Thanks dude. Glad ya liked em. Now all you other 183 people wh olooked. If no other muther fuckers post anything im not going to post shit any more.
Golfer, do you ask because you want to fight me after school by the monkey bars? Thanks for the reletive contribution.
Thanks duck.
For you foot job people. This is the "video clip corner" it never said anything about having to show tickling!
For you foot job people. This is the "video clip corner" it never said anything about having to show tickling! So dont download this shit if you are just goona bitch!
Here is number 1.
I guess all my point is. When people take the time to pist shit, especially original stuff, fucking acknowlege it! Im suprised gothfreak still posts stuff on here when practically no one says a word. Bunch a free loading bastards!
Since i had overwhelming support, i deleted my files.
Your all welcome. No more original material from me.
and I don't know why the last laugh is even in this.
Why? Because I'm a vendor? What difference does it make? Does my being a vendor make my opinions irrelevant? I'm a member of this website, just like everybody else. I'll thank you for not telling me what threads I can contribute to.
Yes, it was free material, and that's appreciated. But the fact remains that yjgfn was rude right from the start, as well as throughout the thread. Quite vulgar too. There's no call for that, no matter how displeased he is with people's feedback. I just pointed it out, explaining why some people weren't happy with the post or simply not interested. I don't think I was complaining or being rude in any way. So what's the problem?