The shoulders are too wide and her left one (her left, not our right) is protruding. This then causes problems for the back area, because it almost makes her look hunched back because the shoulder extended too far and the lines had to go somewhere. Her crotch area extends too far along her leg, also. Some more anatomy practice would help with all of this. I suggest using reference materials to help you.
I see what you mean on the shoulder. It makes it look as though the entire joint is outside and above where it should be by at least an inch or more. The crotch also looks as though her hips have a bulge in the front! Oh my!
The bed sheets could use more creases so it looks more natural and the lines should be longer. When you do this, mind the flow of the creases, and don't just draw random lines to fill up empty space.
Mmhmm. As it is, they look like a giant glob with some waveys in them. I was attempting a second image not long after this, and Sammi told me that for part of it I really should just take the time to practice drawing the way a pleated skirt falls over a leg. It would appear that simply working on fabrics in general would be a better endeavour.
One thing that stands out is the background. Since some 90% of the picture is art, that 10% or so that is a photo stands out. I encourage you to try your hand at drawing backgrounds yourself.
That was cheap. I'll admit it. It's a thing that I saw myself having trouble with, so since it's the first thing I've drawn for darn near seven years, I felt that one lazy bit wouldn't make me feel guilty. When I go back and revise this later, though, I promise to fix the ugly photo
I could be more specific to what I mean, overall, but I'd have to draw on top of your picture and actually redraw parts of it myself and realign it, and then upload it to show you what I mean, but considering you're still a beginner, it's not really necessary.
I could already see several of your points. The shoulder, yeah. It looked off, but somehow it didn't catch on with me what exactly was wrong. The photo, well... like I said, I knew I was being lazy.
I also didn't spend that much time on the sketch. Perhaps an hour tops. It was more of a test for myself to see if I could still do it. The figure was recreated from an example image from an instruction book. Any anatomical errors are my bad, as I tried to rotate it slightly to deviate from the angle in the book.
All in all, even with the errors that exist in this stage, I think it turned out well. Not a bad restart after six or seven years out of the saddle. When I get ready to go farther, I'll take your advice on anatomical study. Probably find a copy of "Anatomy for the Artist" that I've seen at several bookstores. Then I'll start spending more time on the drawing so I don't end up with photo backgrounds