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Harsh Sick Game (18+ Some violence */f mf/f)


TMF Novice
Jan 26, 2012
A girl lies on the cold black ground of some unknown place. The female starts to wake up slowly as her brown hair falls down to her side. She glance around the room trying to remember why she was here. Her mind starts to give her a headache if she tries to remember, a great amount of pain electrifies her brain. If she forced herself to remember, her brain could explode.

She slowly stands up from the cold ground. She feels exhausted. What happened? She glance at her clothing to stare at its condition. Her shirt was rip a part. Her gray shirt reveals her belly, right breast, a little bit of her left side, and her left shoulder. She glance at her lower attires to stare at holes at her knees. The bottom of her pants seems to experience some sort of burnt since there was some black ashes left behind. The only thing that covered her soles are her white socks, although the footwear was worn out as there are a couple of holes and dirt all around them. She glance at her arm and notice the slight scars and bruises she has.

Did she enter into some sort of brawl? She feels really tired though... She glance around her area noticing how dark it is, but not entirely dark. She can still see through the darkness. Her straight brown hair moves as she turns left and right as she assess where she could be. It was hard to tell since it looks like she was outside. The problem she could not comprehend that she was outside is the ceiling above her. Her hazel eyes fix themselves above her until a sound scares the living hell out of the teenager.

The girl glance right in front of her to stare at one armored figure. The figure resembles some sort of knight, although the armor seems to be a bit more high tech. Green lights slowly illuminate itself around the armored figure as he wields a blaster of some sort- wait a second.

The figure opens fire. The girl glance at the shot that almost shot at her ankles. The shot missed her though as it blast the ground next to her soles. Her eyes widen at the sudden action and her heart starts to beat faster. What is going on!? Another shot came from her left as another armored figure appears behind the first one. This time the shot flew by her head as it blast some strands of the girl's hair. Fear strikes the normal teenage girl as her body starts to shake. She did not want to ask what is going on or why she was there.

She turns around and dashes from the spot she lied on. The two figures decide to fire more rounds at the girl. The rifle release a blasting sound once they pulled the trigger. The girl could not understand why she was here nor could she figure out the fact that she was wanted dead. Screw it, right now, she needs to run! She notice a path on her left that could throw off the guards. She walks past the two walls only to turn left after a corner. She dashes deeper into whatever complex she got into and followed the path. She did not look back as she allows her legs to run for dear life.

The brunette stops to regain her breathe. Crap. Was she already tired? No, whatever happened before she was knocked out caused such fatigue. She wanted to puke since she pushed herself to run past her limit. She breathes heavily. She walks toward one wall and leans her body against it. It was very cold. The wall itself seems to be made out of metal. The girl glance at the new area she entered. Oh no. This is a maze...

A sudden jab hits her in the stomach. The two knights from before appears right there. How did they-

"This girl. Her name is Roxanne." said one of the knights. Roxanne tries to glance towards one of the knights, but the one that slams his weapon against her stomach push her up against the wall.

"Roxanne huh? What a nice name." said the other knight. Roxanne was able to get a clear glance at the two figures. One of them seems to be holding his arm up to display information that appears on a small screen. It seems to be projecting the information like a hologram. He motion the screen by sliding the screen with his right hand.

The knights dawn a dome shape helmet. Their visor seems to be two sharp upside down triangles where the eyes should be. There seems to be a line running down the middle of their dome helmet. A separate metal plating covers the bottom part of their helmet. Roxanne wanted to question the strange armor design that they did to their helmets, but the one that was right in front of her jabs the end of his blaster against her stomach. The brunette violently felt the pain throbbing in her gut as some saliva shot from her mouth onto the knight's helmet.

"Oh you damn bitch." said the other knight raising his weapon. The other knight steps in and redirects the aim away from Roxanne.

"You idiot, we can only hurt them, not kill them! Besides, this one is quite a catch." Roxanne was on the ground trying to block out the pain as she listens in closely.

"Really. I don't want to hurl this bitch back to him. We still have more fishes to catch... She might place a fight as well and I just do whatever I want. I was not going to kill her now."

"Yeah, right." said the other knight. Both were males, their voice being altered by the helmet, "Whatever, lets tie her up and take her with us."

Roxanne did not want to be captured for whatever reasons they have. She quickly moves her arms behind her and tries to crawl away from them. Her hand stumbled onto a button that reveals a trap door below her. Roxanne fell into the trap as both of the knights notice this. They tried to save her, but they only grasp the air where she was. The door close on them right after she fell.

"CRAP!" curse the violent knight, "Now what?!"

"Relax you steamroller," said the other knight, "We can try to find the damn exit for that trap. Lets split up and look for the other females." The two nod their heads and left the scene.


Roxanne slowly awoke from her fall. She quickly jumps off whatever broke her fall. Green... slime? She notice the strange stuff all around the room. She glance at the slime in front of her. They seem to have made a pillow that cushioned her fall. Thank god there was a button that saved her from those two knights... What were they talking about anyways. Capturing? Why did they use such violence though?! Well... she needs to get out of here. Roxanne starts to walk away from the pile of slime. Her feet, however, slips against the material as her upper body lands right on top of the slime again. W-what happened?! Her hazel eyes glance at slimy ground. Maybe she needs to take off her socks so she will not slip again. She tries to move her arms, but... they are stuck. Roxanne starts to curse under her breathe as she glance at her arms. She tries to pull them out of the slime but it did not work. What happened was the slim substance starts to wraps itself around the girl's lower arms and mid-section. Well, to be accurate, the slime swallowed those areas.

"H-hey! Let me go-" before she could speak any further, a small slime shot onto her mouth. The girl found it difficult to even make a sound as she screams with all her might (or curse with all her might to be precise). She tries to get out of her new predicament, but the slime did not budge or allowed her to struggle.

The slime around her mid-section starts to vibrate. Roxanne's eyes shot open and a blush quickly takes her cheeks. Her eyes squint themselves a bit to the familiar feeling. Her mouth usher out silent laughs.

She was getting tickled!?

She tries her hardest to get out. She did not like getting tickled! She kicks her legs violently as the slime decides to vibrate against her sensitive stomach. She could not escape the torment since the slime consumed that area. The slime seems to be a living thing as more of the green substance moves around in the room. The slime had intelligence since Roxanne felt a sudden feeling on her bellybutton. The slime around her stomach decides to send a vibrating feeling to that small area. The vibrations could be compared to an electric toothbrush, but the feeling seems to be a lot more wet making the tickling on a different level. Tears start to slide down the girl's face as her head shakes side to side to ignore the feeling. A new feeling tingles from her naked breast. She glance at her right breast and notice a small glob of slime on her nipple. The thing did not tickle her, thank god, but it started to arouse her. It seems to act as a finger stroking her, but in reality, the blob just rotates itself left and right really slowly. Her laughs were mixed with moans, but that blob on her mouth hush such noises one would usually hear. Her body, however, explains her sexually pleasure. Strangely, the blob stops tickling her as the small blob continues it rotation on Roxanne's nipple.

The slime coming to her starts to swallow her hips down to her upper thigh. Roxanne did not notice this as the slime consumed the lower region of her legs. They did not consume her soles, for some odd reason as they stick out of the slime. W-wait, what's this feeling?! Her face reveals a brighter red as she feels the slime certainly motion themselves at her womanhood! Her pants and panties are still on, but the slime seems to be very precise as strokes runs against her lips. Oh god! Laughter erupts to her mouth as her legs were getting tickled! She could not escape it as the same vibrations overwhelmed her trapped legs. Her stomach and sides are tickled as well making Roxanne feel overwhelming ticklish sensations. She could not escape as she thrash around with her soles, head, and her upper body as much as she could.

Her eyes close themselves shut when the slime decides to finger her. It was fast and hard, the feeling force Roxanne to breathe heavily as her body jerks violently at the tickling that mixed itself in with the fucking. The vibrations were consistent. They feel like electric brushes that sends the same pressure and pace equally all over her stomach, sides, and legs. No place was ignored at those areas. The lower thighs, upper thighs, the back of her knees, the top of her knees, her bellybutton, tummy, sides, even her ass were tickled! Tears certainly leaked down Roxanne's crimson face as she wanted to beg them to stop. Something made her extremely wet down there as the slime starts to finger her g-spot... No, the situation worsen. The slime did pleasure Roxanne as he probe her g-spot deep in her, but Roxanne found her pussy unable to move. Well the slime that consumes most of her middle region certainly restricts even the slightest movement... But her pussy seems to be wide open for some reason- GAHHHHHHHHHH!

A tickling feeling electrifies her insides! Her eyes burst open as her face completely takes a different expression. She never experienced something like this! Her body starts to shake violently against the slime. The slime decided to use those same vibrations in her pussy. No area was left untouched. Her clitoris, her g-spot, the lips... Every inch of her vagina was tickled AND fucked. The girl could not stop herself from cumming. The girl lost all train of thoughts and succumb to the feeling. It ended though.

The slime withdraw itself from her once she came. The slime moves Roxanne's body towards the wall at the other end of the room and shot her through it. The wall quickly reveals an exit and she seems to be outside... or in that strange maze complex. She found the slime off of her body entirely. Her mess was in her panties and pants as she blush heavily as she motion her legs against each other. AH! Roxanne giggles as the tickling feeling was still on her legs when she brushed them together. No, she was laughing if she even had her ass, stomach, sides, or legs touch anything... The problem was her pants and shirt. They ticked her! She could not halt her already worn out laughter as she had her shirt and pants on. Roxanne did not want to take off her clothes though- the only form of protection against any other things in this fucked up maze or room! Her panties even tickled her quivering vagina- those damn slime bastards!

"Seems like you are in a pickle." said a strange male nearby. Shit. Roxanne notice another knight nearby, but he was different from the ones that attacked her. His armor was black like the darkness as if he was some sort of assassin. The helmet he wears was covered by the hood over his head. His hand seems to display the same sort of technology like the other knight. Red text seems to display information about Roxanne although the brunette struggles to even contain her laugh. "You just came out of those tickling slimes... How horrible. WAIT!" Roxanne wanted to question the sudden surprise from the knight.

"Shit..." a sudden alarm goes off when Roxanne's struggling self accidentally press a red button. "Girl, stop laughing! We have to hide now! The others will... No helping it." The knight quickly made Roxanne stand up as her body limps toward him. She could not stop laughing from the after effect of the slime... they seriously tickled her hard and the feeling is inescapable. "Forgive me." the male quickly reveals the same slime that covered her mouth, "But this will certainly keep your laughs in a hush manner." He place it on top of Roxanne's mouth as the girl continues to hold herself weakly. Footsteps approach the area as the dark knight glance around him. He quickly press a button that allowed the two to turn invisible.

The two armored knights from before appear at the scene glancing around the place. "She was here..." Sudden gunfire appear behind them as another group of armored units arrived.

"Oh, seems like we got a little competition." said a female voice.

"We'll take care of them." said three soldiers from behind her aiming their weapons. The two knights curse as they returned fire and retreat further into the maze. The knights did not pursue once they left their range of fire. The female glance around noticing the button was pressed.

"Maybe they wanted to lure us into an ambush." said one of the peons. These units seem to be samurais. They dawn the old Shogun armor, but technology certainly upgraded the rusty design. Their helmets seem to cover their face with fearsome masks from back then, but red lights empower their eyes and mouths. Their leader seems to have no helmet though. She was clearly Japanese with black hair tied in a ponytail. Her dark brown eyes glance at the scene. She went towards the button and touched it.

"Damn European hunters. We can certainly kick their ass." said another samurai peon.

"It was not a trap. Someone was here. Preferably a woman who escaped the tickling from the slimes."

"How do you know?" ask the last peon that did not say anything.

"There is some effect on the button. If I place my finger onto my fce, it tickles a bit." The knight that saved Roxanne glance at the girl who was wiggling around madly even if she was invisible. She was actually on the ground, kicking her legs. One of the samurai soldiers started to walk near them.

'Oh fuck.' thought the dark knight.

"I think we should be careful though, milady-" he tripped over Roxanne's invisible leg. The other three notice the sudden fall. The female seems to be a bit more accurate since she knows something. The dark knight can tell that she has a keen eye to what actually happened.

"How the hell did I fall?!"

"Do not worry about it. Get the nearby area you three." state the Japanese leader, "I'll inspect this area a bit more." The three samurai soldiers nod at this command and left. When the coast was clear, the leader slowly state to the two invisible people, "You can show yourself. I mean no harm unless you want me to if you don't show yourselves." The dark knight curse slightly as they uncloak their invisibility. The female samurai notice the laughing Roxanne. She glance at the dark knight that rescued her.

"Seems like I caught the one who triggered the alarm."

"Yeah." the male knight respond, "I was a tad late to save her from pressing that... but in her state she's a mess."

"That slime effect will not leave her for a good while. Three hours, at tops." state the leader, "I know this because I had to endure this stupid game."

"I see. Why are you back here then?" asks the knight.

"It is fun... but sick at the same time." the female said smiling, "Getting random girls from all around the world, deleting the memory where they were abducted, placing them here, allowing other people to capture, and torment these girls..."

'Yeah, but if their ransom has not been paid, they are stuck here or sold to some tickling death." said the dark knight, "Guessing you-"

"I was rescued since my family is rich over in Japan... Yet I found it thrilling." she smiles evilly by staring at her hands, "I tickled others when I was trapped her and even tickled my hunters. This was accelerating- death, tickling, fucking, and surviving. I enjoyed both males and females getting tickled by my hands and forcing them to beg for mercy..."

"So why did you want to talk to me. I cannot let you get her or me in that manner." the knight point his wrist at her. The leader chuckles, "Don't worry, I'll help you with your 'friend there'. There is a faster way to get rid of the effects." The knight expressed a question look.

"You have to lick and tickle her soles." she said, "Her bare soles. It seems strange, but that is the cure to it. I know this because I was tickled after I escaped that trap... I pressed the same button as well."

"I see. I feel like you are doing this for your benefit than out of kindness."

"OF COURSE, but that's mean. I could have just captured you right there and then, earlier." The dark knight knows that was true. They would have been cornered. "Besides, I just want to help your giggling friend... By the way, what is your name?"

"Call me Zero." said the knight, "And she is Roxanne." The Japanese leader looks through her own database attach to her wrist and read the information.

"OH la la ♪♫~ She is quite the rare type!" she said.

"And what is your name?"

"It is Aiko." she state, "Alright, lets start."

"Aren't your peons coming back?"

"Nope. Once they are told to spread out, they are meant to spread out and cover the area. They never come back unless I signal them to."

"I see." Zero said. Aiko quickly ties Roxanne with her own rope that she pulled out from her belt. Roxanne was tied up from her shoulder down to her belly as her legs were tied together down to her ankles. This was bad for Roxanne...

Roxanne heard everything and finally understands what is going on. She was in some sort of sick game! She cannot do much though since her body feels the tickling all over her. Getting tied up worsen Roxanne as she starts to laugh madly against the slime. Aiko notice Roxanne's state as she blush a bit.

"Oh my!"

"What?" Zero asks. Aiko decides to lean close to Roxanne and place her own finger deep into Roxanne's throbbing wet pussy. The two women blush madly at the feeling. Roxanne went up some octaves in her laugh as her body violently struggles against her rope confinement. Aiko pulls her finger out as she had cum all over her hand. Zero did not say anything as he patiently waits for Aiko's answer.

"You seriously have some tolerance Zero." Aiko comment, "Usually girls would be more... abrupt with what I just did or complete perverts." She decides to lick the cum from Roxanne's mad pussy, "Anyways, the slime has decided to tickle the living hell out of her vagina and inside it. The effect of the slime is the fact that any area touched will be extremely ticklish by sheer touch. Her clothes, right now, are tickling her. If this continues, she will die."

She does not want to die because of her laughter! After hearing this, Roxanne tries to contain herself and control the ridiculous tickling but her body screams as her clothes just covers her regions. Her clothes are not even making any movement that could tickle her, but damn the stupid effects!

"We should start before this gets out of hand." Aiko said as both of them move to her soles. Aiko glance at Roxanne's sock and pokes them. Roxanne jumps at the feeling as she tries to move her feet away from them. Zero grasp Roxanne's ankle tightly and holds them still. Aiko continues to tease Roxanne's feet. Aiko has a thing for soles. The reasons are obvious. How cute they are, how they fidget, and how much fun one could do to them.

Roxanne could feel the cool breeze over her size six feet as the two pulled off her worn out sock.

"We BOTH have to lick her soles, Zero." Aiko announce as she grasp Roxanne's left foot from both sides and slowly runs her tongue up the twitching sole. Roxanne could not stand this! Her lungs hurt from the laughter as Aiko's tongue starts to move side to side from her insteps down to her heel.

Zero reveals the lower part of his helmet as he starts to lick each toe on her right foot, sucking on them as well as nibbling them. Roxanne was crying. Her tears soak her face as her hair stick to her as well. Her soles wanted to escape this torment. The feeling was too much for Roxanne.

The girl certainly wet her panties much. If her pussy and feet were tickled at the same time, she would go insane... although she is right now. Her body burns all over with such excitement and ecstatic feeling. Her body tingles at the feeling of the tickling that overwhelms her body. Her voice seems dry as the blob muffles such beautiful pitches as Roxanne's shakes her head side to side because of the unbearable torture she has to put up with! Two tongues coat her soles with saliva and ticklish endeavors. She was cumming madly in her pants, closing her eyes tightly to shut this all, but it was impossible. She hopes this is just a fucked up nightmare. This was too much for her!

Aiko went a bit more vicious than Zero. Zero ended his torment on Roxanne's toes and decide to lick the rest of her soles. Aiko, however, started to gnaw her toes roughly. Her teeth chew on the digits as they were attacked by Aiko's snake like tongue. It licks hastily over the pad of her toes as the tongue licks between her toes. No spot was untouched from Aiko as she made out with the size six foot. Her thumbs start to motion themselves up and down the side of her sole as Roxanne struggles to move them away from Aiko.

That's strange. Roxanne felt no more tickling coming from her mid-section, ass, and pussy. She was still wetting herself due to the foot tickling... Oh god, she feels extremely tired... Laughing that hard and struggling that much...

"Aiko. You already licked most of her sole. Stop it. She passed out." Zero point towards the unconscious Roxanne who seems to be asleep. Aiko sighs and stops before her temptation took the best of her. Aiko blush at how she secretly loves the taste of Roxanne's soles. Even though she wore those dirty socks, her soles seem to be quite sweet to taste. Aiko just wanted to eat those soles up. Just do whatever she wanted to her heart's content... She certainly wanted to coat them with some other delights like chocolate syrup or honey... And to tie those twitching toes and immobilize her quivering movements to zero. She felt some liquid at her womanhood after licking those soles. "Seems like you are the pervert." Zero said as he notice the blushing Japanese woman touch her private.

"I don't mind showing it to you because you will be dead if you cannot protect this girl properly or hide from me correctly the next time." Aiko said getting up from the ground, "Here are some spare clothes for her." Aiko toss some extra clothes for Roxanne beside Zero, "We will meet again."

"Yeah. Good hunting." Zero said watching the woman leave. Aiko quickly thinks to herself knowing full well that a girl like Roxanne is rare to come upon. She must get her if they ever bump to each other again and make her mine.

Zero sighs and covers his lower face again. He glance at Roxanne and unties her. He was surprised that Aiko left the rope that she used. He undid Roxanne's bindings and place it onto his belt. Zero just glance at the fainted Roxanne. "You are lucky I was here to save you from anymore heap of trouble, old friend." He starts to undress her and place the new clothes on Roxanne...

This was just the start of the game. There are much more wicked things happening a foot. Not in this maze, but the mastermind plotting it all.


Well, I hope you lot enjoyed this. This story is not in my deviantart account.

The reason why I did not make a plot in the beginning or explain things thoroughly to what happened to Roxanne is the suspense and the development of mysterious that happened around her. If I were to say straight out what happened to her and why she did it, it could ruin the suspense I wanted to make. Along with that, I wanted to try out some different twisted story that consists of ignorance.

This series is a tad violent and new, so I'll post it on here. Give me any feedback about what you think about it.
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