I've introduced people I've met via the net. But even with them, never.....EEEEEEEEEEVER.....would I introduce them by using a Forum.
Now, so far, I credit this forum for having a LOT more class than any other i've been to, so don't take it as I'm downing them. But...if you're trying to make a good impression about tickling to someone who's never even thought about it before, I don't really want their early impression of tickling to be someone who created the topic line: "Brittany Spears NEEDS to have her feet tickled!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" (more exclamation points than that). Or something really dumb like "Which race is most ticklish?" or, "Does anyone else here want to be tied and tickled after having their feet roasted and beaten with a rattan cane while watching Darla Crane videos like I do?!?!(add thumbs up sign here)".
When I first saw forums for tickling way back when, I was elated that I wasn't the only one into tickling but when I saw some of the things people were posting and the way people talk, I thought it was like a TREKKIE convention for tickling!!!! I imagined the people being shut in guys with mullets or pocket protectors with classic "Revenge of the Nerds" personas, getting off at their computers as they imagined some teen star getting her sides poked.
So in my humble opinion, I don't think forums are for people who exploring getting into tickling. I think they are for people who already are...or have decided for themselves that they ARE into tickling.
But back to the question, just recently, I introduced a net friend to my tickling interests and because she's open minded, I decided the best way would be to let her read a tickling story. I was careful though. I picked a story that first mixed tickling with erotica, and then another story that had more tickling and less erotica. She said she felt extremely ticklish just reading them. I made sure to do that so there would be something familiar for her to read (erotica) and something new (tickling) so it wasn't jumping in the deep end.
Maybe next, I'll share a few clips (if I can find the damn CD I had them all saved on!!!) But I'll be selective about those too. Nothing resembling torture. I'd show clips where the ticklee and the tickler look like they are truly having fun. Why would anyone want to be introduced to something they couldn't see as being FUN, yanno?
And.....if you're trying to convince someone that it's fun to be a ticklee.....and they aren't quite buying it, then work on telling them how much fun it is to be a tickLER! Rare have I ever met someone say the disliked tickling other people, even if the HATE being tickled.
So that would be my formula for introduction.
Keep it familiar and related to something they know
Show the FUN appeal
Go slow and be very selective.
Sorry for the essay