Okay, now that I got your attention......
Saying hello to all. I know its been a while since I posted or was really active, but life has a way of getting busy and keeping me busy.
My children have come back to live with me on a permanent basis...so getting used to a school routine for them as well as the added work that comes along with that has me on the up and up.
Back in April my fiancee and I were rear-ended. My back is still swollen from the accident and I am still in therapy for it. It hurts a lot...let me tell you, you really don't realize until you hurt it how much you use your back.
My fiancee and I are doing well, looking forward to a wedding next fall, many invitations will be sent. We play as often as we can, its great I converted her....now she is one of us...the Lee of my dreams.
Living in Florida...awesome.
And yes, I am no longer doing any radio shows on BTR due to my lack of free time. I really miss doing them as it was a fun way to connect with the community. I hope someday to do another one or two, or maybe something like that.
Well, that is it. A quick note. Just a way to say hi to you all.
I miss many of you, even those I never met in person. It was always great to have a place to socialize and have some great discussions. I will always be around, perhaps not as much. But I will try to come by a little more often than I have been.
Best to all of you,
PS. Since this is a discussion thread.....discuss this:
What would happen if 7 ate 9?
Saying hello to all. I know its been a while since I posted or was really active, but life has a way of getting busy and keeping me busy.
My children have come back to live with me on a permanent basis...so getting used to a school routine for them as well as the added work that comes along with that has me on the up and up.
Back in April my fiancee and I were rear-ended. My back is still swollen from the accident and I am still in therapy for it. It hurts a lot...let me tell you, you really don't realize until you hurt it how much you use your back.
My fiancee and I are doing well, looking forward to a wedding next fall, many invitations will be sent. We play as often as we can, its great I converted her....now she is one of us...the Lee of my dreams.
Living in Florida...awesome.
And yes, I am no longer doing any radio shows on BTR due to my lack of free time. I really miss doing them as it was a fun way to connect with the community. I hope someday to do another one or two, or maybe something like that.
Well, that is it. A quick note. Just a way to say hi to you all.
I miss many of you, even those I never met in person. It was always great to have a place to socialize and have some great discussions. I will always be around, perhaps not as much. But I will try to come by a little more often than I have been.
Best to all of you,
PS. Since this is a discussion thread.....discuss this:
What would happen if 7 ate 9?