We’ve all been there.
The guy next to you on the plane or train wants to talk. About himself, mostly.
Or when dinner is served, his manners are deplorable and he smacks loudly or chews with his mouth open.
He might even fall asleep and drool all over your shoulder.
And she might even be nosy and insist on looking at whatever is on your computer screen.
No doubt this has happened to us more times than we can count. So I've come up with a brilliant sure fire way of “handling” that nosy neighbour in the seat next to you.
Follow these instructions:
1. Quietly and calmly reach for your laptop case
2. Remove your laptop from it’s case; turn it on
3. Log in
4. Make sure the annoying man or woman seated next to you can clearly see the screen
5. Close your eyes, lift your head and your hands upwards, mouthing something silently, as if in prayer
6) Then lower your right hand and calmly copy/paste the link below
The guy next to you on the plane or train wants to talk. About himself, mostly.
Or when dinner is served, his manners are deplorable and he smacks loudly or chews with his mouth open.
He might even fall asleep and drool all over your shoulder.
And she might even be nosy and insist on looking at whatever is on your computer screen.
No doubt this has happened to us more times than we can count. So I've come up with a brilliant sure fire way of “handling” that nosy neighbour in the seat next to you.
Follow these instructions:
1. Quietly and calmly reach for your laptop case
2. Remove your laptop from it’s case; turn it on
3. Log in
4. Make sure the annoying man or woman seated next to you can clearly see the screen
5. Close your eyes, lift your head and your hands upwards, mouthing something silently, as if in prayer
6) Then lower your right hand and calmly copy/paste the link below