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Hunter F/f


Registered User
Dec 30, 2002
Jenna sat on a bench in the Plains State University courtyard, pretending to type on the laptop sitting in front of her. She seemed a little older than the students, but only by a couple of years. Anybody seeing her would probably assume she was a grad student, working on her master’s degree while teaching a few classes to pay the bills. She was undoubtedly sitting in the sun, working on some dissertation.

She was not preoccupied with an assignment, however. Instead, Jenna was looking over the laptop screen, staring at everyone who walked past her. Late for class or a meeting with friends, most of the students did not notice. Those that did just assumed she was one of those strange artistic types that hang out in every college. She was wearing black, after all.

A few did stop and meet Jenna’s gaze. Some were women, thinking she might be some forgotten acquaintance trying to get their attention. More were men, hoping this attractive slightly older female was interested in them, ready to begin the small talk that would end up in a one night stand. All of them, men and women, moved on quickly after looking into Jenna’s deep brown eyes. They held no indication of friendship or romantic interest. Those eyes were cold as ice.

What none of them noticed was that, as they walked by Jenna, their picture showed up on her laptop. And since the computer was connected not only to the ocular implants in Jenna’s eyes, but the school mainframe as well, their name, address, class schedule and many other miscellaneous bits of data also appeared.

This went on for nearly twenty minutes, Jenna’s eyes never leaving the people walking past her to glance at the illegally obtained information on her screen, until the computer emitted the softest of beeps. Jenna knew she had found what she was looking for.

Looking down for the first time, Jenna saw the picture of the person who had set off the alarm. Her name was Monica Nelson, a sophomore history major living on campus. She was not an exceptional student, making mostly B’s and C’s. She had never tried to join a sorority; in fact her only extracurricular activity was an intramural volleyball team. Monica had gotten in trouble once as a freshman for underage drinking, but as usual in a college town, there had been no serious consequences.

Most importantly, her biostatistics were perfect. Jenna smiled. Perfect for what she had in mind, that was.

Memorizing the data, clicked a few more keys. Monica’s picture disappeared, and a map of Typhoon Hall showed up. Monica’s sociology classroom was highlighted in red. It only took a few moments for Jenna to find what she was looking for, a seldom used bathroom in the basement. Perfect again.

Sliding her laptop into its case, Jenna started walking unhurriedly in the direction of Typhoon Hall. She moved with such a natural grace, long black ponytail sailing out behind her, that Jenna attracted more attention now then she had when she had been staring at everyone. Most of the people who saw her assumed she was a dancer or a gymnast. She wasn’t.

Jenna was a hunter.


As Monica Nelson was leaving her crowded sociology classroom, she barely noticed the touch on her elbow. Only because the fingers were unusually cold did the sensation register at all. Then it was quickly forgotten as someone else, eager to escape, pushed her from behind. That was why Monica didn’t connect it to anything that happened next.

She was only a few steps out the door when the urge hit her. She had to go to the bathroom, worse then ever before. Literally shoving people out of the way, Monica began running down the hallway. Her heart stopped when she found an elderly janitor hanging an “Out of Order” sign on the lavatory door.

“Please!” Monica cried out, feeling endanger of wetting herself for the first time since she was four, “I can’t wait!”

“There’s a bathroom downstairs, young lady,” the man said in a crackling voice. Monica was off running before he had even finished his sentence. That was why she didn’t see him smile maliciously and put the “Out of Order” sign in the trashcan.


Monica was washing her hands afterwards, still extremely relieved she hadn’t had an accident when the door opened and a raven haired beauty entered. Monica could only watch, stunned, when the strange woman closed the door behind her and slid a metal sliver into the lock.

“Hey!” Monica cried, brushing past the woman and pulling on the door. It wouldn’t budge, “What the hell have you done!”

“You’ll see, Mrs. Nelson,” the woman said, taking out a calculator sized object. She tapped a few buttons, and then hung it on the wall. It stuck there like glue, flashing red numbers.

“Help!” screamed Monica, suddenly terrified at this strange woman, “Let me out of here!”

“You might as well save your breath,” Jenna said smugly, “With the sonic neutralizer in place, nobody outside these walls would hear a bomb explode.” She then grabbed Monica and scooped her up, suddenly carrying her like a groom carries a bride over the threshold.

Monica was so stunned, she didn’t even protest as Jenna carried her across the bathroom and put her down in front of a solid, cinderblock wall. Monica couldn’t believe it! Her attacker was a few inches taller than her, with a slender but athletic build, but she had just lifted her like she was a baby!

It didn’t stop there. Jenna grabbed both of Monica’s wrists in one hand and pinned both of her arms over her head. Now Monica twisted and struggled with all her might, but the fingers wrapped around her wrists were like steel bands. The effortlessly resisted her attempts to free her arms.

“Who are you?!” Monica cried out, “How do you know my name?”

Now Jenna was unbuttoning Monica’s blouse. One by one, the light blue silk parted, leaving her pale belly and chest uncovered. Then, the final insult, Jenna ripped Monica’s bra in half, causing her breasts to spill out.

“Too many questions, Monica,” Jenna said, looking over her prey’s bare torso, “Let’s just say that my society does a poor job of meeting my needs. I’ve decided to let you meet them instead.”

Through it all Monica yelled for help, but none came. Her screams didn’t even echo off the brick walls. They seemed to get absorbed somehow, like water by a sponge.

“Now,” Jenna said, taking a pill out of her pocket, “I will give you one chance, Mrs. Nelson. Swallow this pill and nothing will happen to you. Refuse, and I will have to…convince you.”

“I…I don’t know how you learned my name, but forget about it. I’m not going to take some drug given to me by a psychopath!”

“They all say that,” Jenna said with a smile, reaching her free hand behind Monica’s neck and removing the band holding her hair back. As her blond curls began falling around her face, Jenna softly pushed Monica’s head forward and met her with a hard kiss on the lips.

It was the hottest kiss Monica had felt in her young life, and she could feel her body begin to respond. Her heart beat faster, toes curled and her lips were dieing to part for Jenna’s soft, probing tongue. It took all of Monica’s willpower not to kiss back.

Then Monica felt the tickling fingers wiggling over her bare side. The sensation took her by surprise, and Monica erupted into laughter, her face less than an inch from Jenna’s.

“That’s right laugh for me my little tickle bug. I know your weakness. I know how incredibly ticklish you are!” Jenna said, her brown eyes riveting into Monica’s blue. The five fingers began to spider climb high, getting closer to Monica’s ribcage.

Through pure self-control, Moinca slowed her laughter down to a giggle, trying to resist those probing fingers. It was so hard! She hadn’t been tickled like this in a very long time. How could this woman know? She seemed to know exactly where to touch her to make her laugh, just how to wiggling her long fingers into her flesh.

“Stop…ha aha STawwwp ha ittttt!!!!!” Monica barked, turning her head away from Jenna’s. The tickling kept getting worse, as the hand crept higher. One finger began poking into her bottom rib, sending a new tickling sensation shooting through her body.

“Aww, doesn’t the poor baby like her tickles,” Jenna taunted. She licked Monica’s exposed neck, causing her to squeal. Then her hand suddenly left Monica’s rib, plunging lower, sliding underneath her waistband and prodding into her hip.

Monica erupted again, her body thrashing in the grip of Jenna’s other hand. The tickle was so different then the one she had thought was coming. Her shoulders were slamming into the wall, and her right foot began stamping on the floor.

“We are so ticklish here, aren’t we, aren’t we?” asked Jenna, fingers still dancing against Monica’s hip. Her laughter was getting louder now, higher pitched. At the same time, Monica’s legs were turning into butter. More and more, Jenna was holding up the entire weight of Monica’s twisting and turning body with one hand. Not humanly possible, but Monica really wasn’t in a position to figure that out.

“Don’t he eheheh eheheh tickle he eheh hehe tickle me theh eheheh therererer heheheh!!!” Monica blurted out. She was afraid Jenna’s hand would drift lower. She couldn’t!

“Tickle, tickle tickle my little tickle bug! Yes, I know how ticklish you are here. I know all your tickle spots. Biostatistics never lie.” Still, her hand didn’t move, Jenna’s fingers seemingly content to dig into her hipbone.

Finally, Jenna stopped tickling. Monica started gasping for breath, trying to refill her lungs during this respite. Her face, red as a tomato, was dripping with sweat.

“Now,” said Jenna slowly, letting Monica recover her senses, “Are you going to take the pill, or do we continue the fun?” Monica was tempted, but shook her head ‘No’. Who knew what kind of damage that pill could do to her body? Was it a narcotic? Cyanide? There was no way she could trust this crazy woman!

“Well then, let’s try some two handed tickled.” Jenna pulled out something that looked like a shoestring and wrapped it around Monica’s crossed wrists. Jenna wrapped the other end around a convenient pipe. She didn’t even have to tie a knot. When one part of the string touched something else, it bonded like superglue. All Monica could do was dangle there like a fish on the end of a fishing line.

Jenna kissed Monica again, this time slipping her tongue between Monica’s lips before she could clench them shut…or maybe Monica hadn’t tried as hard to keep it out this time. She was weaker now, harder to concentrate. Monica had to resist the insane urge to throw her arms around her tormentor. Not that she could have.

The next thing she knew, Monica had fingernails attacking each of her underarms. Ripping her lips away from Jenna’s, she threw back her head and howled. Five sharp tips raking threw the center of each of her deep hollows was unbearable!


“Not there?” Jenna asked in a mocking voice, “What about here?” Still tickling Monica’s armpits, Jenna leaned over and started kissing her neck.

Already turned on from the kiss, the sensation of her neck being sucked only confused her body even more. Still, those five fingernails were gliding over each armpit, digging in just enough to make Monica out of control. The tickling was shooting through her body as was the pleasure, crossing Monica’s signals.

A few guttural moans started to become intermixed with her sharp bleats of hysteria. One finger was now circling the outside edge of her left underarm, while the other hand began squeezing each of her ribs one at a time, teasing and tickling. Meanwhile, Jenna’s teeth began nibbling Monica’s shoulder.

The tickling was more teasing now, letting the pleasure control Monica more. That damn finger circling her armpit kept her laughing, but it was not the wild, heavy laughter it had been a minute ago.

“Tell me, precious,” Jenna whispered in Monica’s ear, “Are you ticklish…here?” With that, her fingertips began brushing the underside of Monica’s left breast.

The touch was light, feathery light, and tickled like a parade of ants crossing her skin. Then a thumb caressed Monica’s nipple, making her gasp in ecstasy. Tickling fingers circling her breast, then a finger sliding around her other nipple.

Monica’s mouth hung open, tickles and moans somehow simultaneously pouring forth. Then Jenna began kissing her again, two open mouths pressed against each other, Jenna’s tongue licking Monica’s lips, Monica’s tongue responding.

Monica felt like her body was being consumed by Jenna’s fingers. That one nail, still taunting her delicate underarm, kept her giggling while the hand at her breast made her groan in unreleased pleasure.

And then, one finger slipped into Monica’s bellybutton. All pleasure ceased as her body became wracked by laughter once more. That one finger, wriggling around like a snake, drove Monica into a frenzied laughter. She began cackling like a beast, every muscle in her body feeling like she had been electrocuted.


Monica’s laughter was wild and uncontrollable. The teasing of her underarm instantly forgotten. She screamed with hysteria, consumed by the tickling, possessed by it.

Soon, Monica drifted into silent laughter, not enough air to make a sound. She was a jumping bean, bouncing up and down on her toes, quivering. Monica’s head was shaking so hard her golden hair was practically a cloud. Her body was literally being wracked by the intense sensations.

And still, one finger kept stroking Monica’s left nipple, keeping her body at war with itself. No matter how much the finger in her belly-button tickled, the finger on her nipple kept pleasure coursing through her body. Some nerves were screaming for the sensations to end while others were begging it to continue. Monica’s brain felt shattered. She couldn’t think!

“Do you want to take the pill now,” Jenna’s voice whispered in Monica’s ear, teeth nibbling on her earlobe.

Monica hovered for what seemed like forever, but was in reality only a few seconds. Every nerve in her body was on fire! It had to end. Slowly, Monica nodded. Between the tickling and the pleasure, she was exhausted and just couldn’t take it anymore. Anything would be worth the tickling stopping.

Jenna placed the pill in Monica’s open mouth, and then kissed her on last time. This time, Jenna’s closed lips pressed hard against Monica’s. A finger trailed down the outside of Monica’s throat, and she swallowed by reflex.

Then Monica passed out.

Jenna smiled. Dominating her prey had been fun. Fun she could never have had at home. And the best part was that, here, no one could stop her. She could do this to a hundred woman and men.

She untied Monica and gently lowered her body to the floor. She would wake up in just a few minutes, after the nanites had started latching on to her nerve endings. Jenna pressed a twenty dollar bill and a safety pin into her unconscious hand, one to fix the bra until she got home and the other to replace it.

Jenna hoped Monica would choose a bra that fastened in front. That would make next time easier, Jenna thought, as she removed the sonic neutralizer and dripped acid into the door lock to melt the metal sliver that had the door jammed. By the time Jenna was ready to leave, Monica was already beginning to stir.

And there would be a next time. It was just too easy to take advantage of somebody when you were from the future.
This is one of the best stories I have read in a long time! Thanks for posting it here 🙂
One Word:


Thank you for posting!!! If there are further installments...I'd love to read them!!! 😀 😀 😀
Well done!

Will be interested to see how these nanites are used in future installments, since I use them in some of my stories as well...
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