Usually you have to go through lots of other stuff to get to the tickling. Attached is a segment of the 'whip or tickle game' the guy often does (it seems to be one of the few ways he incorporates tickling).
This clip is of Veronika Stone it is from a longer clip, but this is the segment with the most tickling in it. I had to reduce the file size thus the picture quality to upload it.
Anyone who does not like, Full Nudity, Tight Bondage, or Flogging should avoid this clip.
Any such tickling site they did start would no doubt include tight bondage and forced orgasms (which seems to make the girls more sensitive to tickling anyway).
If you go to their sister site Ultimatesurrender and are able to get Round 4 of the match that occurred on 10/28/07 it has the BEST tickling scene hands down.