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I Lost my Husband in a Bet (F/m, F/f) Alternative Evil Ending - Alyssa's Fate/Conclusion


Registered User
Feb 7, 2024
If anything, this final, final part is even more wicked than the last part, Tim's Fate. It is a direct continuation from Tim's Fate and, honest and truly, the very end of this story.

When the tickling finally stopped and Alyssa was aware of the outside world, all she could was was watch Mindy lead her husband out of the room by the hand, the silly grin still on his face. He didn't take so much as a glance at his wife. The bed remained, with its empty shackles and a large wet spot where Tim had been, but everything else had gone.

“Don’t worry,” Beth said in her ear, breath tickling Alyssa’s lobe, “Your sister has just gone to put her new tickle slave to bed.”

Beth spoke rarely, at least around Mindy as the Amazonian preferred her to do the talking. Surprisingly, her voice was neither low nor gruff but an almost melodic alto. It was easy to imagine the large woman having a decent singing voice.

Alyssa sighed deeply. She had lost. There was no doubt about that. She could only imagine what hell Mindy would put Tim through over the weekend, but she couldn’t stop that from happening now. All Alyssa could hope for was that Mindy couldn’t brainwash her husband so badly and that she lost him.

“Then just let me go,” Alyssa said, utterly defeated. Alyssa was still tied in the same manner, forced into the lotus position with her calves tied together to hold her in place. Her arms were still behind her, wrapped around Beth. She could still feel the large woman’s body, clad only in bra and panties, all around her, lithe thighs pressed against her, perts nipples poking into her back.

It was like being spooned except in a sitting position.

Instead of loosening the ropes binding Alyssa, however, Beth reached around and caressed her breast. When Tim tried to do the same, he ended up tickling her so much that Alyssa had declared her nipples off limits. Beth’s touch was skilled, causing a wave of pleasure to wash over the young wife and a moan to escape her lips.

Alyssa could feel her nipples harden even as she felt Beth’s become rock hard and poked her back. Embarrassed by her reaction, Alyssa repressed those sensations and pushed them from her mind. She was determined to not enjoy them.

“I told you I’m straight,” she told Beth, trying to put as much steel and as little longing in her voice as she could.

“I’m not so sure about that,” Beth said softly, “Why don’t we put your heterosexuality to the test.” She then caressed Alyssa’s breast again, getting a similar response.

Beth started nibbling on Alyssa’s neck, nuzzling the tender area. That had always been one of Alyssa’s buttons, one That Tim was good at pressing during foreplay. It worked just as well when Beth did it, if not better. She closed her eyes, concentrating as hard as she could on thoughts that usually deflated her, like dirty dishes in the sink or Tim’s BO after a trip to the gym.

“I am straight!” Alyssa managed to get out sounding annoyed. The truth was though that, after losing her husband, she had almost as little fight in her at that moment as Tim had had at the end.

It was then that Beth made her real move. She slid her hand down Alyssa’s belly into her lap and kept going until she made it to the sweet spot between her legs. A mixture of fear and anticipation welled up in her soul.

“We will see about that,” Beth whispered with a quick lick of her ear lobe. Her fingers found Alyssa’s pubic mound and started gently dancing over the fleshy area. Alyssa kept that region tightly groomed with only a narrow strip of hair down there, leaving a lot of skin to be exploited. Alyssa erupted immediately.

“Ah ahaha haha nawwwohohohoho h ahahaha nawwtttt ha ahahah ahahnawwttt ha ahahah thehehehrreeeee hah ahahaha dohohonnnttt ahahahah tuuhuhuhchhhh ha aheh meheheh ththerererrere ha ahahahah…!”

Alyssa’s pussy had never been tickled before. Her more intimate areas had never been explored before that night (The only reason she had known her nipples to be sensitive in that way had been due to the accidental, fumbling efforts of her ex-boyfriends and Tim). She quickly found that the grazing of Beth’s fingertips on her mound was a new sensation. It tickled like mad, but stimulated her womanhood at the same time.

The bound woman’s brain bounced back and forth between the two like a ball in a tennis match causing her body to do the same. As Beth’s fingertips grazed her plump mound, Alysssa instinctively wanted to thrust towards the pleasure even as the tickling forced her away.

“Do you like this?” Beth asked softly, “I think you like this.”

“Ha ahah ahaha nawooo ooooOOHH ha ahaahah hah nggrrrrrr h ahahah aahh stawwppppp he ehe heheheh eehehehe dohohohonnnttttt ha ahahahah dohhohohnnnttt ha ha ahah tuuuhuhuuhu h ahaha tohuhuhuuuuchcchchh ha ahahaha meheheheheh thehhehehrreeere!!!”

But Beth’s fingers didn’t stop moving. They did press a bit firmer down on Alyssa’s mound, turning the touch into more of a caress. She felt the pleasure starting to build on her womanhood, a warmth that spread through her body.

“Why should it matter?” Beth asked, her hot breath tickling Alyssa’s ear, “If you’re so straight, nothing my touch does should excite you at all. After all, I am just a woman.” She pressed her thighs against Alyssa’s firmly so the blonde could feel the taut muscles against her skin.

“It dooooOOHHHHSNNN””TT ngggh n n woOOHHHHHHrrrkkk thaaaaahhtt n n way…” Alyssa managed to get out between moans

“It doesn’t?” Beth asked sarcastically, “Then you tell me. When a woman cums at the hands of a lesbian, what does that make her? Doesn’t sound straight to me.”

Alyssa did her best to resist, stifling her moans and biting her lip. Still, the warmth between her legs started to grow. Her body was starting to crave what Beth offered. Her brain, however, was determined to reject it. She would cling to her heterosexuality with everything she had. Surrendering would be too humiliating to consider. Beth had already taken so much from her…so much.

“Fuuuhhhhhhhcckkk y…y…yuuuhhhh,” Alyssa said, her voice becoming husky, “I woOOHHHnnntt cuuuuhhmmmm fooOOHrrrr yuuUHHH.”

“No?” Beth said mischieviously, “In that case, I might as well do this.” Her hand moved a bit lower, index finger and thumb starting to squirm in the gap between Alyssa’s labia and her thighs.

The new tickling sensation slammed into Alyssa like a truck. Despite being so close to her slit, there was no pleasure at all, just a mindless hysteria.


In seconds, Alyssa was blubbering, cheeks crimson with a river of tears streaming down her face. Beth’s fingers only had to slide up and down an inch or two, wiggling into the crease formed where crotch met legs to completely devastate the bound woman. The large woman felt a glow, knowing she had complete power over the subject of her desire.

“Now,” Beth said after several minutes of torture, “I can keep tickling you here, or I can give your little love button a few strokes. I do think you’ll enjoy that more, but of course you may enjoy that too much. What do you think?”


Alyssa held out for as long as she could, but the tickling was just too much for her. That most intimate part of her body was just not meant to be tortured in that manner. She roared and howled until her throat was sore and she was blinded by her own sweat and tears. Her world was reduced to that small area on her body, on those two fingers moving such a small distance. Even after everything she had undergone, this was more than she could take.

“Well,” Beth said after several minutes of inflicting agony on her prey, “Do I move inside, or do I keep scratching on the door.”

By that point, speech was beyond the poor, bound blond. All Alyssa could do was nod her head yes, her only thought being to make the tickling stop.

And it did. Beth’s fingers stopped their terrible dance on Alyssa’s vulnerable area, giving her a few moments of peace. She hung in her bonds, gasping for breath like someone pulled from the water after almost drowning. Her chest was on fire and muscles she didn’t even know she had were exhausted.

“Now,” Beth whispered into Alyssa’s ears after she had recovered somewhat, “Let’s have some real fun.” She slipped her index finger between Alyssa’s lips and quickly found her clitoris. Her first few strokes pulled a deep moan from Alyssa’s mouth.

“You are so wet,” Beth said smugly, “So much being straight, huh.”

Alyssa was quickly consumed in pleasure as Beth’s finger played with her button. The tickling had prevented her from understanding how badly her body needed release. So much of her yearned for what Beth was supplying. But her mind still resisted.

“Won’t cum for you,” She managed through clenched teeth, “Won’t…won’t cum…” The thought of…of sharing an intimacy with this woman who had tortured both her and Tim so badly, who had taken so much from her, who had already repeatedly humiliated her was unthinkable. She wouldn’t do it…couldn’t do it.

But Beth’s finger was so skilled, so knowledgeable. It stroked her clit just right. Alyssa found her hips again thrusting to meet that finger and her nipples turned to stone. Guttural noises were slipping out, louder and louder. Her libido was starting to rage inside its fleshy cage, demanding more and more.

“Yes you will,” Beth said, hot breath on Alyssa’s ear, “You will because this is not about being gay or straight. It’s about being weak. I can make you do anything I want. If I want you to laugh, you laugh. If I want you to moan, you moan. And when I want you to have the biggest orgasm of your life, you will. Because deep inside you are just a weak-willed little girl, just waiting for someone to take ownership of you.”

No. No, not that. If there was one supreme law in Alyssa’s world was that she was not allowed to be weak. She was not allowed to be dominated by another. She had to remain in control, no matter what. That was what Aunt Blair had taught her. So much of her pride, her self identity was wrapped up in that concept. She was not weak! She…had…to…be…strong!

A woman not in control of her own body is not a woman, but a slave waiting for a master. That was a favorite saying of her aunt’s, and one both she and Mindy had heard often.

Alyssa tried to summon up as much anger towards Beth as she could, as much rage. She was the one who had helped Mindy take her husband away from her. She had stolen what was hers! To climax at her hand, would be to surrender, to roll over on her back and show Beth her belly like a whipped dog. She might as well kiss her feet.

“Oh, it's not your fault. You’re just a delicate flower,” Beth said, now covering Alyssa’s neck with hot kisses between words, “You could never resist someone as determined and powerful as I am.”

Beth’s words infuriated Alyssa. She was desperate to prove the larger woman wrong. But the warmth in her loins was becoming a fire and her clit was starting to throb at Beth’s touch. It was just becoming too much. Beth's body surrounded hers, soft skin pressing again hers, lips on her neck making her want to melt.

“NNN NGRRRR AH AH AH NRRRGGGGGG ooOHHHHHHH NRGGG…” Alyssa’s grunts and moans were becoming primal, the language people had spoken since there were people. The human mind was just not designed to resist pleasure. Evolution had evolved it to welcome those sensations, to give in to them so the species would continue. And Alyssa’s resistance was crumbling into dust.

“Cum,” Beth whispered into Alyssa’s ear one last time, and she did.

The orgasm was the biggest Alyssa had ever had. It wracked her body as she cried out in pure ecstasy. It was better than any love poem ever written or song ever sung. Her entire body stiffened and a parade of colors flashed before her eyes. For one eternal second, her libido raged like a thousand fires and sounds she had never made shot from her lips. Then there was blackness

Alyssa hung in a void, unaware of anything but the memory of what had just happened. It was like her mind had simply shut down, unable to function in the aftermath of her sensory explosion. Then, slowly it rebooted. She remembered who she was, where she was and the struggle she had just fought and lost. Ecstasy was replaced with dread.

“Such a good kitty,” Beth was saying, stroking her sweat-dampened hair as if it were fur, “You did such a good job listening to mommy and did everything you were told. Now I’m going to take the kitty home and wash her and feed her and then put her in a cage until mommy is ready to play some more. Won’t that be fun?”

No, no, she couldn’t…Mindy wouldn’t go that far, would she? Aunt Blair wouldn’t let her, wouldn’t let Mindy just give her to Beth! Alyssa knew she had to do something, or this situation would get much worse.

“No,” Alyssa said in a voice that betrayed how drained she was from her sexual climax, “I won’t let you. I’ll fight you, Beth. I’ll fight you with everything I’ve got, rules be damned!”

“I don’t think so,” Mindy said from the doorway. From her damp hair, she had obviously showered since she had led Tim away and changed clothes. The look on her face held no pity or mercy for her sister.

“I just put your husband to bed,” Mindy continued, “or should I say my husband now. But before he fell asleep, he told me everything I ever wanted to know about you, including a few secrets I would have never dreamed of. Did you know, Beth, that my sister here has a Sleepy-Foot?”

No! Alyssa almost shrieked in terror. She couldn’t know about her Sleepy-Foot? Only Aunt Blair knew, and she had promised not to tell anyone! Alyssa certainly hadn’t! How could Tim have possibly…

Vague memories started coming back of Alyssa. She had been sick once, unable to sleep because of the congestion and nausea. Tim had tried to help her, even giving Alyssa a foot massage. He must have found the spot, because the next thing Alyssa remembered was waking up the next morning. She had dismissed the entire thing as a fever dream, but now she knew differently.

“Please, not that!” Alyssa called out as fear lanced through her, “We’re sisters! You wouldn’t give me to her, would you? I’ll do anything! Anything! Just don’t show her my Sleepy-Foot!”

But Mindy did. She walked over and showed Beth the exact spot on Alyssa’s left foot, about an inch below the balls of her feet and halfway between the center and the arch. Mindy put two fingers on that spot and pressed firmly, moving those fingers in a counter-clockwise circle. With her legs still crossed like a pretzel and tightly bound, there was nothing Alyssa could do.

As soon as Mindy started, Alyssa felt a wave of exhaustion crash over her. Her eyelids started becoming heavy and her head started to droop. She begged, pleaded for the first minute or so, but soon her words became slurred. A warmth started to spread through her body, relaxing every muscle she had.

Alyssa fought as hard as she could. Every time her eyes shut, she forced them open. Her head swayed back and forth, but she managed to keep it upright. She clenched her hands into fists, desperate for anything that could keep her conscious. But in the end, she just couldn’t fight it.

As the darkness overtook her, the last thought on Alyssa’s mind wasn’t so much horror as curiosity. What would her life be like as Beth’s pet? Would she be able to escape? That would be hard now that Beth also knew about her Sleepy-Foot. Would she get her husband back? Would she…she…

Afterwards, with Alyssa softly snoring, Mindy helped Beth release the ropes that bound them together. They put her unconscious form back on the rug and rolled her up again. This time it wasn’t to prevent Alyssa from escaping, as she would be asleep for hours, but so the neighbors wouldn’t get a free show whan they carried her out to the car.

After Beth had taken her new tickle slave home, Alyssa hadn’t much to do but wait. She changed the sheets on the bed that had bound Tim and removed the slip covers on the couch as both were covered in bodily fluids and put them in the wash. Then she had checked in on her own new pet, making sure the ankle bracelet was secure so that it would alert her if he tried to escape (not that he would wake up before at least mid morning, of course). Then she waited.

It didn’t take long for Aunt Blair to arrive.

“I suppose you can explain yourself!” she had said, obviously quite annoyed, “You can’t possibly think that taking ownership of your sister’s husband then giving her to that…that Amazon is acceptable! I taught you better than that!”

The tone she used was one both sisters had come to dread over the years. Mindy knew she had overstepped several of Anunt Blair’s rules and had every right to expect to be punished for her actions.

“If I hadn’t,” Mindy said slowly, “She would have ended up being Tim’s submissive. Just think how humiliating that would have been. Tim is stronger than we thought, much stronger. It took everything Beth and I had along with all our tools to break him. When the time comes, my sister won’t stand a chance against him.

Blair’s eyes widened. She believed all marriages ended up as a struggle for dominance after the honeymoon phase ended. She had allowed her niece to marry Tim because she had thought Alyssa could control him when that struggle started. If she had been wrong…

“Think about that,” Mindy continued, “How humiliating that would have been to explain that a close relative of ours belonged to a man. I couldn’t have handled that. Could you?”

Her aunt just shook her head. Blair had a low opinion of men, believing them not good for much outside the bedroom. The shame of her niece submitting to one…Mindy was right. That couldn’t have been allowed to happen.

“And the Amazon?” She asked simply.

“If Alyssa can escape from Beth or even just hold her own, think about what an accomplishment that will be. It will toughen her up and give her confidence, maybe even a bit of a killer attitude she’s always lacked. Think of it as training for the rest of her marriage.”

“Meanwhile,” Aunt Blair interjected, seeing the rest of Mindy’s plan, “You will break Tim like a horse, take some of the starch out of his spring. Make him more controllable. So when they get back together, Alyssa can just continue where you left off and dominate him like a good woman should.”

Mindy felt a surge of relief to see Aunt Blair nodding along. She wouldn’t be punished afterwards.

“But what if Alyssa can’t stand up to Beth?” Blair asked, “We’ve always known she has bisexual tendencies. What if she loses the fight to the Amazon and surrenders to her? What iof she doesn’t want to fight her at all? Just gives in?”

Here was where Mindy knew she had to be careful. Personally, she thought that was the more likely option. Beth was trickier, more devious than people thought. And she really wanted to make Alyssa her tickle kitty and had for years. Mindy couldn’t really see how Alyssa could stand up to her. That was part of her plan.

“Then she was always meant to be a submissive. Better she be owned by another woman than a man. And a woman like Beth? There will be little shame in that. She could dominate a lot of people, men and women. People will see it as inevitable.”

Another long pause. Aunt Blair was no fool. She could see where this was going.

“And Tim?” she asked simply.

“In that case, I’ll keep him,” Mindy said trying to keep the grin from his face, “Like I said, he proved more challenging than I thought. Forcing him to submit to me over and over again will be exciting. Besides, we can hardly let him go free with everything he knows.”

Aunt Blair just stared at her niece, her mind going a million miles an hour. Mindy knew she was working out every angle, every possible outcome to try and find any surprises.

“But I will be checking on her,” Aunt Blair said at last, “If Alyssa breaks free from Beth or even if she puts up a good fight, I’m going to free her. And if she comes back here, you will give her Tim. He is her husband, after all. And no tricks, no tickle attack, no Sleepy-Foot. Just hand him over and let her go home unmolested.”

“And if she never comes?” Mindy had a strong suspicion that even if Beth somehow failed to break Alyssa, she could convince her sister to embrace her entire sexuality one way or another.

“Then,” Aunt Blair said with a smile, “I guess you get to keep him for as long as you want." She knew exactly how Mindy had manipulated the situation, from tricking Alyssa into the original bet to right this moment, but wasn't about to punish her niece for having devised a winning plan. Besides, the thought of Tim dominating her niece, even in some other alternative universe, was enough for her to want to see him punished. And Mindy would do just that. She had no doubt.

"Just let me have an evening or two with him. It’s been a while since I had an unwilling man that ticklish at my mercy. And after I get done with him, I don’t think there'll be much chance of Tim dominating anyone. Ever again.”

The End. For Real. Sorry for the Confusion.
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