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Hot Oily Hatchepsout (ff/f, ?/f, tale)


2nd Level Red Feather
Jan 3, 2003
"We never rush a bath like this..."

(nudity, foot and breast tickles)

Sorry, I forgot to post this one over here too...

Technically a piece of fanart for the artist Kidetic over on deviantArt, featuring his pair of lovely ancient Egyptian OCs: princess Hatchepsout and her loyal servant girl Nedj. It seems the two girls have gotten themselves into a bit of (forced?) pleasurable ticklish bondage this time...at least, it looks like Hatchepsout is having a good time in an oil bath. A brief stop in a temple of Isis during one of their many adventures brings them into contact with a dedicated junior priestess...my own Egyptian OC Necra Ruia...who insists on giving the young royal a soothing (and sultry) cleansing worthy of the divine, albeit one restricted by some selective (and supernatural?) bindings upon her wrists, ankles and toes. Between the delightful massaging touches and tickles across her body by the priestess who excitedly descended into the hot oil bath herself combined with the sensual oral 'cleaning' that somewhat-forced, somewhat-enjoying (and also bound) Nedj moistens her soles with...perhaps Hatchepsout is too overwhelmed by the hot, oily experience to truly enjoy Necra's gracious gesture...

...or perhaps is enjoying it TOO much, content to spend longer in this bliss...

So the post with the actual image doesn't get too long, I'll mention that I've written a bit of a short story that goes along with this image and it will be the text in the first response/follow-up post to this one. I HIGHLY encourage you take a read if you'd like, even though it could be considered 'optional'....but considering this is a hot oil bath, I'll mention it's probably erotic. 😛

Colors were done by the superb Will Georges.

If you haven't checked out WG's dA gallery, feel free to head to http://willgeorges.deviantart.com

And as his delightful OCs were involved, allow me also to plug Kidetic's dA gallery too, particularly if you like bondage and tickling. It's at http://kidetic.deviantart.com and definitely worth your time. ^^

Keep reading the first response if you'd like a nice, hot tale...
Story for the image here:


The soothing coolness of the tiles beneath their bare feet relaxed the princess Hatchepsout and her loyal companion Nedj as they strode into a small temple of Isis. The warm sands and brisk winds of the desert had made travel a bit difficult lately and they were lucky to discover this holy building.

Bowing servants ushered them to the main chamber after providing water, whereupon Hatchepsout was confronted by a young woman just only a few years her elder. Her robes and ornaments left little to the imagination...but then again, it's not Hatchepsout herself wore floor length gowns. The woman's oddly purple eyes fluttered gently and then widened as she dropped to her knees, prostrate before the princess.

"Daughter of Pharoah, you honor us with your presence," she said in a soft, sultry tone, "We never would have expected to be graced by the personification of the gods or their kin in our humble abode. Please, allow us to make you comfortable!"

The words pleased Hatchepsout, though she didn't expect such fervor from apparently a junior priestess of Isis. Nedj, her eyebrows raised, remained silent. Hatchepsout opened her mouth to respond approvingly.

"Oh, but you are covered by the endless sands...you must allow us to give you a cleansing worthy of one of your stature," the dark-haired woman continued, her slim eyes scanning up and down Hatchepsout's form...pausing in a few spots...

For a moment the young princess considered being gracious and not forcing the apparently fervent and hard-working priestess to spend so much time and effort as they were merely stopping at the temple for a rest...but the thought of a soothing 'cleansing' was too good to turn down. Plus, she was a daughter of the sun! She was used to and deserved such treatment!

"Of course, my loyal acolyte. Lead on...your proposal is most acceptable to me and my servant, and we have no desire to go against the will of the goddess," Hatchepsout responded as the woman stood back up.

The priestess bowed again and looked towards Nedj. Her eyes briefly looked up and down the fairer-skinned girl's slim form...again, they paused at a few areas, notably her pale feet...and she looked back at Hatchepsout.

"What may this humble priestess call your companion, if I may ask," she quested, somewhat excited.

Hatchepsout answered, "Her name is Nedj, and I would request she be allowed to join me for this experience." A confused glance from the servant girl led her to finish, "She...she has earned it on this voyage."

"As my lady requests," the priestess answered, smirking at Nedj for a moment before whispering some quiet words to nearby handmaidens. "Please, follow me, princess Hatchepsout."

Following the sandaled steps of the black-haired female with her own little 'clinking' footfalls as her toerings gently contacted the tiled floor, Hatchepsout quested quietly, "What may I call you, so I know who to have my father reward in the future for such diligence?"

The priestess turned back, a small blush on her face, and said a single name.



The olive oil was warm and soothing as she lay her weary form in the ornate bath.

Hatchepsout sighed in relief, enjoying the slow dripping of the viscous fluid as it rolled down her limbs and chest. Her mind was a bit split on whether she should just be appreciative of this sort of treatment or worry about what happened to her partner. Handmaidens had brought the two girls into separate chambers a little while ago. They carefully removed most of Hatchepsout's skimpy clothing, leaving her nude except for some of the golden trinkets she usually wore. Moments later she was ushered into a vast chamber filled with sunlight entering from one wall, several intricate statues of tribute to the goddess and a variety of healthy looking ferns in vases...all surrounding a beautiful stone bath filled with fine oils. Small golden statues of some sort stood on the edges of the tub in a few points.

The pretty princess slipped her slim posterior beneath the surface of the oil and there she sat now, a few female servants around standing at the ready for whatever she might request. Up to this point she had merely asked for some to pour fluid upon her tight shoulders. Perhaps she'd desire a massage...

A familiar voice, more excited than before, echoed in the chamber as Hatchepsout looked over her gleaming shoulder. The priestess Necra quickly strode to the edge of the oil bath, motioning to a few of the handmaidens to add some more oil from jars.

"I'm pleased that your highness is comfortable," Necra started, kneeling and dangling a finger in the bath. "This is such an honor for us."

Hatchepsout interrupted, cooing with her eyes closed, "These are some of the finest oils I have ever had the pleasure of bathing in. How I would adore feeling them rubbed into my perfect skin more often...it's so relaxing..."

To punctuate her half-compliment, half-request, the luscious young lady stretched back against the edge of the wide basin, playfully pressing her heels against the smooth far edge with simultaneously stretching her slim arms over her head.

Necra muttered something softly to herself and glanced at the stone icon of her patron goddess that Hatchepsout was presently wiggling her fingers against. Isis listened...

"As I said, this is a great honor for me," Necra continued excitedly, "But also a great responsibility. I do not want anything to be less than perfect for our loving princess, so I feel I must take a direct hand in this cleansing."

Hatchepsout abruptly felt something gently but tightly grip her raised wrists. At first her relaxed mind took no notice. Her eyes opened and she saw her limbs held in the stone hands of statue of Isis that stood directly behind her. She carefully tried to slip her wrists from the clenching hands at first and then curiously wondered if the statue had...moved?

"What...what do you mean?" Hatchepsout quested, feeling the fresh oil to be warmer than before and wriggling her hands some more.

Necra's eager tone raised to a higher level of exhilaration as both females watched a few of the handmaidens gently lift Hatchepsout's lower legs from the oil bath and place her ankles atop one of the small glimmering statues ringing the bath. Oil dripped slowly as she saw the construct was an avian shape with her slim limbs on each side of its beaked head, resting upon long golden 'wings'.

"I mean that you deserve the best that I personally can provide, in the presence of our great goddess," the young priestess answered, walking around the tub to where Hatchepsout's feet now protruded out of the oil. Abruptly, a clicking noise echoed through the chamber as the top layer of 'feathers' moved and bent up and over the princess's shiny ankles, holding her feet in place.

A sultry tone slipped from Necra's lips as she knelt beside the now squirming peds and gently placed another golden trinket beside the lovely toerings adorning Hatchepsout's digits. Shaped like a scarab in the center, Necra carefully clamped two large ring-shaped bindings upon her guest's big toes. She hurriedly walked around the tub back to the princess' side as Hatchepsout still unsuccessfully tried to pull her wrists from the statue's unmoving grip.

Hatchepsout began to sweat a little...either due to apprehension or just the combination of warm oil and sunlight bathing her form. She suddenly felt a bit more vulnerable, splayed nearly nude with her limbs locked. This WAS a cleansing hot oil bath, wasn't it?

"Why...why do you bind me? How can I enjoy this cleansing if I'm not free to move?"

Necra exclaimed, her gaze firm, "Oh, it is only so you do not have to exert yourself at all to relish the experience. We wouldn't want you lashing out or risking hurting yourself accidentally, even in the throes of pleasure...just lay back and revel in the delight we hope to give you."

"This isn't right!"

Hatchepsout recognized that voice. Nedj! She attempted to twist her head to see around the statue but it proved unnecessary. The bright-haired servant girl was gently lowered by handmaidens upon her bountiful chest into the oil beside Hatchepsout. The princess caught a glance of a rope being wrapped around the girl's wrists, binding her arms behind her body...which was the only item Nedj actually WORE now. Fortunately the level of oil in the tub allowed Nedj to keep her head in the warm air and the instant her bare form entered the warm fluid...well...it calmed her down considerably.

The daughter of Pharoah was surprised to hear pleasant purrs coming from her longtime companion...and equally astonished when another gold 'statue' surrounding the bath moved on its own. Nedj's legs were bent up at the knees, her lower legs still not actually in the tub and feet waving in the air besides Hatchepsout...with her big toes also tied together. A golden serpent quickly slithered up and around those pale limbs and coiled around them, keeping them together and pointing up out of the bath. Nedj seemed to relax and stretch her body out a little across the basin.

"And now, it will only suffice if I PERSONALLY cleanse you, my lady," Necra said with enthusiasm, "I cannot leave such an important task to the hands of the lesser acolytes of the temple...I will have to do it!"

Split between struggling in reflex to being bound versus adoring the feeling of warm droplets of oil sliding off her body, Hatchepsout's eyebrows rose as she watched Necra step out of her sandals and remove nothing else, stepping into the bath beside her and crouching down into the thick liquid, drenching her skimpy robe as she did so.

Necra turned toward the statue, her head bowed in reverence, and uttered, "Let the goddess spread her soothing warmth and care through the hands of this humble vessel to cleanse our honored guest."

Smiling, she turned and began to raise cupfuls of oil with her hands and let it cascade down Hatchepsout's arms, seeping between her ample breasts and down her dark-skinned torso. The princess shivered at first, the tingling drips of moist fluid creeping slowly down her form. Necra crawled on her knees beside Hatchepsout's jittery frame, raising more handfuls of oil and pouring them across the bare legs and feet raised above the 'water line'. Hatchepsout's bare, bound feet fluttered in response to the tiny droplets sliding gently down their ticklish surfaces. A giggle slipped from her lips despite her confused apprehension.

Princess Hatchepsout's eyes widened as the priestess returned before her...she had gotten a good view of Necra's rear through the soaked cloth of her oil-drenched robe and now its transparency granted her a picture of the woman's ample breasts as the cloth stuck to them. And then her mouth also widened considerably...in laughter.

"Ooh...ah ha ha hahahaha!" she shrieked as the acolyte's hands gripped the sensitive skin beneath both of Hatchepsout's arms and started to knead the slick flesh there. "Aahahaahaaha...stahahaap it!"

But Necra continued to rub her long digits beneath the bound arms, massaging the warm olive oil into every tired muscle. She took both ample care and time, picking up and rubbing more cupfuls of liquid as her royal charge kept squealing and giggling.

"Noooaahaahahaha! This tickles! Eeeeee!!!" Hatchepsout screeched as the priestess leaned in closer and proceeded to roll her hands up and down the princess' now sweaty sides, occasionally using her nails to brush the girl's ribs.

It was maddeningly ticklish and Hatchepsout thrashed as much as she could, whipping her braid around wildly yet the moistness she sat in felt like it was building up inside her too. Was she actually ENJOYING this 'bath'?

Hatchepsout turned, her eyes squinting as Necra massaged her bare shoulders, to gaze away from the smiling priestess and see what her servant was enduring. Nedj writhed slightly, her mistress' laughter perhaps slightly raising her from the soothing stupor that had surrounded her since entering the basin...but that motion seemed more of a stretch of pleasure than one of discomfort. Hatchepsout looked at the closest element of Nedj to her face...the girl's light-skinned feet, and watched the toes curl alluringly even as the big digits remained tied together. A stone serpent positioned right above the servant's soles was slowly dribbling more tepid oil upon their flexing surfaces. She barely heard a titter blurt from Nedj's lips amidst her own high-pitched laughs.

The servant girl was quite aware of both the strange feeling upon her feet and the wild whoops of Hatchepsout. Yet, she was so unused to the feeling of such comforting warmth akin to an oil bath like this that her mind was a bit unclear. Sure, her wrists, calves and toes were bound...and that lukewarm liquid dripping across her always bare feet felt rather ticklish...was she supposed to hate this, or be enthralled by it? If this was the type of 'cleansing' that the royal families typically got to take part in, maybe Nedj should have felt honored herself to partake in one it this time.

While the more practical side of her brain was wondering how she might get up with such bondage upon her form...not to mention how vulnerable certain parts of her with this moment, a wilder part of her mind was just happy to squirm nakedly within the sunlit warmth. A lustful haze drifted in her consciousness as she glanced slanted at the princess' kicking feet within the avian stocks. The toes were spreading, flicking droplets of shiny oil all around. They were completely at anyone's mercy who might want to rub or relax those highly deserving feet...


Nedj carefully glanced over her shoulder to see that the priestess Necra was now sliding her oil-slickened fingers in slow, seductive drags across Hatchepsout's taut belly, sending the latter into hysterics...although now a moan of delight would slip out of the sputtering lips now and then. Nedj caught Necra's gaze and the dark-haired woman smiled, nodding her head slightly as she saw the servant girl's desires.

The blond female focused again at the fluttering feet so close to her face. Yes, she decided. She would be privileged to enjoy the soft slick skin of those heavenly creamy soles, their surfaces lighter than the majority of Hatchepsout's dark skin. Nedj leaned closer, trying to ignore the oil dripping on her own feet...and snaked her little tongue out of her pursed lips...

Hatchepsout was already having a severely mixed 'response' to this cleansing ritual. Her mouth was babbling with wild chortles and cooing sighs as the talented priestess inspired feelings of both ticklish torment and sensual soothing on her upper body. She didn't know if she should hate or love this sort of treatment.

"Aaaahaha...ooooh! Ohhhaaha ha ha...," she moaned abruptly in the midst of a bout of laughter. Something feeling like a moist worm just had made contact with the balls of her right foot, sliding up and down the oil-coated appendage in deliberate strokes.

Her eyes opened and she looked to her feet even as Necra continued to smush the skin over her ribs. Nedj...Nedj had her face right next to her wiggling feet. The source of that unique feeling was her friend's tongue!

Nedj could barely detect the change in her mistress' tone as she was too intent on both the warmth encircling her body and the waving peds before her. The soles wrinkled as she lapped at them, trying to lather every inch of oily flesh with her saliva. The sweet toes bounced like small birds before her eyes, the golden toerings and clasps glinting in the sunlight that bathed the chamber. The digits enticed her for attention but Nedj was taking her time, savoring the taste of the regal soles as her tongue rubbed the oil deeper into the wrinkles and crevices that formed with every stretch and flex of the princess' feet. Was the delight of this heating oil bath removing her inhibitions...perhaps this was something she had wanted to try but buried in the darkness of her subconscious till now...

"My...goddess...ah ahaahoooohoohoooooohhhh!!!" Hatchepsout wailed, her back arching so her pert breasts were presented even more blatantly. That little tongue was driving her mad with passion. Her ticklish arches quivered, completely vulnerable, as Nedj's moist mouth muscle slid rapidly up and down their highly sensitive surfaces. She flexed her toes, not sure if she wanted them to be exempt or privy to the treatment her loyal servant was apparently capable of. All the while Necra continued to feather her sides and belly, rubbing more oil over her torso with her deft hands gradually moving upwards.

Nedj giggled loudly at the frenzy of activity that the trapped tootsies did before her face. She lapped at the splaying digits, totally enchanted by mix of salty and sweet tastes that the pampered toes exuded. The warm, sticky oil only made the smooth soles even more enticing. Spreading and bouncing madly, Nedj was especially rapt when Hatchepsout started cutely curling a few of her wet toes upon the fair-skinned girl's nose and face. They received thorough tongue-bathing in response.

"See, my privileged princess?" Necra said in a low, lusty voice...the nearly child-like excitement from before was now gone, "Your handmaiden friend seems to be enjoying this treatment as much as you are."

Hatchepsout continued to squeal as she turned to look at the woman who sat beside her in this warm pool of oil. Necra's arms were still rolling handfuls of slick fluid against her throbbing skin, one arm around her back to reach around. Those purple eyes were lustful yet still reverent...and she realized that Necra's gaze was lower than her own. In fact, the priestess was glancing at Hatchepsout's magnificent bare breasts. Of course they were beautiful, oil dripping off their vast surfaces, but for a moment Hatchepsout felt a twinge of embarrassment...until she realized that Necra's last words were referring to the fact that the royal's orbs were very rigid and her nipples were VERY hard. The oil, the moistness rolling around her torso and feet...

Necra nodded and continued, "That's why the bonds were needed. Why should you have the desire to 'avoid' or interrupt such a wonderful experience? Just relax, enjoy and lose yourself in the warmth of Isis under my careful hands."

Another moan slipped from Hatchepsout's lips as Nedj's lips continued to orally massage (and tickle) her squirming soles. But her attention was diverted as the priestess' hands brought more oils to her collarbones, letting it drip atop and through her cleavage. Necra repeated the activity twice more, Hatchepsout's eyes widening and her lips trembling each time.

Right before she felt those long fingers spidering up the sides of her breasts, Hatchepsout's hazy vision noticed how 'excited' Necra's own chest was as her nipples also poked through the oil-drenched top she wore. And then her mind lost focus completely...

If Nedj's attention to her wriggling feet had somehow turned her on, the rolling massage that Necra now performed upon her heaving chest threatened to knock her out. The priestess flicked her fingers in diminishing circles, slathering and rubbing hot oil all over their hardening surfaces. The sensation was indescribable...she felt her body temperature rising beyond that of the oil she sat moaning within. Her laughter became quaking gasps as Necra gently pressed and clawed at each orb.

"Ma...my...aahhh...ah ha ha ha...no...it'ssssssahahaha...ooooohhhhhh!"

The reaction of her mistress seemed to instill Nedj with more desire of her own. Her tongue snaked between every shivering toe as they flexed before her face.

To Hatchepsout, it felt like both sensations where happening in both areas somehow. Nedj's tongue could have been edging around her nipples right now and Necra's digits could have been digging in the highly sensitive spots underneath the stems of her tootsies. Her breasts bounced, oil dripping down through her navel and she felt like time was slowing down. Her fingers and toes clenched tightly.

Intensity...heat...both slowly built through her system as Necra rubbed oil into her breasts. The latter gently feathered the rock-hard nipples with her index fingers, caressing a drop of oil upon each...

Hatchepsout's eyes rolled back and shut and her mouth opened, silent for a moment and then uttering all manner of lustful laughter and gasping moans. She felt like she had completely lost control of her body, her mind...herself. The princess thought she felt a moist tongue upon her tender heel...and one nipple...

"I see why you hold this servant in such high regard, daughter of the sun," Necra warbled, sweating herself. "So much talent in such a position...I only hope that she has done a cleansing worthy of your divine soles during this..."

Nedj was still smitten by her surroundings and the slow waving of Hatchepsout's feet, too enthralled in licking the oil from those soft soles to really hear the words of the priestess. But she did come a bit out of her stupor as a cool breeze seemed to enter the chamber from the open wall. A potted fern had all this time been positioned rather close to where her bent legs jutted from the edge of the bath. The slight zephyr wafted several of the tiny leaves that already brushed Nedj's own soles so that their tips trailed back and forth on the oily skin. The 'discomfort' of the sudden coolness and the little tickling touches upon her defenseless feet allowed the priestess' words to be understood.

"...for if she has not performed to your desires, your highness, we will have to make sure her unclean feet get the proper cleansing of their own," Necra finished, her tone stern and suggestive as she watched Nedj's feet flex in response to the stimulus. To punctuate her words, Necra temporarily removed one hand from gently cupping Hatchepsout's right breast and briefly scratched a few drops of oil along one of Nedj's pale arches.

The prone female giggled, a smile cracking her lips and one eye closed tightly. She felt the lustful haze fall upon her again and redoubled her efforts to paint every spot on Hatchepsout's bare feet...it was HER honor to do so, regardless of any punishment she might earn. Although, how could this be 'punishment'...

Hatchepsout's eyes opened slightly as she sat in pure warmth. The cleansing continued...both women still were 'washing' her majestic figure...and her gaze slowly went from Nedj's bare ass bouncing as she tried to lean her face further and further into the princess' pampered peds to her own poor toes wiggling, unable to pull them from this...pleasurable bondage.

Her eyes came to rest in the oil to her left, as she noticed the tootsies of Necra's own bare right foot...the priestess had only removed her sandals before entering the basin...curling as they broke the surface of the oil bath. Abruptly Necra's left leg lifted and crossed in front of Hatchepsout, coming to rest with the ball of the foot upon her own left shin. Oil slowly dripped from the tan skin and golden anklet as they lay before her.

"You must realize," Necra said in a soft whisper, close to her weary face, "That we are not done."

Hatchepsout's eyebrow weakly raised as she felt Necra gently drag the toes of her left foot along the princess' skin. Even THEY tickled...

"There are a lot more spots to wash on your deserving frame."

Laughing weakly, Hatchepsout wondered if this was torture...or pleasure. Or...did it really matter?


Story over. ^^

Little factoid add-on from Will that some of you may already know: 😉
"The story goes that Queen Hatchepsout (the historical one) had herself oiled up and had her soles tickled by peacock feathers (wielded by the court eunuchs) before sex to get in the mood... "

I hope you enjoy this image (and tale) of pleasurable peril. 🙂

Princess Hatchepsout and Nedj are the awesome creations of Kidetic.
Necra Ruia is mine.
I am dumbfounded by how rich this is. It's so intoxicating that I can't think clearly, and my hands seem to have left a grip impression in the armrests of my chair. (They are metal)

A hot oil bath... I feel 12 years old again just thinking about it 😉
Heh, well, I'm very glad you enjoyed how 'immersed' you got in viewing/reading this image and tale. 😉
Thanks very much, glad you liked it.
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