Hello, all!
First off all, MalKanod, while appreciate the apology, it wasn't needed. I've never gotten on this site as a woman, but I am completely sure what you say about arrogant, me-me-me men is true. I know this because I see myself at my worst and most desperate, and it is NOT pretty. I can say with pride that I have enough civilized man within me that I can hold the cave man side of me in check. Sadly, some can't. I suppose one reason (excuse?) is that men and women like their "thing", whatever that "thing" may be. Perhaps men are used to getting their way, perhaps they are more aggressive, maybe there are so many men into this that the women into it can be more selctive, but it is boring, lonely and frustrating when one can't indulge in one's "thing"...in this case, a tickling fetish. Add that frustration to the blurring lines of fantasy and reality and a guy can indeed get ugly. It isn't right, but when one feels lousy within one's skin, it is easy to pass that feeling along, whether or not one's even aware that he's doing it. And if a guy assumes a woman who submits to tickling is a submissive woman in general, that just makes it worse. So, morally, I suppose, Mal, I am more on your side than you might think.
Now then, as we are getting a little more philisophical here, I'd love to take this debate a bit further....
I think many of us - no, not all, keep yer shirt on (unless you're a foxy chick...) many of us have FANTASIES of tickling a helpless, even unwilling victim. For information. For punishment. Or we're just some evil king (or queen!) in a castle somewhere on a power trip, indulging our whims with a peasant girl/guy. Fantasies.
Many of us - again, not all - would never indulge in such a thing in reality. Say we're on a battlefield somewhere and have a helpless Hamas cutie who's lost her curley-toed slippers in the fight, and she happens to know some valuable troop movements. With our connection to humanity, most of us wouldn't consider the actual tickle "torture" of another person.... many of us.....
However, I do think in reality a good number of us would like to get to the closest thing possible without losing our sense of humanity. Indulging our fetish, but also to see if we could pass some kind of moral test, if you will - how far would I go?, that kind of thing. I don't see anything morally evil about asking someone who says "no" to being tickled to reconsider - as long as it is not endless harassment. Especially if some consideration, financial or otherwise, is made to this person. Sabrina says that she is "too ticklish" to be tickled. Well, how many times have we heard this? No one has suggested that we force Sabrina down against her will and tickler her into a panicked frenzy (like her relatives... any chivilrous folks out there called the cops on them?) What we'd, or I, would like to see is someone who delights in tickle tormenting others to get some of her own. Remember that tickling is like foortball or boxing ins some ways: a physical, dom/sub somewhat sadistic contest going on involving the senses... the resistance, the "breaking of the dam", the gamut of emotions being displayed, the movemnts of the ticklee and the sensuality of fingers on flesh. The emotional/psychological engagement of seeing limits being tested, even expanded in an exceptional way, and, in the end, maybe, just maybe, the one being tickled beyond expected endurance realizing, after the amazing albeit difficult journey, that it possibly wasn't all that bad. After all is done, the release was worth the agony (as well as whatever consideration or payment). And perhaps, maybe, a new door was opened to that person's sensuality or psychology, their feears, their submissiveness that would never have been opened without the asking. A door that has now not only been opended, but one that that individual may even be interested in exploring further, or, at least, if it is never opened again, that "victim" is thankful at investigating something new and eye-opening. Please remember that amazing video Farrah's First Time. The two people in the video reached this odd but amazing psychological point where the safty word was abandoned and Farrah was horrendously tickled until she was crying AND screaming in frustrated anger. While you couldn't/shouldn't do this to everyone, due to the rapport between Jeff and Farrah, after time had passed Farrah was ultimately appriciative about the incredible emotional release and actually returned for tickling 2 more times!
As far as getting someone to do it "against their will", well, with tickling there's always some contest. Again, I see nothing wrong with either asking the person to reconsider with a little financial incentive or a simple "whatever I do to you you can do to me". I am 1st and foremost a tickLER, but I rarely got to indulge in my passion. It wasn't till I was willing to TAKE that I was able to GIVE more often. Now, despite my firm 'LER leanings, I am also a 'LEE and enjoy both roles; one is simply stronger than another.
In sort, a story of tickling someone to death doesn't bother me - it's a story. Happened in real life 1,000 years ago? Might as well be a story. It's fake and it's fantasy. No one is suggesting dear Sabrina get tickled viciously against her will. That's illegal and mean, fantasies aside (evil laugh...!)However, to ask her to reconsider her position in return for -whatever- for an appreciative audience who already like what she does, I see nothing terribly wrong with that. Especially if that rapport is there (Jeff isn't a stranger to her like I am...) And she loves to dish it out! It still kills me that the video Ivy Tickles Her Mother never had a Mother Tickles Ivy role-reversal sequel! Just because I'd like to see this persued, calling me names like twisted, perverted, monster...... ah, I miss my days in the Cub Scouts.....