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Hysterical Revenge F/m, non consensual, hard core


Registered User
Aug 20, 2001

Here's another story. I guess you can all figure out I like women tickling men stories the best. Hope you guys like this one. And, as always I appreciate all feed back. Thanks!

Hysterical Revenge

Life had been golden for Randy Waid, high school football start, smart, popular and most important to him, a real ladies man. College had been more of the same, until senior year and a nasty tackle that had blown out his knee. His football days were over, his cheerleader girlfriend dropped him like a hot potato. And he would have failed out of school if it weren’t for Peggy Bannerman, shy, sweet Peggy Bannerman. She tutored him, spent hours with him, got him to graduate. She helped him get over the fact that his sports career was over, she soothed his ego, she was there for him. Too bad she thought they were a couple because when Randy graduated, he quickly got rid of her. He still got a chuckle about how devastated she was when he told her didn’t want to see her again, he wanted to start all over again. And besides, she wasn’t even that good looking….

Randy moved to a new city where nobody knew him, got a half decent job with a future and resumed his life as a ladies man. Because of his good looks and athletic body, he had his pick of women an night he went out. This is what he lived for. So when the twins started to hit on him, he thought he had hit the jackpot. They had to be models, tall, unbelievable bodies, long black hair and sexy eyes. Randy was charming, flirty, totally in his element. And when they suggested they all go back to their place, what could Randy say but Yes Definitely! As one of the twins drove them to a secluded suburban house (a big house!), the other cuddled up to him in the back seat and smoked a big joint with him. Randy was in heaven and the best was yet to come. For the hundredth time he thought they must be models! Of course they weren’t they were high priced prostitutes…

The twins took him into the big house, Randy was impressed. He had his arms around both of them when one said,
“Why don’t we go down to the playroom and have some fun!”

“Playroom?! That sounds like a fantastic idea!” laughed Randy, still not believing his incredible luck.

The twins took him downstairs into the basement. It was kind of under furnished, fully carpeted and warm. And there was another woman standing in the room, she had dark glasses on but had a good figure.

“Hey,” Randy said to the woman in the room, “You look kind of familiar”

That’s when one of the twins, the one standing behind him, suddenly pulled out a white cloth and held it over his nose and mouth. That’s when the lights went out for Randy.

“Wakey wakey Randy darling,” the voice pulled Randy awake.

He immediately noticed his predicament and it was something new to him. There was a thick pole in the middle of the room. There was a sturdy, cushioned seat about three feet off the ground that he was seated on, well, more like bound on as a thick leather strap around his waist held him securely to the pole behind him. His arms were pulled straight and tight over his head, his wrists tied together and tied to the pole. There was another leather strap around his elbows and the pole. His legs held immobile in an interesting way. There were 2 shorter poles coming up from the floor with sturdy, fur lined manacles on the top of them. They were locked around his ankles and they held his feet about 2 ½ feet apart, at about his chest level. They held his legs spread open and slightly bent at the knees. His large penis dangled in front of him and the bottom of his naked ass was exposed. Naked ass? Now he realized he was completely naked……and helpless.

Randy quickly looked around. No twins but the strangely familiar woman was still there, looking at him and smiling.

“Hey where did the twins go?” he said, starting to get nervous.

“The twins left. They were prostitutes I hired to lure you here and help me get you in bondage, Randy darling…..” the woman said as she took off her dark glasses.

Randy did a double take and said, “Peggy! Boy am I glad it’s you! You look great girl! Now let me go and we’ll catch up!” Peggy was dressed in a short leather skirt with thigh high boots, She had a crisp white shirt on, she looked prim and proper and so hot. Her hair was pulled back in a ponytail, giving her a severe look almost like a sexy, perturbed librarian who had just scolded him for talking.

“Sorry Randy, that’s not part of my plan.” Peggy had a look on her face that Randy had never seen before, pure evil.

“Plan….” Randy said weakly, “What are you talking about Peggy. We were friends."

“We were more than friends Randy! I helped you get your life back together again! You wouldn’t have passed if it wasn’t for me, I propped up your ego, I did everything for you!!” Peggy was yelling at him, her face flushed with rage. “I wanted to marry you! I wanted us to be together for the rest of our lives! But it turns out I was just someone you used and then kicked to the side.”

“Sorry Peggy….” Randy tried to sound contrite. He now knew he was in serious trouble. Shy, meek, quiet Peggy had changed.

“yeah, right, sorry…..like that means anything. You are such an ingrate and after you got rid of me, I never wanted revenge on anyone like I wanted revenge on you.”

Randy gulped, this can’t be happening, all the other girls he dumped just left him alone, too embarrassed to confront him, no one ever did anything like this, none of them ever wanted revenge! And it was Peggy?! Never in a million years did he think she had this in here. He was suddenly very scared.

Peggy pulled out a battered notebook. “All during our time together, I kept concise notes about you Randy, all the secret things about you. I figured they would make me a better wife when we were married, you know, I am very observant.”

“Peggy, that’s nuts!” Randy blurted out. He never realized how obsessive she was!

“Shutup Randy!” She was the one in charge now, she wasn’t going to let this man insult her! Peggy quickly regained her composure. “Now I’m going to use everything I learned and recorded to make my 2 biggest dreams come true…..” The smile on her face was unnerving.

“D-dreams, what what do you mean Peggy,” Randy tested his bounds violently, but they were too strong, there was no way he could escape.

“Yes, number one, to marry you,” and she watched as Randy almost chuckled and shook his head like that would never happen. “And number two, get revenge on you….”

Randy went pale, “Peggy, please, don’t hurt me! I’m helpless here, I can’t take pain!”

“Yes I know, Darling, I have it right here in my notebook, you hate pain. And that wouldn’t help me accomplish dream number one. And besides, I would NEVER hurt the man I’m going to marry!”

Randy breathed a sigh of relief.

“You might wish you were dead when I’m done with you, but I won’t hurt you at all….” Peggy said as she pulled out a jar of something from a nearby set of drawers.

“What’s that?!” said Randy nervously.

“It’s just peanut butter silly!” laughed Peggy. She stood in front of him and opened the jar. Then she took out a wide plastic knife and scooped up a big dollop of peanut butter. She proceeded to smartly smear it thickly on the sole of his foot, all over it, between his toes, first one foot then the other.

Randy sat there, shocked that his feet were covered in peanut butter. “OOooOO, that’s gooey!” his feet twitched and flexed. “Peggy, please! Take it off! It’s……my feet….nobody knows….but my feet…they’re….”

“Ticklish” Peggy finished his stuttering sentence. “Yes, I know. You told me one night when you were blind stinking drunk, I have it written down right here, Feb. 22….” Peggy looked him directly in the eyes as realization set in, as Randy began to panic. Then she looked from one buttered sole to the other and licked her lips. “Now I’ll let you in one a secret, I love your feet Randy, I always thought they were sexy and after you told me how ticklish they were, I fantasized about doing this to you!”

With a sadistic smile Peggy leaned in and started nibbling the gooey peanut butter off his sole. Her lips suckled at it, she playfully bit along his soles, then her tongue started swirling over his feet, licking hard to get the peanut butter! She closed her eyes and moaned as she lickled and suckled his sticky feet!

Randy’s reaction was quick and frantic. “AAAHAHAHA!! PEGGY!!!HEHEHEEEEE!! NO! STOP!!! HAHAHHAAAAAAA!!!! OH GOD THAT TICKLES!!!! HEEEE HEEEE HEEEEEEEEE!!!!!” Randy squirmed with what little freedom he had. His whole body quivered. My god! This was grotesque, he thought but it was driving him crazy! “PEGGY!!!!HAHAHAHAAAAAANO!NO!HEEE HEHEHEHEHEEEEE!!!!! OOOO! OOOO! OOOO!PLEASE!!!!! HAHHAHAAAAAAAA!!!!”

Peggy smiled to her self as she raked her teeth over his unprotected arches in order to get every last smear of peanut butter. Now she curled her long tongue between his toes, licking and sucking on each and every one. As she used her mouth on his poor feet, she glanced down at the only thing on Randy that wasn’t bound, his dangling dick…..it was quivering erotically. Besides the sadistic pleasure and sexual thrill she was getting from licking Randy’s beautiful, ticklish feet, she felt justified. He deserved this and so much more. And her night of tickle torturing him was just beginning.

When Randy’s soles were finally, agonizingly, licked clean, Peggy stepped back and rubbed her mouth clean. “OOOH, that was fun, wasn’t it dear! “ Peggy said in a sing-song voice. “we’ll have to do that again sometime!”

Randy, spent and making funny little noises, took a shuttering breath and said “You’re a bitch, you’re evil! There is no way in hell I’ll ever marry you, so you might as well let me go….”

“You’re night of tickle torture is just beginning honey,” Peggy said with a steely, determined voice, “When I’m done with you Randy dear, you’ll be begging to marry me! Ha ha ha!”

As she said this, Peggy stepped in closer and started playing with the hair around his cock, running her fingers through it. Then she slipped her fingers lower and using just the tips of her nails she began lightly caressing his balls.

“OOOOO! OHOHOOOOOO! PEGGY NO!!!!! OOOEEEEEEOOOOOooooOOOOO! TOO SENSITIVE THERE!” Randy’s eyes rolled up. He was caught between the erotic stimulation of his scrotum and the sheer ticklishness of it. His body was being driven crazy by the mixed signals of fiendish tickling and sexual stimulation. He gasped and laughed and moaned all at the same time.

“TICKLE TICKLE TICKLE, Randy,” Peggy smirked as she thoroughly enjoyed tickling his sensitive balls. “Just think, when we’re married I can do this to you every night!”

Randy’s cock started to get hard and thicken, making the tickling of his testicles even worse. The pleasure of getting an erection was overridden by unbearable pleasure of having his balls tickled like this.


“Page 102, you told me you didn’t like when girls touched your balls when they gave you blow jobs, too distracting……How distracted are you now, darling! TICKLE TICKLE TICKLE! HAH HAH HAH!”

Peggy looked down at his bouncing penis, now fat and very hard. “Uh oh, don’t want you to cum just yet darling…..” and Peggy stopped, pulled her fingers away.

Randy let out a shuttering breath, stopped laughing and moaned. “Please Peggy, I can’t take anymore of this…..” his eyes were red, tears were running down his cheeks.

“But Randy dear,” Peggy said with her eyes wide, feigning innocence, “I haven’t tickle abused you til you lost your mind.”

“oh god…you can’t….I really can’t take anymore Peggy! PLEASE! Have Mercy! I’ll marry you, I swear!” The tickling so far had made Randy desperate but Peggy couldn’t be sure he was telling the truth.

“Silly, ticklish boy! I know you’re fibbing! I haven’t tickle abused you nearly enough! When you crack, when you’re tickle tortured til you lose your mind, til I break your will, I’ll know. And only then will I stop tickling you, for tonight!”

Before Randy could react to her statement, leaned in against him, her leather covered crotch pressing against his semi erect and tingling penis. She leaned into him and started using her nails on his unprotected underarms….. “Coochi coochi coo, Randy!” She tickled him hard, digging her fingers into his outstretched underarms, reveling in his hysterical reactions.

“AAAHAHAHAAAAA!! OHNO! OHNO! OHNO! HAHAHAAAAAAAAA!!!!” Randy was going crazy, he tried to wiggle from side to side to escape her probing fingers, but to no avail.

“Oh Yes, Randy!” She dragged her wriggling fingers down his sides, tickle torturing his ribs and sides. “I love feeling how ticklish you are! Using my fingers to drive your naked body crazy!! Tickle tickle tickle!! How does it feel to have the girl you dumped being in total control, how does it feel to be tickle tortured by the girl you rejected!!” She tickled his sides hard, then back up to his soft, sensual, sensitive armpits. She showed him no mercy!!

“AAAAAARGHHH!!!! HAAAHAAAHAAAAHAAAA!!G-G-G-G-AAAAAAAHAAAAAAHAAAAAAA!!!!” So overcome with the brutal tickling, Randy couldn’t form words, just laugh in frantic spasms!

As Peggy leaned in, her crotch pressed against his throbbing cock. It was such a turn on to feel him trembling with laughter as she tickled him helplessly. It was making her wet to feel the waves of unbearable ticklish delight undulate through his squirming body. And the uncontrolled, hysterical sounds he was making, ooooo, she closed her eyes and shivered with sexual excitement. But she took a breath and stopped tickling him. She had to follow her game plan. Still, she stared down at his twitching body, blushing bright red. She wanted to humiliate him and she had done that and then some.

Peggy clapped her hands and laughed, “See Randy my love, didn’t I say we would have fun!”

Tears were streaming down Randy’s face. “OOooOOoooOOO….heeheeheee….oh Peggy! Heeheehee, I beg you! No more! I can feel myself going crazy! I can’t take anymore, my mind will break……I’ll do anything…heeeheeeeeeheeeee…..”

Peggy put her hand to her chin and studied him intently, “Hmmmm, we’re almost there but not quite yet. And besides, I have a big surprise planned for you Randy! I wanted to finish this up with something big!”

Randy started crying, crying unabashedly…..”PLEASE Peggy!! I really can’t take anymore!! PLEASE!!”

Peggy took something else out of the drawer and kneeled down in front of him. He heard a buzz and realized what she was doing. She had a very expensive ‘manscaping’ implement and Peggy was shaving every last bit of hair off his crotch. Now there was no hair down there, his balls and cock were completely clean and hair free.

“There. Smooth as a baby’s” giggled Peggy as she ran her finger tips over his clean shaven cock and balls. “And even more sensitive, right Randy?”

“OHGOD!!! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!?!” Randy just broke down completely now, “nononononoonononoonoonooo!!”

“Oh yes, Randy dear. This is guaranteed to break you. This tickling like you’ve never imagined. And you know what, there’s nothing you can do to stop me. I am really going to fiendishly tickle torture you until you lose your mind. And once that happens, you’ll be all mine, I’ll make you marry me. And you know what, for the rest of your life, you’ll be my tickle slave and I’ll tickle torture you forever!”

This stopped Randy’s crying jag. His mouth went dry. He just looked at her, his mouth open. Nothing but a strange fear on his face. All he could say is croak out a pathetic “no…”

Peggy pulled out a big pile of feathers, all shapes and sizes and textures, and dumped them in front of Randy.

She watched him quake with fear as he said, “No, I hate feathers!”

Peggy held up her notebook, “I know….”

Next she pulled out a mechanical device about 2 feet high and place it under his crotch. Next she pulled out a big, fluffy vaned pink feather and inserted it into the machine so the feather was stickling up and brushing against his hairless balls and the his cock.

She savored the look on his face as she set up the tickling machine. He was moaning pathetically even before the machine was turned on. His mind was crumbling just imagining what this would do to him. But it got worse. Peggy pressed a button and a cord with a strange looking, fist sized device on the end of it, dangling 3 feet over his super sensitive cock. From the pile, Peggy found a long, yellow feathered boa made with light, fluffy yellow feathers. She fastened one end of the feather boa to the fist sized device hanging over his cock, the other end dangled down all over his cock. Randy shivered at it’s touch…

Randy was so frightened, so overwhelmed thinking about what this would do to him, he couldn’t speak. All he could do is implore Peggy with his sad, scared eyes, whimper and slowly shake his head.

“You broke my heart Randy, used me and treated me like a fool without a second thought,” Peggy stood in front of him, her arms crossed, resolve written all over her face. “Now I’m going to break you like the ticklish little slut you are. I’ll show you the same mercy you showed me, none. So let’s start, Tickle tickle….”

Peggy flipped a switch and both devices surged to life…… Immediately the device with the big pink feather under him started jittering like some devilish metronome on crack! The feather waved and fluttered wildly, caressing his balls and the underside of his cock, with feathery tickle torture! All Randy could do was bounce a little in a desperate attempt to get away from the mechanized feather torture, his escape plan didn’t work at all. Meanwhile, the device above his cock, with the long fluffy feather boa hanging down, wiggled to life. It slithered and slathered his erect cock with feathery overstimulation. Randy was caught, trying madly to at first pull up from the pink feather while at the same time, trying to pull down away from the wriggling feather boa, with absolutely no success!

Randy screamed with laughter! “AAAAAARGH!!!HAAAAHAAAHAAAAAAA!!!!!OOOO! OOOOO! OOOOO! OOOOO! HAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!” Just imagine, the most sensitive, ticklish area of your body being relentlessly tickle/teased/tantalized, and all those millions of ticklish nerves are wired into the sexual ecstasy center of your brain. And it wouldn’t stop!!! With what little consciousness Randy had left, he felt himself being tickled to madness!

“Ha ha ha, coochi coochi coo! Randy dear! How much more can you strand! I can watch this all night!!! Ha ha ha, TICKLE TICKLE TICKLE!”

And suddenly, Peggy stopped the machines, they whirred to a stop. “ooo hoo ooooohooohoo oooheeeheeeheeee! Thank,,,,oOooOoOOoo! You….heeeheeeee, my heehee cock ooOooOoOoo,,,so ticklish,,,,heeehheeeeeee”

Peggy smiled to herself and didn’t even respond to Randy. She stooped down and found a few long, much stiffer feathers and fit them in the bottom machine alongside the big pink feather. Then she found a few firmer feathers and attached them to the feathered boa.

As Randy watched in horror, all he could do was cry, he knew he couldn’t take this. He knew if Peggy did this to him, he would lose his mind…..He knew there was nothing he could do, nothing he could say to stop her…..

Peggy stood in front of him again and said, with no hint of sympathy, “Tickle tickle Randy…” and she turned on the tickling machines again.

And the feather tickling machines started up once again, even faster now. With the added stiffer feathers, Randy felt like he was being driven to an indescribable tickle orgasm that his body couldn’t stand! He laughed uncontrollably, totally overcome by this mind blowing tickle torture. But before he completely lost it, before his hysterical mind blacked out, he heard Peggy one more time……

“You know what would make this even worse, Randy dear?”

And then he felt it, the tickling horror that pushed him over the edge, that broke him completely. While the feathers from below, tickled and tortured him with relentless pleasure, delicately fluttering over his super ticklish balls, while the feather boa from above severely tickled his bobbing, throbbing cock, from the very tip, engulfed in obscenely soft yellow feathers, the shaft mercilessly bathed with the tips of those stiff feathers and even the base of his cock tickled beyond endurance….He screamed/laughed even louder as Peggy took 2 log, red feathers and began tickling his feet at the same time! Peggy sadistically laughed out long and hard at him as she could see, hear him losing his mind from the overbearing tickle torture, his balls, his cock and especially his terribly ticklish feet…..

“Say it Randy, say it honey…I want you as my husband, for the rest of your ticklish life……and what I mean is husband/tickle slave…..say it! Say I do!”

Randy was crazy now, really mad, tickled til he couldn’t stand it and far beyond…..But somewhere deep inside, he made the connection……”AAAAAAAAAAAHAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!I DO!!!!! HEEEEEEEEEEEHEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! I DO!!!!!! I DO!!!!!!!!! AARGHARGH HAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!”

The last thing that went through his rational mind was Peggy laughing even louder……and, even worse, the tickling never stopped.

Holy shit.. that was awesome, great detail. Made me wish I could take his place. Well maybe for an hour or so anyway.
what a great story. I wish this happens to me ;-). please write a second part.
Thank you Smellking, thank you THEDARKTECHIE, I'm glad you guys liked the story.
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