Hello yall, I've been browsing for a while and have decided to finally come out of my shell. I'm Kyle, from Boston, 20/M, soon to be Junior in college. I'm very tall, very fit (i'm a varsity athlete), i smile at myself every day in the mirror cause I'm handsome, and I'm sick of being a forum junkie! I'd love to talk with a nice girl from boston or earth, maybe get to know someone, whatever. I'm never going to meet anyone browsing from the outside so heres my resume. I'm a nice guy, I'm not your generic beer pounding frat doofus, but by no means am I work driven zombie. I'm looking for fulfillment wherever, whenever, and however. Thats how I live, whether it be at a party, hiking in the woods, or killing myself at practice. If you'd like to talk and perhaps try and get to know me, send me a PM and i'll tell you my screename and we can chat like human beings. Chances are from previous posts this probably wont get a response, but what the hell, everythings worth at least 1 shot. I hope to hear from you.