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House At The End Of The Feather: Virgin Flesh FF/F


Jun 25, 2007
Olivia wasn't that upset about having to leave her girlfriends at the bar. She was more concerned with why she hadn't heard back from Justin yet. It was a bit past the hour's length that he was supposed to stay in that house. And when she had called Mark, he told her that he was drunk and hadn't gone to the house to get Justin. It all sounded so dumb. She decided to go to the house herself.

Olivia had a decent enough face, but her curves were the stuff of men's dreams. Her breasts, nearly a Double D cup, were confined in her satin bra underneath her blouse. Her wide hips and firm backside rested snugly in her jeans above her slender legs. She had a modest complexion with a beautiful smile. She pulled out her cell phone and tried one more time to call Justin. She heard the phone ringing from inside the house. She knew that he must still be inside.

It had gotten somewhat chilly outside and Olivia was shocked when she stepped into the abandoned house to find it at a pleasant 70 degrees. She began to wonder how that was possible when she heard footsteps coming from the floor above her. It had to be Justin. She noticed the staircase in front of her and walked up to the second floor.

Olivia noticed the paintings on the wall when she reached the hallway at the top of the stairs. Justin had not noticed them before, but unlike him, Olivia was fully aware of the history of the house. She saw the many drawings and paintings of tickle torture and she felt a shiver run through her. As many as there were, though, she somehow didn't see the last picture in the row. It was of Justin. A multitude of small fairy-like creatures were tormenting his genitals with feathers and he wore an expression of forced merriment. She walked past and entered the bedroom.

She walked in and immediately felt something jab her in the back.

“Ow! What the fuck, Justin?” She turned and found herself facing not her boyfriend, but Claire. Claire was no longer dressed the same as she had been earlier. Instead she was wearing a complete police uniform. She even wore a handgun on her hip and a pair of handcuffs. Claire stood in the doorway.

“Sorry, Officer, I thought you were someone else...” Olivia felt sheepish as she thought that she was addressing an actual police officer.

“Miss, I don't know who put you up to this but you can't be in here.” Claire stated matter of factly, enjoying Olivia's ignorance.

“I was looking for my boyfriend. He was in here earlier on a...”

“On a dare? An initiation? A prank? All of the above?” Claire interrupted. “You know, this is private property and neither you or any other student have a right to be in here. It's called trespassing.”

“Private property?” Olivia repeated, confused, “But this place has been abandoned for several years.”

“Don't talk back to me, Miss. I'm the law.” Claire placed her hands on her hips. “What's your name?”

“Olivia Hunt.”

“Kim?” Claire turned to look out the hallway, and then Kim walked up to her. Kim was also now wearing a police uniform with all the trimmings.

“Is it just her in here?” Kim asked Claire.

“Looks like it.” Claire exhaled.

“No, I'm not. I'm telling you that my boyfriend was in here.” Olivia countered.

“Was in here as in not anymore.” Claire shot back. Olivia was getting frustrated.

“Will you two at least help me look for him. Look...” Olivia pulled out her cell phone once again and called Justin's number. And, just like before, his phone could be heard ringing somewhere inside the house.

Kim and Claire exchanged a look, realizing that at some point when Justin had been in the house, he had set his phone down somewhere and they hadn't seen. They kept up their charade.

“Okay, let's check out the house. But no splitting up. This isn't a horror movie. There are some parts of this building that are genuinely dangerous.” Claire ordered.

“Fine.” Olivia agreed. The three women left the bedroom.

After walking a mere 7 feet down the hallway, the three women entered the bathroom. And when they did, the strangest thing happened. Just as it had when Justin had encountered the two ghost girls, the house seemed to transform the very second that Olivia entered the bathroom. The once run down and dilapidated home was now as beautiful as it had been all those years ago. Olivia gasped as she gazed in wonder at the huge bathroom. There were mirrors all around and an enormous jacuzzi built right into the floor.

“Care for a dip?” Claire asked innocently. Olivia turned to face the duo and saw that they were no longer in uniform. Claire had returned to her jeans and black halter top. Kim also changed. She was now wearing her simple white dress that showed off her round bottom.

“Wha-? Who are you two?” Olivia felt dumbfounded as she could barely process what was happening.

“We're them!” Claire answered.

“We're they!” Kim added.

“We're the reason this old house is anywhere near as notorious as it is.” Claire stepped up on Olivia, her face only inches from the young student. Her voice grew low and menacing “We're the two girls who died in this house. We're the spirits who are trapped in here for all eternity. We are the voices that you hear laughing in the middle of the night as you pass on by...”

She suddenly backed off and smiled happily.

“But you can call us Claire and Kim. We like it that way.” The change in tone actually sent a wave of relief over Olivia. She saw that the two phantoms most likely did not want to hurt her and that they actually seemed quite girlish and benevolent.

“You two seem pretty... sprightly... for two dead people.” Olivia commented.

“Yeah, we try to stay in good spirits” Kim joked as she and Claire laughed.

“Exactly.” Claire chimed in. “Who says Casper gets to be the only friendly ghost. We don't mean you any harm, dear.”

“Well, can you tell me where my boyfriend is?” Olivia asked.

Claire and Kim gave each other a look as if they were thinking about it.

“Thing is...” Kim began, “...he's kinda indisposed at the moment.”

“Yeah, we have him being well taken care of though. He's not in pain or anything. Actually, I'd be surprised if he wasn't just as happy as can be right now.” Claire stated.

“Can I see him?”

“What are you gonna do for us?” Claire asked. Olivia didn't seem to understand.

“What could I possibly do for you two?” She asked.

The bubbly ghosts smiled.

“How much do you know about us, Hon?” Kim asked Olivia.

Olivia remembered the stories about the two girls who lived in the house. How they were tickle fetishists who lured people in so that they could have their way with them.

“Give you a hint: It's the reason that you kids now call this place the Feather House.” Claire beamed.

“You want to tickle me?” Olivia showed a hint of nervousness in her eyes but, actually seemed more curious than scared.

“We certainly want to try.” Kim answered.

“Let us try you a test drive, so to speak...” Claire offered, “and if you let us do what we want, we will set you and Justin free. It's that simple.”

“I don't know about this.” Olivia spoke her concern.

“Hey now, nothing we do is going to hurt you. And besides, it could be a lot of fun!” Kim responded.

“I don't even know if I am ticklish though. You two might not have that much fun with me.” Olivia informed the duo.

“Oooooh, this sounds fun.” Claire clapped. “You don't know as in you have never been tickled or you don't know as in it's been a long time?”

“As in... well... no. I guess the answer would be never.” Olivia explained. “My family was never really the touchy feely kind and I always figured that tickling was more a form of torture than anything that I would really want to experience. The stories about you two and this house frightened me because of that but... I guess I don't really know. I've never let anybody try to tickle me.”

Claire and Kim looked as if they had discovered the Holy Grail.

“Never?” Kim asked in disbelief.

“Never.” Olivia repeated.

“You have to let us tickle you.” Claire demanded. “You are Virgin flesh.”

“Whoa! Hold on. I said I had never been tickled. I didn't say that I was a...”

“No. Virgin flesh. You've never known a tickle sensation from another person.” Kim clarified. “Claire's right. You have to let us be your first.”

“I don't know.” Olivia's apprehensiveness showed like a lightning bug in a blackout.

“Please!” Claire begged. “If you do, we will let you and Justin leave here together as soon as we finish.”

Olivia looked into the pleading eyes of the two phantoms.

“How do we do this?”

Claire and Kim led Olivia back into the bedroom and instructed her to get on the bed. Olivia obeyed, sitting Indian style on the large mattress. The two ghosts hadn't felt so excited since they had been alive.

“First, you have to strip.” Claire informed Olivia.

“Hey, now. That wasn't part of the deal. Why do I have to be naked?”

“Because we can't know where you are ticklish unless we try every spot.” Kim responded.

Claire spelled it out for Olivia.

“Look, it's just us girls here. Kim and I can't leave the property. We are bound to the house in the mortal plane. There are no cameras or anything. And once you leave here, there is no reason you have to tell anybody what transpired here tonight. How about we start simply? Take off your shoes and socks.”

“That sounds harmless enough.” Olivia decided. She began to strip her feet as Kim climbed onto the bed and sat directly behind her.

“This is gonna be so much fun.” Claire knelt at the foot of the bed and pulled Olivia's bare feet out towards her. Olivia leaned back against Kim.

“Um... how long have you two been doing this?” Olivia asked.

“Many many years.” Claire offered the vague response. Claire and Kim both smiled as Claire's eyes covered the nervous student, making mental notes of spots she would like to try.

“You look about a size 6.” Claire gently caressed a warm palm over the ankles and the tops of the feet. Olivia tensed her body.

“Relax.” Claire whispered. She smiled and winked as the backs of her nails lightly trailed around Olivia's ankles... and the top of each foot. Olivia felt her lips curl at the sensation. Claire was obviously starting off slow, not wanting to freak out her victim... yet.

“Do you like that?” Kim asked as she watched the show. She placed her hands on Olivia's sides. Claire lightly dragged a single fingertip along the outer edge of each little foot.

"How does that feel?” Claire asked.

Olivia felt the tickles on her feet. She bit her lip. Kim grabbed the bottom of Olivia's blouse and pulled it off over her head. Olivia didn't try to fight it. She realized there was no danger in these spirits intentions. Once the blouse was off, Kim undid Olivia's bra with one quick motion, releasing the hefty breasts from their satin prison.

Olivia suddenly felt a single wiggling fingertip run ever so slowly up her left sole. The feeling caught her off guard and, as a reflex, she tried to pull her foot away.

“Whoa!” She gasped.

Claire smiled as she held the foot in place. She repeated the tickle, using a little bit of nail this time. Olivia bit her lip harder and tried to look away.

“She may not be laughing yet, but I think she likes it. Her nipples are like crystals.” Kim pointed out.

Claire chuckled.

“Oh my. Olivia, do you like my tickles?” Claire asked with a playful gleam in her emerald eyes.

Olivia, for her part, was afraid to answer. The wiggling finger traveled up and down her sole with such precision. At each slight jerk or tug from Olivia, Claire matched the pressure with her touch. It made Olivia feel as though her reflexes could not protect her and that she was truly at this specter's mercy. The sensation was almost electric. The power that Claire seemed to have over her and the overwhelming tingling feeling that came from the softest touch was almost too much for Olivia to process.

“You're a real tough cookie, aren't ya?” Kim teased as she decided to join in, using her nails to trace little aimless patterns along Olivia's tummy, near the sides of her bellybutton.

Olivia instantly tensed her belly and trembled as the desire to laugh tugged at her like a fisherman's hook drawing in a captured trout, the capture inevitable.

Claire decided to step it up a notch. Maybe some tickle talk would loosen the topless student's quivering lips.

“Olivia... Here I come...” Claire warned as she let Olivia watch the wiggling finger slowly approach the bare sole. “I'm gonna getcha...”

The finger wiggled against the foot, this time drawing up and down the instep.

Olivia snorted and tried to pull her foot back again. Kim found a soft spot near Olivia's left side that shivered and tensed as she stroked it. She decided to tease that spot, drawing a little circle around that patch of skin.

“Here I come again...” Claire once again wiggled her finger in front of Olivia as it leisurely neared the instep. It touched down at the same time that Kim elected to lightly scratch the spot on Olivia's tummy. It was too much for her.

“Hehehehehehehehe okay okahahahay it tickles!” Olivia confessed.

“Of course it does. Like Claire said, we've been doing this for a while.” Kim smiled as she attacked the same patch of skin on either side of Olivia's belly at the same time with specific strokes.

“Tickle tickle...” Claire lilted. She got up off of the floor and sat on Olivia's calves facing her feet, pinning the girl's legs to the bed. She then began to spider tickle the soles, occasionally scratching random wrinkles with a delicate touch.

“Hehehehehhehehehehheheh” The giggles poured out of Olivia's mouth freely now. She tried to swat Kim's hands away.

“Oh no, you don't!” Kim grabbed Olivia's wrists with supernatural strength and pinned them underneath Kim's butt. She then started to tickle in earnest all over the tummy, fluttering her fingertips like butterfly wings here, there, and everywhere. Claire also changed techniques, now lightly raking her nails up and down the poor soles.

“Hahhaahhahahahaha” Olivia tried to move but the struggle was futile. “Stohhohhohhohohohohoohp!

Claire reached behind her every so often, goosing Olivia just above her knees. This caused her to squeal and jump each time.

“Tickle tickle tickle...” Kim sang. The taunt was like a spell, amplifying Olivia's sensitivity. Kim now wrapped one arm around Olivia to hold her in place and planted her pinky finger inside Olivia's bellybutton, allowing the sharp nail to prey upon the knot of flesh inside. “Does this tickle, little girl?”

Olivia threw her head back in silent laughter. Between Claire (who was now gently scratching the stems of Olivia's toes) and Kim's tender assault on Olivia's naval, she could barely breathe. Kim and Claire understood that they needed to give her a moment to recover, so they both stopped tickling.

“Oh my God! That was intense.” Olivia panted. “I had no idea I was so ticklish. Can I go now?”

Claire and Kim laughed.

“Already? But we still have so many more places to explore.” Claire turned around so that she could face Olivia, but still sat on the girls legs. Claire reached down and pulled Olivia's jeans and panties down to her knees. Olivia's bald pussy was now completely revealed.

“Hey. What are you do-hehehehehhe” Olivia tried to protest but dissolved into childish giggles when Claire fluttered her nails against Olivia's thighs. Kim brought her fingers to the sides of the girl's breasts, playfully but methodically pressuring the flesh with gentle pokes and prods.

“Coochie coo... relax, Sweetie. We're professionals.” Kim stated.

Claire pulled the jeans and undies completely off and parted Olivia's legs a bit, offering sneaky tickles to weaken the girl when she tried to fight back. She then re-introduced her nails to Olivia's legs, creeping them inward to play upon her inner thighs.

“HehEHhehEHhehehEhehehHEhE” Squeals merged with giggles as Olivia attempted in vain to close her legs. She didn't even notice when Kim pulled to short blue feathers out of her dress.

“Let's see here...” Kim set the tips of the feathers at the sides of the breasts, flickering in little zig zag patterns near the ribs. Claire continued to tickle the flesh of Olivia's inner thighs, dancing her fingers up and down.

Olivia could feel herself beginning to get wet. She couldn't figure out though, if it was because of the tickling, or simply that the teasing touches occasionally grew close to her womanhood. Either way, Kim and Claire both noticed and when they caught the scent.

“See? Tickling isn't so bad.” Claire gave Olivia a knowing wink that made Olivia blush fiercely. Kim snickered and began to dust Olivia's turgid nipples with the feathers.

“Hehehehehehhehehehehehehe” Olivia was on the verge of completely surrendering herself to the ghosts. The tickles were driving her crazy but also turning her on. Claire and Kim knew this.

Claire wrapped her arms around Olivia's legs and lifted them up, propping Olivia's lower body onto Claire's lap. She took a second to admire Olivia's face, her eyes squinting, her cheeks blushing, her smile contagious, and the musical laughter that Kim's feathers were expertly coaxing out of her. Claire grinned ear to ear and decided to test Kim's earlier theory about Justin's backside on Olivia. Claire parted Olivia's smooth flesh and exposed the young woman's anus, perineum, and the lips of her moist pussy. Kim was humming “Ring Around The Rosie” as the feathers tickled Olivia's nipples in circular motions. This kept Olivia in stitches. But when Claire dragged two fingertips along Olivia's perineum, stopping just short of her anus, Olivia bucked and yelped before giggling again.

Kim abandoned the feathers and now used her pointed nails to wander and careen over and around the jiggling bosom.

“Here come the tickle bugs!” Kim teased.

“HEHEhehHEHEhEhHEhHEhEHHEhEHHE” Olivia though she might either pass out from the intensity of the tickling or reach orgasm soon. She could barely see through her watery eyes. But Claire suddenly caught her glance. Claire's face had changed. Instead of the human face that should have been there, there was a glassy, luminous mist. Similar to how a ghost might actually look. Olivia stared in awe as she continued cackle softly from Kim's titty tickle torture. Claire's wraithy visage leaned down. Claire buried her face between Olivia's legs and began to nibble at the perineum. Not actually biting, but clicking her teeth together against the sensitive skin so that her lips vibrated, her chin lightly brushed Olivia's hole, and her nose crinkled repeatedly against Olivia's swollen clit. The result was epic.


Olivia's whole body shook with the explosive power of her orgasm. Not content with inducing just one, Claire stuck out a silvery, wraithlike tongue that flicked repeatedly all about. It licked and lapped at Olivia's clit, taint, hole, labia, everything between her legs until Olivia came at least 4 more times. All the while, Kim verbally teased her with tickle talk and little songs about how she was such a ticklish girl. Kim also tickled the nipples directly with her nails, wickedly bringing the girl to tears of forced mirth.

Eventually, the duo stopped their tickle torture and Claire returned her face to normal. Olivia could barely move. The three women sat silently while Olivia recovered.

True to their word, Claire and Kim released Justin from his feathery torment. Though both were shaken from their ordeal, Justin and Olivia were both allowed to leave. But neither of them would ever forget the two devilish phantom women who taught them what real pleasure, and real torment was... at the same time.
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