I wish you all the best bro, believe me you arent alone. I was in the same boat as you were for about 4 years. Life in a holding pattern, one bad thing after another happening. Its hard to see the the light at the end of the tunnel but believe me its there. I got out of the Army in 2009. I thought it was the right decision but it wasnt. I became a civilian in the middle of a shitty job market, my wife at the time cheated on me when I was in Iraq, sold all my shit, spent all my money, and moved in with another guy..Instead of gettin off my ass and gettin a job, I drowned myself in my sorrows, and a lotta weed. Because of that shit I screwed up a lot of good job opportunities. On top of that a few years later I allowed someone who I THOUGHT was a friend move in with me for a bit to help pay the bills. Turns out his job when he got out of the army was that he decided he wanted to become a drug dealer...not weed either. So he stored copious amounts of drugs in my house without my knowledge. Cops knew about it and came to the house...arrested him as well as me because it was my house..guilt by association, BAM...first degree felony and probation. If gettin a job then was hard imagine it after you have something on your criminal record. Needless to say it was a rough patch.
Fast forward some time and things are much much better now. Friend of mine got me a great career, and life is starting to feel back to normal. its hard to imagine that youll be alright while you are in a world of shit, but it happens my friend just hang in there. Its good that you are getting back into your hobbies. Video games, and bass guitar are my hobbies, and they definitely helped get my mind off the negative things that were happening in my life. The other thing, and probably the most important thing, is FRIENDS. Good positive friends to be around. That helps much more then you know.
As far as finding a significant other/plaything...well...this one is harder then the others. I was happy when I was married cuz all the bullshit games of dating and tryin to find someone was over. Im not the most social person in the world so finding a girl isnt easy. You just gotta be social...I know it sucks...im not social at all, but occasionally Ill go out with my friends who are a bit more social because I know im not going to meet someone sittin my ass at home doin nothing. Yea there is the internet, but its not as successful as actually puttin yourself out there and meeting new people. You seem like a pretty cool guy, so just put yourself out there and you tend to find a person to be with when you least expect it.
I know most of this is a rant, but I hope you take somethin outta this. Things can ALWAYS get worse, and from here they can only get better. Sometimes rock bottom isnt so bad because its only upwards from there, and you learn to appreciate the little things in life that make you happy. Good luck my friend, I wish you the best.