I am Jason from UTAH, North United States of America.
#1: If I want guidance about what is righteous and unrighteous according to God may I ask here please? Thank you if yes or no.
I don't bother answering # 2 and #3 because others already have. Number #1 is far more important to you, it seems, merely as a fact that you mentioned it and mentioned it first of the three things you ask.
There is a difference between religious debate and religious advice, however. So, I would reconsider what a1532b has said on the matter, and apply his answer specifically to a debate or argument. When asking for advice however, moral or otherwise (which I can personally vouch for that we get alot more of it than it appears publically), there is, of course, no problem in seeking that advice, especially if you're asking other Christians, for example, in a thread directed at them. My caution to you, however, would be to clearly word your intent at the beginning of the thread and appropriately label the title of the thread.
It can sometimes happen that people who are eager for a religious debate (or are just plain trolls) will walk in on a thread presuming it's open grounds in that it was inevitably meant to be a debate. By making it clear from the beginning that you're asking for advice (again, lets say from fellow Christians), then you're making it clear you are not seeking a debate. Respectable people will respect your wishes and will hopefully keep the thread on track or else not post at all.
Occasionally, you will get some people who, regardless of their religion or viewpoint, will post belligerent statements that may cause strife or be designed to create grounds for a debate or provoke others in that direction. Trolls will sometimes create threads in this same way, in order to bait people by appearing to be in personal need, but then quickly turn the tables on the people that have tried to help them, via a bait and switch sort of tactic. Again, making your intentions clear from the very beginning can make this outcome less likely since you're being clear in what you want, what your needs are and how you may need them accommodated.
Happy posting.