I've written reviews of 'Female Vengeance' (
http://www.ticklingforum.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=8133) and 'Renaissance Tickle' (
http://www.ticklingforum.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=9493) that I'll let you read.
Here is my one minute review of the other Paradise Vision videos that I have seen. I'm doing these from memory, so they might not be 100% accurate. I'm not sure what you mean by exotic women; perhaps you can infer that from the pictures on the website.
'Tickle Baby' consists of only one ticklee in the entire video. Baby is tickled all over her body, including between her legs, if you know what I mean. This was the big deal in this video. Baby laughs very much and has a pleasant laugh. She also goes into the 'silent laughter' phase at times.
'Cop Kitchy Koo' has three segments. The first ticklee is Tracy, who is very ticklish and has a pleasant laugh. She also enters the 'silent laughter' phase. Most of the tickling in her segment is foot tickling, but later includes tummy, underarm, and rib tickling. The second ticklee is Glenora. She laughs a lot, but seems more pained from the experience than some other ticklees. I think she is primarily tickled on her tummy in this video. The third ticklee is Spice, an attractive black woman. I think that most of her tickling segment was on her feet.
'Spy Interrogation' has two segments. In the first and longest, Lily is tickled all over her body, but about half is on her feet. She has a pleasant laugh. In the second segment, Summer and Janis tickle each other on the feet and upper body. The bondage was too loose for my liking. I felt that they were both ticklish, but Janis' laugh is more like a fur seal being clubbed and is painful to my ears.
'Pit of Torture' stars Starr, Glenora, and Lily in separate segments. All segments include tickling of all major body parts. The segments with Starr and Glenora probably have more upper body tickling than foot tickling, but the segment with Lily has more foot tickling than upper body. I don't care for Starr's laugh; it's too high and squeaky.
'Foot Tickling Fantasies' stars Henna, Summer, Lily, Spice, and Gia, all in separate segments that, as the title states, involve foot tickling. Henna plays Olive Oyl in a fantasy segment. She laughs well, but at times it seemed forced. Her segment only had foot tickling. Summer has her feet tickled by fingers and a dog licking them while she is in stocks. Summer has a nice laugh, but I would like to see her tickled harder than what a small dog's tongue probably does. I don't recall what goes on in Spice's segment. Gia is trapped in sand and has her feet tickled. I thought at times her laughter seemed forced.
'Naughty Nurse' stars Veronica, Rio, Suzie, and Kristen. Veronica is a nurse that is tickled over her entire body. Her laugh was OK, but it didn't really do much for me. Rio is tickled over her entire body, but her reaction is very mild. I couldn't tell if she was ticklish or not, but I like the segment. Susie and Kristen take turns tickling each other over their entire bodies. Kristen's laugh is so high pitched it could break glass, so I don't watch that segment often.
'Witch Trial' stars Korynne, Mia, and McKenzie in separate segments. Korynne is a Goth girl and is tickled on her feet, underarms, and ribs while in stocks. She is about average on the ticklish scale, but I like the segment. She has a nice laugh. Mia is so ticklish that she won't let them tickle her much. As a result, I wasn't sure why she was on a tickling tape. McKenzie is a black woman who is tickled on her feet, ribs, and underarms while in stocks. She is somewhat plain in appearance. Her laugh was OK.
'Superheroines' stars Isis, Serenity, and Lily. Isis and Serenity tickle each other over much of their bodies, but mainly on their feet. I thought the laughter was forced at times. Lily is tickled over much of her body in her segment, but primarily on her feet.
'A Tickle For Teacher' stars Daisy, Bridgette, and Hillary in separate segments. Daisy only has one style of laughing: she bursts right into full-blown laughter at the slightest touch. This made me think that the laughter was forced at times. She is only tickled on her feet. Bridgette is tickled over much of her body, but mainly her feet. She laughs well, but doesn't look like she enjoys the experience at all. In the Hillary segment, the woman is supposed to be Hillary Clinton. I didn't think that she was ticklish at all.
'I Dream of Genie' stars Noelle, Katie, and Viviana. Noelle is the Genie and is tickled on her underarms, feet, and ribs while in stocks. She laughed from the tickling, but seems to have a reserved personality and doesn't laugh the way I like. Katie is only tickled on her feet. She had a nice laugh. Viviana is only tickled on her feet also. She seems so ticklish that I wondered how they got her to do it. She has a nice laugh and really gets going.
'First Time Fantasy' stars Devlin, Krystal, and Gabrielle. Devlin is tickled on her feet, ribs, and underarms. Her laugh is OK, but really wasn't for me. Krystal is only tickled on her feet and has a little girls' laugh. Gabrielle has a nice laugh and is only tickled on her feet since they never show her face. I like to see the face of the ticklee myself, so I found this to be a turnoff.
'Nonconsensual Tickle' is supposed to be of a prostitute named Sharon that is tied down for what she thinks is sex and tickled against her will. While I doubt the validity of the premise, I still found it disturbing and don't watch it anymore. Sharon only laughs in bursts, so even in other videos I probably wouldn't care for her as a ticklee.
I really hate to make a recommendation since tastes are so different. I hope this information helps. If not, let me know what questions you have.