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How to keep dogs, pets safe during fireworks. Wildlife are also affected...


TMF Master
Oct 8, 2005
Not just veterans with acute PTSD, and pets - wildlife are also traumatized, will leave nests, become disoriented...
Don't blow up your neighborhood, there are reasons why it's illegal.
:ermm: Find a legit display near you!!

How to keep dogs, other pets safe during Fourth of July fireworks

By Stephen Ellison NBC Universal, Inc.


Dog owners know it all too well: Fireworks scare the bejeezus out of their furry friends.

In fact, all pets do not take well to loud, booming fireworks if they are happening within earshot. So, the Peninsula Humane Society & SPCA has provided some tips for pet owners to help keep their animals safe and secure on the Fourth of July.

"Dogs can panic and break through fences and gates," PHS/SPCA spokesperson Colleen Crowley says. "Lost dogs that make their way to us around this time often arrive scared and sometimes with minor injuries such as cuts on their paws. Some simple tips can help prevent this from happening."

Crowley and her collegues offer up the following advice to keep pets safe on and around the Fourth of July:

  • Don’t take pets to fireworks displays.
  • While at home, keep pets inside a room in the house and make sure blinds or drapes are drawn. Leave a TV, radio (AC) or fan on to drown out the fireworks noise.
  • Make sure pets have current ID and/or a microchip. A microchip implanted just under the animal’s skin will ensure it can be identified.
  • If you know your pet will have severe anxiety from fireworks, consider talking to your veterinarian about a mild tranquilizer.
If your pet becomes lost, contact local animal services, SPCA or Humane Society.

Obviously, Google any of these in your area.

The Humane Society of the United States
1255 23rd St. NW, Suite 450
Washington, DC 20037

202-452-1100 or 866-720-2676
Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 11 p.m.
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This has even more info, ideas:



Here’s How to Keep Your Pets Safe During Fourth Of July Fireworks​

Loud noises, large crowds and parades can be anxiety-inducing for animals, so pet owners should take precautions to prevent them from panicking or fleeing.
By Lilli MaloneJuly 3, 2024


  • Sources Cited
Credit: Pexels
CHICAGO — A local animal shelter is urging neighbors to protect their pets and take steps to keep them from getting lost amid Fourth of July chaos.

Fireworks displays, parades, large gatherings and other events associated with the Fourth of July can be extremely stressful for pets, according to a Chicagoland Humane Coalition news release. Shelters typically see a “significant spike” in lost pets around the holiday as panicking pets flee in confusion or due to anxiety, according to the shelter.

But there are steps pet owners can take to keep their furry family members safe.
Here are tips from the Chicagoland Humane Coalition, PAWS Chicago and Chicago Animal Care and Control:


  • Keep your pets indoors. Fireworks can cause animals to panic and try to run away, according to PAWS. Animal Control said even putting your dog in a fenced area might not be enough as they’ll try to jump the fence to escape.
  • Give pets a safe spot in which to hide, whether it be a room or a crate, according to Animal Control.
  • Ambient noise can help mask the boom of the fireworks. Putting on a TV or “comforting music” can help furry family members, according to Animal Control.
  • If you’re home, distract your pets by playing with them, Animal Control suggested.
  • Even if your animal seems to be OK with the noise from the fireworks, keep your pet away from lit fireworks. They can burn your pets if they’re curious and get too close, according to PAWS.
  • Keep your pets away from unused fireworks, too: They can contain potentially toxic substances, according to PAWS.


  • If you’re having a party, make sure your animal is behind a baby gate or in a quiet room that people aren’t walking in and out of to ensure the pet doesn’t escape, according to PAWS.
  • Don’t give your pets alcohol: It can kill them or send them into a coma, according to PAWS. Even beer is toxic.
  • And don’t give your pets human party food, like grapes or onion-y foods, because those can also be hazardous to dogs and cats, according to PAWS.


  • Make sure your pet gets plenty of exercise before any big activities, according to the Chicagoland Humane Coalition.
  • Make sure your animals have their IDs and microchips up to date just in case they do get away.
  • Make sure you have a recent photo of your animal that you can you use for signs if your pet does escape, PAWS suggested.
  • If you’re going out, don’t leave your animals in the car. Car temperatures can heat up quickly and that heat can kill animals.
  • It’s not just beer or party snacks that can be bad for your pet this Fourth. Sunscreen, the insecticide DEET, lighter fluid, matches, glow jewelry and citronella can also be dangerous and should be kept from animals, according to PAWS.
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