bravo seven
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I have read a few stories where most of the time a young man is always humiliated. DO MOST WOMEN LIKE TO WILLFULLY hurt a man that has done nothing. That is not being Christian. Examples I read one story where one young man wrestled his mother and she cheated. in The story there was no rematch. In real life I have had more than five women rob me of dollars. In there minds it is ok. But they have to answer to the Lord. When you have and abortion YOU ARE ACTING LIKE YOU ARE MORE POWERFUL THAN GOD. When you can easily carry the child. Why can't there be a story where a male gets to com back and legally retailate against the woman. Second example A college dorm story where a young man is held hostage by tickling he is forces to give up his room because of a female bully. In real life i am big enough where when a female tries to bully me she gets a real big unwanted surprise. I greatly turn the tables. And if they try to cheat me in person and turn the tables and make it right. They hate me for it but right is right. Just because the National organization for women is out there does not mean that they have to hate males and put god out of the picture god does live every person on earth when they die will no that god lives when they die. A great group of women to get to know and is the largest and oldest womens group in the WORLD is the Relief Society of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- Day Saints. I am sorry if this upsets the apple cart but fair is fair. And many women think that it is natural for them to dominate a man fore ever. If a woman goes through life getting satisfaction hurting every man she comes in contact with or trying to dominate her boyfriend all the time then she has a problem. It takes alot of talking and give and take. Tickling is meant to be a fun game. Men and women want to be mutually conscented dominated at times and this is the way it should be. Thanks for your time. Alot of women will hate this story of feelings but I wanted to get it off of my chest. Thanks, bravo seven