It's a little more complicated than that, but basically everyone's right. We can rant and rave about the evil corporations all we want, but we are the ones who use all that fossil fuel in our homes and cars. Yes, there are alternative sources of fuel, but it would be "too hard" to change everything over, so we don't. The Washington bigwigs...ha ha! Democrat AND Republican, they only care about staying in power. Yeah, I'm a Republican, but come one, I'm not stupid! I know the Republican bigwigs mainly care about staying in power, just like the Democrats do. Those guys hate big changes, because it means they may lose power. And that's just America.
Kyoto was a piece of crap. It was a welfare bill for us to pay to the rest of the world. "We want the US to pay us a bunch of money, more than we already are stealing from them, so we'll get the UN involved." The thugs and petty warlords will be the only people to see that money if they had gotten it, not the poor people or the enviroment. Many of these other nations have turned into big garbage dumps. They pollute like crazy, they have no EPA over there, and they would simply bribe the hell out of them if they did. Take what you think the enviromental damage in America is, and multiply it when you start looking at the rest of the world. That's why it irks me so when liberals talk about how we pollute so much. The communists could have cared less about nature, or anything else for that matter except world domination. I doubt the roving machete wielding gangs in Africa are real enviromental saving giants.