Don't waste your time - not legit
For some credibility, I have done the pay-for-tickling thing before. I was the first to post a response to Cam's offer from PaTicklers to be tickled for cash, as I had already participated and had a fantastic experience (with Cam and Torie!!), and I have since had a second round. I know from reading their most recent post that many folks want the fantasy, but aren't really looking for real life adventures (they posted that they have received emails from more than 50 people who want to continually go back and forth with Q and A, but don't want to commit). I think that Leenabeena kinda wants to explore the fantasy too, but might be wasting everyone's time. She/he PMed me following my post about the possibility of being tickled for cash, but was not serious and didn't respond to my second pm. Maybe my age scared her off, as I am much older than LeenaBeena (although Cam is 20 and seemed to have a good time), although my money is not too old to be accepted by most of the larger banks, or maybe she hopes to be tickled by Brad Pitt (wait a minute, I think he is as old as me), or maybe she is just wasting everyone's time. The PaTicklers are legit and are close by the where LeenaBeena says she is located, Cam and Lorie are wildly ticklish, and I know Cam can use the money, so if you are unsure about MissLB, you can't miss with the Pa folks.