....I looked back at freshman, sophomore, and junior year and wondered how different my high school experience would have been had I done things a little differently.
Danny, to a certain extent, I think everyone does. You're definitely not alone as far as that's goes.
I was supposed to be heading off to college this fall but after looking at the costs of the school I wanted to go to, I decided that I'd be much better off at community college.
I think you'll be too. That way, you can get, if not all, most of your prerequisites out of the way. It would be very difficult on you to jump from going straight from high school to a traditional college setting. They would expect you to be able to keep up with the rest of them. I had a friend whose relative was a professor at Ohio State and the failure rate for those who are not able to keep up with the rest of the class is about 30% to a third.
.....I wasn't socially awkward but I wasn't the person you could really talk to either.
I was socially inept, but that was due to the fact that I was raised by elderly people who didn't go out and mingle with others. So, I never gained the tools needed to socialize with others.
I know a few people that were picked on quite often that couldn't be more happy to leave it all behind.....
I can't that that I would leave ALL of my memories behind. But at the same time, I don't think there was too much to write home about. There's some that I cherish, but at the same time, they are also very few.
So how was your high school experience? Good? Bad?
See the above.
Were there things that you wish you could have done differently?
Yes. And that would be: 1) Not to have been so serious and taken everything to heart, 2) to have lightened up, and 3) had a sense of humor. Had I done those things, I think I would have been much better off and things would have gone a lot differently for me.
I often had a miserable time in school as a result of my own meekness and my peers being unable to handle that, but also I observed how they acted and decided that despite popularity not being important, they would leave me alone if I socialised more.....
I think that was pretty much what happened with me. Except I didn't socialize because I had anxiety issues and felt that really would have instigated it even further. Ever seen the movie My Cousin Vinny? Remember the one attorney with the stuttering problem? I would've been like that had I tried to socialize with others. What's funny, though, is back then if they would've laughed at me about it, I would've taken it to heart and got mad about it. Today, when I look back, I am now able to laugh at myself for it.
....If I went back would I change it? No. Why? Because it resulted in who I am today, and I'm happy with who I am.
For me, I would. Ever hear the expression that the world is constantly changing, but you cannot let the world change you? Well, I personally believe what I went through changed who I once was. And I often wonder had I been popular or had, as you put it, great experiences that others did, maybe it wouldn't have changed me and, because there is always room for improvement, I would've became a better person? But then again, I've always been my own worst critic, so who really knows for sure?
....With this comes the total inability to keep your entire high school group of friends in your life....
From my own person first hand experience, this would be something I would consider irrelevant, due to the fact that even though you might have been friends in high school does not automatically mean that you'll be friends with those people later on, even if you were to somehow get back in touch with them.
The reason why I am saying this is because I've met a few since graduation. Some of them I considered good friends back then too. However, when I walked up and tried to talk to them, they remembered me, but they acted in such a manner as if there was a certain cold or callousness, as if they had an indifferent attitude towards catching up, reminiscing over the good old days or even curious as to how I turned out, what I made out of myself, and what I did for a living, nor did they seem like they wanted to discuss anything about themselves.
So, people do in fact change. But sometimes it's not for the better, as I found out.