her head off. She couldn't believe that she was weak enough to be this ticklish. She also couldn't believe that she almost didn't want it to end.
In fact, all five of the girls began to realize that even thought they would have escaped if they could, they would have been disappointed. This was almost fun, because they were all caught up in the same ticklish situation. Then the Cravat raised the stakes.
A tail began to push through the gap between each of Hermione's toes. She tried to scrunch her toes, but the tickling on her soles intensified, making her toes stretch out. Then the tail began to saw back and forth through her toes. Hermione quickly learned that her toes were the most ticklish part of her as the rest of the girls got the same treatment. The rest of the class stared in amazement. Several people noticed that the Cravat's smile lengthened. Boys chuckled amusedly and girls giggled enviously.
Then, Cho managed to say through her roaring laughter. "THAHAHAHAHAHHAISSSS KIND OF FUNHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAH!" voicing the thoughts that were secretly going through each of the heads.
Then, as if in response to each girl's open or silent confession, the Cravat began to send even more tails at them. The loose robes allowed no protection from the questing tickly tips. Each of the girls armpits, belly, sides, and under knees received two very skilled furry tail tips. The rest of the tails just focused on the feet.
Hermione had begun to silently laugh, her head thrust back, sending her bushy hair flying and her open mouth clearly displayed her cute buck teeth. Cho's eyes were scrunched up as tears of joy poured down her face and she wailed with laughter. Parvati and Lavender looked like copies of each other as they twisted left and right, trying without reason to escape the tickling tails. Pansy was using her powerful lungs to good use, roaring out laughter for all she was worth.
Just then, the tickling intensified. Each girl, already tickled to a point of heightened sensitivity, began to laugh silently as the tails became nothing more than blurs on their bodies. As each girl reached the point of exhaustion at the same time, the Cravat stopped.
"Havin' fun there, girls?" asked Hagrid.
Pansy confronted Hagrid. She had to pretend to be made at the incident she had just enjoyed, simply to keep her from being ostracized by her friends.
"Why didn't you warn us about that?"
Hagrid smiled mischievously. "Would yer have done it if I'd told yer?"
"Well, you told us it would make us less stressful?"
"Didn' it?"
Amazingly enough, it had. Each girl felt light and happy. But, Pansy wasn't about to admit that.
Hermione panted for breathe. "I....I never knew I'd...have so much fun....being tickled! Hehehe." Harry and Ron couldn't help but chuckle at that.
"Cho?" asked Hagrid.
It took a whole minute for Cho to recover. "Hehehe...I...I normally HATE being tickled...heheh....but...hehe...but these tails are soo soft, hehehehe." She giggled and smiled that cute smile she gave Harry earlier.
"Lavender? Parvati?"
Lavender giggled. "Hehe, it tickles soo much....but, yea, it's fun" She smiled.
Parvati giggled too. "Yes, I've always enjoyed tickling, esspecially with my twin sister."
Pansy pretended to be annoyed. "This is so silly! Let me down this instant!"
The Cravat did so, and dropped her hard onto the ground.
"OW!" cried Pansy.
"Shouldn'a been rude ter it," explained Hagrid. "So, do you girls wanna continue, or ya wanna be let down?"
Lavender and Parvati politely asked to be let down. They admited the experience was pleanty fun, but they'd rather tickle at their own pace. So the Cravat gently set them down, and they retrieved their shoes, socks, and wands.
"And the rest a yer?" asked Hagrid.
"Well," giggled Hermione, "it is quite fun....what the heck." She smiled.
"Well.......I suposse I could take some more," said Cho nervously. "After all, that fur is pleasent to the touch......Mr. Cravat, do you supposed you could just do my feet for while? I need to build up my tolerence there." She giggled, and her toes locked in the cutest way.
The Cravat grinned more, and pointed a wriggling tail at each of the girls' helpless feet, causing them to giggle from anicipation. Once again, the soft tips of the furry tails began to softly glide up and down the girls' ticklish soles.
"Oh MYheeheeheehahahahahaha!" giggled Hermione as she wiggled about in midair in the Cravat's firm grip.
"BegentlebegentlebegentleAAAHahahahahahahahahahaha!" squealed Cho as her feet wiggled like crazy under the soft touch of the furry tails. The Cravat smiled wider (if that was at all possible), and gently trailed it tails up and down her sensitive insteps. "EEEEEEK! Nottherenottherenotthere! Hahahahahahahaha! AAAAAhahahahahahahaha!" she protested, not meaning a word of it.
Both girls were amazed at how exhilarating this felt. Hermione had never been tickled this much in her whole life. It was more fun than she could ever have expected. As for Cho, this tickled more than she thought possible, and amazingly, she was loving every bit of it! She'd never had so much fun being tickled before!
After ten whole minutes of the gentle, but intense foot tickling, both girls were laid softly on the ground, still giggling. Ron helped Hermione get to her feet. Harry came over to help him, but Ron smiled and gestured to Cho, who was obviously the most ticklish and was in need of most assistance. Harry blushed and helped Cho to her feet.
Cho giggled as Harry helped her up. "Hehehe, be careful, I really am that ticklish. Heheh." She smiled that adorable smile once again, making Harry blush.
As both girls found their shoes, socks, and wands, Hermione smiled. "That was educational."
Ron laughed. "And it got you to stop thinking about the Swiveling Charms for a few minutes."
Hermione shoved Ron. "Oh, you silly."
Just then, Pansy and her troup came by.
"Oh that was so silly. We could have been hurt and you silly Griffindors and that Ravenclaw actually enjoyed it."
Cho had recovered enough to talk. "Oh, and you didn't? Hey, I got a great idea. Why don't I get you a Cravat cub for Christmas? Wouldn't you like that?"
Actually, Pansy would have loved that, but she could never admit it. Besides, that oaf Hagrid said himself that Cravats were so rare they weren't even in their texbooks. She gathered what remained of her dignity and stalked off.
"Don' worry ladies," Hagrid explained to all the girls. "Iffin' yer should ever be needin' a good smile, yer can come on down here whenever yer want, and the Cravat'll be more'n willing ter make yer smile." All the girls giggled excitedly.
Cho smiled at Harry. "Well, I got to go to my next class. See you around." She gave Harry a swift peck on the cheek and walked off.
As Harry, still blushing, and Ron, and Hermione were walking back to the school building, different thoughts went through their heads.
Harry thought about his earlier encounter with the Slytherin girls and decided that he had to learn the Tickling Charm a little better. Hermione decided to talk to Hagrid latter and learn more about Cravats.
Then, Ron piped up, blushing a bit. "Hey, Harry, it's obvious that Cho Chang fancies you a bit more after that tickling. Do you think tickling will get that Fleur Delacour to like me more?"
Harry blushed a bit himslef at the tought of Cho liking him more.
Hermione grinned. "There's only one way to find out," she said, mischievously twirling her wand through her fingers.
Laughing, the three friends went off to their next class.
nice story m8, nice how it stays in character with the real books. look forward to reading the next part🙂
Good story, MC^2 and Critterlord did a good job with it. Thanks for posting it here.
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