I sometimes feel weird about my tickling likeness🙁 like im odd ball out with most of my friends. I haven't told any friends/or family members about how i like tickling but still i feel weird about it because i never get tickled really nor do i tickle people much. And yet here i joined this site and yet ive started downloading tickling clips and also yet i still contuine to talk with Girls my own age on the msn chats about tickling everyday/night. I know tickling ingeneral is not odd because people do it to other family members friends etc** behind closed doors and not behind closed doors as well. And yeah i can function find without tickling running my whole life But personally myself i just feel not normal because i like tickling😕 i dunno why im any having theses feelings ive never really had much of tickling fun and expericanes with it that im sure Most every single member here has! i dont know what to think or what to do even about me thinking like this. Please help and shed some light