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I Lost my Husband in a Bet 3 (F/f, FF/f, F/m) The Penultimate


Registered User
Feb 7, 2024
Alyssa was finally out of the carpet, but if anything her situation had gotten worse. She now stood in the middle of the room stripped of her clothes with her hands cuffed behind her back. Beth was staring at her with naked lust plastered across her face causing Alyssa to blush a deep crimson as a breeze from the open window blew across her bare breasts. She desperately wished her hands were at least bound in front of her so she could shield her more private areas.

Things weren’t much better for Tim. At that moment, Mindy was busy putting him in an even more vulnerable position. At the push of a button on the small remote control in her hands, the cuffs holding his ankles had started rising up the bedposts they were attached to, not stopping until his legs had been pulled a couple of feet into the air. This lifted his bottom several inches off of the mattress. A garment of some kind was strapped around his private area. It was at least an inch thick and plastered itself onto Tim’s buttocks. It held to his every curve, tight against his flesh like a second skin. Except his manhood. For some reason, the garment was crotchless, allowing his male member to poke its way out, testicles dangling, erect penis pointing straight up to the ceiling.

“Now,” Mindy said after Tim had been prepared, “Here’s the game. We are going to play hide and seek. Alyssa, you will hide and Beth will seek. If she catches you, dear sister, I imagine that it will quickly turn into a game of tag. I doubt you’ll like that.” She reached out and gave Alyssa a quick tickle on her sides.

“H ehhe eheheh aahahahannnddd h ahahahahiiifff he ehehehe iffffff heeeheh I wihihihnnn ehehehehehe whwhhahhahahttt ahahahaha thehehehnnnn eheheeh” Alyssa managed to stammer, her breasts jiggling as her body shook.

“Hmm, your right,” Mindy said, ending her tickle attack, “If we’re playing a real game, you should have a chance to earn a prize. Tell you what. If you can avoid Beth, get back here and…oh, give your husband a kiss, I’ll let you go free.”

Alyssa stared at her sister. That seemed too good to be true. Like last time, Mindy must have something up her sleeve. It couldn’t be that easy.

“Let us both go,” Alyssa said, trying to sound as if she had the upper hand in a negotiation, “It would only be fair if Tim has a chance of winning as well.”

For a second, Mindy said nothing, a skeptical look on her face. After all, she had the right to keep Tim for the entire weekend no matter what happened with Alyssa. Then Beth came forward and whispered something into Mindy’s ear. Alyssa couldn’t hear what it was, but the words made Mindy smile.

“Alright,” Mindy said at last, “Let’s raise the stakes. Timmy can play in our little game. But if he can win, he should also be able to lose.” She took out the remote control she had used earlier and pushed another one of the buttons.”

There was a buzzing sound from the device strapped to Tim’s buttocks. Immediately, he felt a vibration that covered both cheeks. It tickled like crazy, and he immediately broke into a high pitched, full throated laughter.


Tim and Alyssa frequently played tickle games during their love making. He’d thought she had gotten every part on his body, but he had never been tickled on his buttocks before. Tim quickly found the sensation to be unbearable. The vibrations threatened to overwhelm him.

“You’d better hurry,” Mindy said to her sister, “That won’t stop until our game is over, one way or the other.”

Alyssa took one look at her husband caught in the throes of hysteria and ran out of the bedroom as fast as someone with their hands tied behind their back could go. Behind her, she heard Beth start to count to ten.


Alyssa climbed the stairs up to the second floor. Tim’s agonizing, braying laughter could clearly be heard from the bedroom below. She knew that Beth would start after her any second and if she didn’t want to join him in suffering, she'd have to come up with a plan. It would be difficult to carry one out with her hands tied behind her back, but she’d have to try.

Recognizing one of the doors as a fairly large linen closet, Alyssa made for it. Lifting her leg, she got her foot on the knob and turned it with her long toes and swung the door open. Then, using her toes again, she grabbed a washcloth off a shelf and dropped it onto the ground next to the door jamb. Finally, Alyssa kicked the door closed with the towel still sticking out. With her trap baited, all she had to do was hide in the bathroom across the hall and waited. It was quiet except for the sounds of Tim's bellowing.


Tim’s laughter was easier to hear in the bathroom for some reason, and Alyssa could hear his pathetic begging. It pulled at her heartstrings, but Alyssa made herself sit quietly. If she made any noise at all, Beth would hear her and her one chance at escape would be over. Then a worse thought occurred to Alyssa. What if Beth didn’t seek? What if she just stood guard over Tim while Mindy tortured him? Could Alyssa really desert her husband, sit here hiking in the dark while he howled? No, she knew that if Beth did that, she would have to give herself up. She had gotten Tim into this and she’d have to get him out, no matter what the cost.

It was almost with a sense of relief when she heard Beth on the stairs.

Alyssa held her breath as she heard Beth stop in front of the closet. She could picture the large woman seeing the washcloth on the ground, putting two and two together and assuming that Alyssa had accidentally knocked the linen to the ground while hiding. The washcloth would be an arrow, screaming that the closet was her prey’s hiding spot. Or so Alyssa could hope.

Then it came, the sound of the closet door opening. Beth had bought it! Now It was time. Uttering a silent prayer, Alyssa moved forward to spring her trap. She burst out of the bathroom and put her shoulder into Beth’s back, knocking her into the closet. Alyssa quickly kicked the door closed then knocked over a nearby display case so it would block the door from opening.

Running down the stairs as fast as a woman with her hands tied behind her back could, Alyssa was about half way before she heard the sound of Beth pounding on the door, trying to escape. Knowing that the door would only have to hold for a few minutes she moved as fast as she dared without her arms to steady her. For the first time, Alyssa thought she might actually win the game, rescue Tim and escape.


Tim was in hell. The device that around his buttocks buzzed and vibrated like a hive of bees pressed against his bare butt cheeks. The sensation on such a tender part of his body was unbearable, Only his male member, sticking out a hole in the crotch was spared from the torture. The vibrations moved across his sensitive skin in waves, moving across one cheek, then the other like the tide rolling in. As soon as Tim felt like he could anticipate the next tickle, the pattern would change, moving from the very tops of his thighs to near his waist. Then the vibrations would be on the center of each cheeks and radiate outwards. At other times, the device attacked random spots moving quickly in different patterns.

“Oh baby,” Mindy said, wiping a tear from face, “This must tickle so bad. Don’t you want it to stop? Just tell me you love me. Tell me I’m prettier than my sister. That’s all you need to do, and I’ll make it stop.” She kissed him on his sweaty forehead, the tender moment seeming to cut through his suffering if just for a moment.

He couldn’t answer. At his point it wasn’t really about loyalty to his wife or trying to avoid hurting her. After enduring so much, knowing it was her fault, he had no pity left for Alyssa. It was just sheer stubbornness, an unwillingness to let someone who had tortured him so much win. He shook his head no.

Mindy only smiled her predatory grin. She held up the remote control device that she had used to activate so many of her tickling traps and pressed another button. Tim knew he was in trouble as his tickling garments were about to change gears. The vibrations on his buttocks didn’t stop, but a new sensation was added. Several hard, thin protrusions gently poked into his fleshy bottom, barely dimpling the skin. They then started sliding across his butt cheeks feeling like fingernails or the corner of a playing card. The effect was a nightmare for poor Tim. His laughter exploded.


“I bet you wish you had said you loved me now,” Mindy said, watching Tim thrash as much as his bonds allowed. She still had that gloating expression, but inside, she was getting frustrated. What did it take to break this man? This was becoming a personal challenge, her sister be damned.

It was then that Mindy heard the sound of footsteps coming from the hallway. Knowing it wasn’t Beth's heavy footfalls, she quickly hid behind a nearby chair.


Alyssa finally made it back to the bedroom, knowing she was only a couple of minutes ahead of Beth. There, in front of her was her husband, tears streaming down his cheeks and hair drenched in sweat. He was clearly in great distress. She hurried across the room to give him the kiss that would end this nightmare for both of them.


“That’s right baby,” Alyssa answered, “I won’t go. I’m going to come closer and save you!” She ran as fast as she could across the room with her hands cuffed behind her back, maneuvering around the furniture.

“H AHAHAHAHAH NAWOOOOO HAHAHA,” Tim tried again to make himself understood, “It’s H AHAH AHAHAH H AH it’ssssssSSSSS HA AHAHAH A A HAHAHAH A…TRRRAHAH AHAHA ah ahah a a a TRHAHAHAHAH!!!.”

It was then that the torture device he was wearing shifted into yet another tormenting gear. Tim could feel his butt cheeks parted slightly and something slip between them. Then there was a sensation on his anus, like a soft feather, flicking back and forth over the puckered skin. Instantly, Tim started howling as hard as he could. It sounded more like a wounded animal than a human. He couldn’t even attempt to form words.


There were words he needed to say so badly, but he just didn’t have the brain power left to even try to get them out in between peals of hysteria.

Pity filling her heart, Alyssa obliviously moved as fast as she could, desperate to end her husband’s suffering. She was only two steps away when Mindy stepped out of hiding between her and her goal, hands immediately going for Alyssa’s unprotected belly.

“Hello, sister mine,” Mindy said, her fingers starting to wiggle across Alyssa’s flat stomach, “I hope you’re enjoying the game. I know I am.”

Alyssa immediately descended into a fit of giggles. With her hands trapped behind her back, she was essentially helpless to her sister’s assault. She did have a ticklish tummy, and Mindy had spent a good amount of time tickling it. It had been the easiest target for Mindy to attack during their many tickle games.

“He ehe eheh Minddyyyyyy ah he ehehe ehehe cheeeeeaatttttt ehe eh eehheheh cheeatterrrrr he eheheheheheheheheh…” Alyssa managed to sputter. She took a step backwards then another, being driven away from her goal by those dancing fingers. She had been so close! All she had to do was get around her sister. Tim was right there! If only she could…could…

Mindy’s index finger found Alyssa’s bellybutton, slipping inside the tiny hole and beginning to twirl. That had always been a bad spot for Alyssa and she began to laugh harder taking another step backwards and another. She tugged on her handcuffs hard, desperate to defend herself and protect her vulnerable areas.

Tim’s laughter, on the other hand, was doing the opposite. After several excruciating minutes of having his butt hole tortured, the tickling started to slow. The hard protrusions retreated as well, leaving only the original vibrations. That allowed his racing heartbeat to slow to a more normal rhythm, oxygen to return to his lungs and his thoughts to start coming back on line.

“Hehehee eheh ehh sheheheesss hahaag rihihhittthehehe ha hahahaha yourrrrheheheh cheeeaaahehttinngggg hehe ehehehhehe therereheheheheh wehehhrehehrrrreee he ehehehhhe ruhuhuhuullleess he ehehehehehe youhuhuhuhu heeheheh brohohohokeeee heheh thehehehmmmmm!!!”

“How dare you,” Mindy said, the hand that wasn’t tickling Alyssa’s belly button moving to her side, “I never said I wasn’t playing. Consider me the goalkeeper.”

Again, Alyssa stepped backwards, laughter growing and growing. She hated having her belly button tickled, a fact Mindy only knew too well, and the fingers pinching and clawing at her side were playing her like a piano. Thoughts of rescue became thoughts of escape. She was going to step away from her sister again when she felt a large hand on the small of her back.

Beth. Alyssa was now sandwiched in between them.

The two women tickled Alyssa like that for a few minutes, four hands on her tummy, sides and ribs. Trying to squirm away from one pair only put her closer to another. She started gurgling, crying out for Tim in the midst of her hysteria.”

“Goochie goochie goo,” Mindy taunted her sister, “I do love watching you dance.”

“H ehe ehe eeheh he eheh Thihihhiimmmmm hehehe hehehelplpl hhehrrjrhee ohohohoho he eeheh tuhuhuhu hehehellll ehe eheehehe ooooohh n nooohhhhhh I ooohhhh stawwwpppp ooohhhh!”

In the middle of Alyssa’s laughter, Beth started nibbling on her neck from behind, running her tongue from Alyssa’s color bone to her chin. That had always been a sensual area for the young wife, one Tim had pleasured frequently, but never quite that well. That confused Alyssa’s nervous system something terrible as pleasure and hysteria warred within her. Along with the guilt that, even as overwhelmed as she was by raw sensation, she shouldn't enjoy that sort of thing from another woman. It was...was...

This continued for a while, Alyssa trapped between the two women, being forced to alternate between laughter and moans. It was hard to tell which had more effect on Alyssa, Mindy’s finger sliding across her belly button, or Beth slipping her tongue into her ear. Alyssa hated the tickling but loved the licking and nibbling on her neck no matter how much she didn't want to. She desperately wanted to fight those sensations as much as she did the fingers on her belly. It was hard though, so hard, hard to focus, hard to not just enjoy. She could feel her knees growing weak, her body wobble.

“I think time has expired,” Mindy said at last, “Alyssa and Tim have definitely lost. Time for Alyssa’s penalty.”

“Wait <gasp> I didn’t <gasp> ag…agree to that,” Alyssa managed.

Whether she had or hadn't was never addressed. Beth scooped up Alyssa, throwing her over her shoulder like a child and carrying her back to the couch. Instead of being laid down, however, she was placed sitting straight up, back against the back of the couch. Alyssa, still overwhelmed, barely even resisted. The tickling on Tim's ass finally stopped, but all he could do was lay there and gasp for air.

Mindy moved around behind the couch, put both hands on Alyssa’s shoulders and pulled her backwards, while Beth knelt in front of her. Coming more to her senses and anticipating an attack, Alyssa struggled, pulling on her cuffs, but still found no slack or give.

“Now dear sister,” Mindy whispered in her ear, “You are going to give me your husband’s secret. Tell me the one thing I can use to break him. After all, he is only a man. There has to be something.” She found Tim’s ability to resist her interesting. Mindy wanted to break him more than ever.

“Go to hell,” Alyssa said simply, trying not to look Beth in the eye as the large woman had one hand on each of her knees. She was too close to her naked body for Alyssa to feel comfortable.

“Not to sound like a bad Hollywood movie,” Mindy said smugly, “But you first.” She gave Beth a nod. The large woman pulled out the paint brush she had used on Tim’s taint earlier and began flicking the tip over Alyssa’s nipples. The results were predictable.


Alyssa’s first shriek could have broken glass. She immediately started laughing louder, harder and in a higher pitch than at any point that evening. Alyssa could feel each of the bristles glide over her erect nipple. Mostly soft, the brush had just enough texture to stimulate the many nerves there in the worst way. It was the worst tickling she had ever experienced in her life. Fighting with the handcuffs that held her arms behind her back, Alyssa instinctively tried to lean forward, to get as close as she could to the fetal position. Mindy, standing behind the couch, just pulled her backwards harder to ensure her breasts stayed fully exposed and vulnerable to Beth’s ministrations.

“How does that feel, Sis,” Mindy said, using one hand to tickle Alyssa’s neck and ears. An index finger gently caressing her earlobe made her laughter kick up a notch.


Her laughter was quickly turning into a cackle, especially when Beth started alternating between flicking the brush over Alyssa’s nipple and swirling it around her areola. Her face quickly grew as red as a tomato with tears running down her cheeks. It was as if her breasts were on fire with sensations, and not the good kind. The brush was the devil, causing her untold suffering

“Tell us,” Mindy whispered in Alyssa’s ear, “Tell me. How do I break your husband.”


“But we can,” Mindy whispered, “We will keep doing this until you are broken, poor little Alyssa, as broken as a china plate dropped on the floor. You never should have come here little fly. Didn’t you know the spiders were waiting?”

While tickling Alyssa’s right nipple with the brush, Beth started tickling the left with her index finger. Ambidextrous, Beth could tickle both easily, varying the speed and technique of each hand, constantly keeping Alyssa off balance. She sounded more and more like a witch from a bad movie, her cackles somehow rising to a higher and higher pitch. Sweat covered her brow, and her eyes had a wild look in them. That index finger, caressing and vibrating, added a new dimension to the torture.

Tim, still tied to the bed, could only watch as they tortured his wife. He tried to yell, to call out to demand mercy for her, but couldn’t. Every time he got out the first couple of syllables, Mindy would reflexively push that damn button and the device would kick into high gear again. It would start brushing his anus again, sending bolts of electricity through his body. Any protest would quickly dissolve into laughter, mingling with Alyssa’s in a hysterical harmony, until Mindy decided he’d learned his lesson and stopped it again.

After a few attempts, Tim just lay there silently. It was like touching the stove. Pure psychology pounded the lesson into his head. Wringing the bell brought hysterical agony. Silence equaled peace. Like any animal, he automatically chose the easier path.

Unlike Tim, Alyssa’s tickling seemed never ending. Beth was now teasing Alyssa’s left nipple with both finger and thumb, a touch somewhere between a light pinch and a tender stroke. The brush continued dancing over the other, moving so fast that at times it seemed to blur, each bristle performing its own devilish dance.

“You know Beth loves doing this to you,” Mindy said, running a finger over her sister’s collar bone, “She’s waited for years to touch those pert breasts of yours. If we let her do this for too much longer, I might not be able to make her stop.”

Alyssa’s laughter was starting to sound more and more insane, less like a witch and more like a patient in an asylum. It had an unhinged, agonized quality to it, one that made the listener cringe. The thought going through her head over and over was that she had to make the tickling stop, had to make it stop, or she’d just go mad.

No longer able to resist, Beth leaned in, sucking Alyssa’s nipple hard. She tickled the hard nubbin with her tongue, licking with quick short swipes of her tongue. Every ten or so swipes, she’d lick the firm flesh lovingly with a slow, loving slurp, forcing a moan somewhere in the middle of Alyssa’s hysteria. With her mouth on one breast, Beth could use both hands on the other. The brush disappeared, and now ten fingers did all the work. They kept tormenting her nipple with lightning fast touched while digging into her boob and wiggling.

Under the ticklish assault, Alyssa’s brain stopped functioning. Rational thought was gone, ideas and motivation vanished. She became a laughing, cackling thing, doing nothing more than reacting to the stimuli. She couldn’t stand it, couldn’t stand it, couldn’t stand it! NO MORE! IT HAD TO END!!

And eventually, it did. With her body on the verge of collapse, her mind slipping into oblivion, the torment was stopped, though it was several minutes before she was consciously aware of it. Even then, there was no bliss. Alyssa was a wreck. Her throat was raw from screaming, hair drenched in sweat and her arms were sore from desperate attempts to break free from her handcuffs, something she hadn’t even been aware she was doing.

“Now,” said Mindy, standing in front of her again with Beth, “Tell me. How do I break Tim? What is his greatest weakness?”

Alyssa looked up at her sister, still trying to catch her breath. Her eyes held no more defiance, no resistance. They were like those of a beaten dog, desperate for mercy. Still, she said nothing, waiting for the next shoe to fall.

“OK,” Mindy said, “Here’s your last chance. You tell me what I want to know, and I promise we won’t tickle your breasts anymore. Don’t, and I have Beth start again. This time, she’ll use certain tools I happen to have. You don’t want to feel those, now do you?”

Alyssa wanted to believe later that she underwent a fierce internal struggle at that point, weighing the harm she would cause by betraying her husband against the unbearable tickling, the angel on one shoulder taking Tim's side battling on the demon on the other. But that wasn’t the case. At that moment, the only thing she cared about was not being tickled anymore. Well, maybe not the only thing. The sexual charge she had felt when Beth had taken Alyssa’s nipples in her mouth scared her. She was straight. She was straight. Alyssa kept telling herself that, but when another woman could make her feel like that, deep down she started to doubt. And she hated that doubt almost as much as the tickling. It had to end.

“Feet,” Alyssa said simply, getting the word out between gasps, desperately hoping the confession would ensure both things stopped.

A silence held over the room.

“I’m disappointed in you,” Mindy said at last, “Lying to your sister. We’ve tickled Tim’s feet. A lot. They are a bad spot for him, but he hasn’t come close to breaking. Beth, you can start …”

“No! No, no, no no,” Alyssa panicked, “Not his feet! Other people’s feet! He has a big foot fetish! He can’t resist them, especially when he’s horny! Please believe me!”

“Alyssa, no!” Tim said from the other side of the room, “You promised…” His voice was filled with despair and shame. He clearly hadn’t wanted her to say that.

Mindy took a peak over her shoulder, seeing the look in his eyes. And she knew.

“I do believe you sis,” she said softly, triumph swelling in her chest, “Oh I do believe you. Beth, why don’t you keep her occupied while I have a…chat with her husband. And no tickling…well, not much tickling anyways. I’m sure you can think of something else to do.”

Next: The Conclusions. One good (for Tim/Alyssa), one wicked (immoral). You can take your pick.
Nice, love how this is proceeding. I’d really like to see a good ending but only a little more than an immoral. Either way your writing skills and characterization in stories is amazing
Wicked one seems more fun and reasonable after going this far... Wanna see it so bad
Really enjoying the story. I’m sure any ending you write will be good, but I’d love to see Tom betray Alyssa for getting him stuck in that position and leaving her at the mercy of Beth and Mindy.
Great story……when will the next part be coming? Thank you!
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Great installment of a fantastic story so far, NightFeather. There's so much I like about this "chapter" — the image of the lovely Alyssa bouncing around with her hands bound behind her back; the subtle, more sensual elements; the devious device Tim finds himself enduring; the way Beth and Mindy torment poor Alyssa… Just a hot scenario all around. The ending? I generally prefer my tickle stories to have a happy ending, but (1) I seem to be in the minority; and (2) who cares what I prefer? You do you and follow your muse where she takes you. Nice work and I'm looking forward to the finale.
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