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{I stink at titles so this doesn't have one.} M/f


TMF Poster
Mar 27, 2006
He knew from the moment he made eye contact with her that she was the one. There she stood in the audience, jumping up and down, cheering him. Her large breasts bouncing invitingly. Yet it was her eyes that drew him in. Eyes filled with delight, innocence, and restrained passion that only his music had unleashed.

He could have, and did have super models. Yet he knew he had to have this woman, short, chubby. Her face rounded and cherubic, lips in a perfect little bow, and those eyes - those eyes who’s color he just had to see up close.

So as he dashed backstage for a quick costume change, he left word. “Blond in the first row, aisle seat, purple blouse. I want her. Alone.”

Through the rest of the show he would glance at her, making eye contact. He could see her gasp, her lips parting slightly, every time. He knew she felt what he felt, like a punch in the gut, his stomach flip flopping. He had to control himself, he wanted to rush through the show, hurry the inevitable meeting. He knew she’d be there. She couldn’t refuse.

He had to meet a few others first. People who had given money to his charity in exchange for backstage passes. However they only got five minutes each and there was only three tonight. Though he was his usual charming self his mind was on her. Would her flesh be soft to the touch. Would she giggle? Squirm?

“Hello,” he said as he entered his dressing room. She had been sitting stiffly on the couch and nearly jumped three feet without standing. “It’s alright,” he said, dropping to the couch, placing one arm casually behind her. “I’m Adam,” of course she knew that, but he also knew it would help put her at ease. “And you are?”

“R-Rachel.” She sputtered out. Her eyes up close were even more amazing. A mix of grey, green, and blue with tiny flecks of hazel. The pupils a little on the larger side which is what gave her that innocent look. “It’s so nice to meet you Mr. Feldman.”

“Adam,” he insisted gently. Normally, truthfully, he was as shy as her, he had never gotten used to fame. Never really wanted it. He wanted the normal life, a wife, a couple of kids, a picket fence. What he got instead was fame, fortune, and the unending loneliness that came with it. He played a bit with her golden blond hair, accidently-on-purpose brushing the back of her neck with his long fingers, she giggled and squirmed. “Ticklish?” He asked, lightly licking his lips.

“Yes.” She said between her giggles. She couldn’t figure it out, why did he want her here? She was a fat nobody, an ugly nothing. He was so sexy. A good five inches taller then her, slim, blue eyes glinting above a large nose that fit so well with his face. His smile full of boyish delight and charm. He was a sex symbol, yet it was her he asked into his dressing room.

As if approaching a very skittish animal, he was careful, gentle. He drew her slowly from her shell. She had self esteem issues, he could tell. Couple that with the fact she was obviously star struck, it was hard work, but worth it. They had so much in common! They liked a lot of the same music, movies, and books. They both loved dogs. She sang as well, beautifully though a little rough around the edges but nothing that some proper training couldn’t fix.

They talked for hours. He took her back to his penthouse suite and had a late dinner. He wanted to seduce her then and there but she actually put him off. He had never before been refused. It delighted him. He had to see her again.


The tabloids were having a field day with it. A man in his late fifties romancing a woman in her early thirties. A man that frankly, the world had thought was gay. Yet when they saw them together, they realized they had been wrong. When he looked at her they could all see he was absolutely crazy about her.

Yet she avoided the one thing he wanted to do with her. People thought she was playing hard to get, he knew it was because she felt she wasn’t good enough for him. Because she wasn’t thin, glamourous.

“I want you.” He said one day, his arms on either side of her as he lightly pinned her against the wall. “I dream about having you.” His lips grazed her cheek, the corner of her mouth. “Squirming, laughing beneath me.” His left hand drifted lower, pressing his fingers lightly to her ribs. “I’m in love with you, Rachel.”

The announcement stunned him as much as it did her. She slid herself down the wall, darted under his right arm, and ran, grabbing her purse. Running away.


Those who saw him following that night said something was very different about his performances. The bright love songs had a note of darkness, the sad ones were so filled with desperate longing that even men who had come under protest with their wives were left crying.

She had vanished from the face of the earth it seemed. Her family and friends didn’t know where she was. Even those annoying tabloids couldn’t find her. He scanned the audience every night for her, always disappointed.

At night he dreamed of her eyes and her laughter. His heart breaking every day.

Then one day one of the private investigators he sent out to find her brought happy words. She was hiding out in all places in the very apartment building he grew up in. Under an assumed name. He canceled a few shows and headed out.

She worked nights cleaning at a large department store. Only venturing out during the day for brief moments to walk her dog. It was during the first morning walk that he talked the super into letting him in. He hid himself until she was deep into the apartment.

“Why did you run away from me, Rachel?” His voice was filled with such sadness, such confusion.

Rachel jumped, turning around to him. Her eyes wide with shock, fear, sorrow. “You’ll never understand, Adam.”

She had lost weight. Her clothing hung on her like a potato sack, purposely dressing as unattractive as possible. Yet even with her thick hair pulled back into a stark bun, her face untouched by makeup, she was the most beautiful woman in the world.

“No, I don’t. But I want to.” He was on her in a few swift moves. His hands grasping her face, making her meet his longing gaze. “Rachel, I love you. Why did you run from me? Don’t you feel the same?”

“Of course I love you,” she said, trying to close her eyes, yet she couldn’t bear not to look into his. “That’s why I ran away.”

“That makes no sense!” He let her face go and backed away, angry, hurt.

“I’m not good enough for you, Adam! I’m stupid, I never finished college, I’m fat and ugly, I’m into kinky sex.....” She blushed as she said the last and put her hand over her mouth, turning away.

“You’re not ugly, Rachel.” Adam said softly. “Nor are you stupid. And did you ever stop to think I might be into kinky sex too?” He put his hands on her shoulders. “Do you know how many nights I lay in my bed, dreaming not of new songs, but having you tied to my bed, laughing helplessly as I tickle you into submission.” He could feel her pulse quicken. “I should punish you for running away from me.” He slid one hand down to her butt. “I should put you across my knees and spank you.” He heard her moan. His hand moved up and he began to tickle the back of her neck. She giggled and squirmed, strands of hair freeing themselves from the bun. His other hand moved to place itself between her breasts, holding her lightly in place as he danced his fingers down her neck and spine. “I want you, Rachel, like I’ve never wanted anyone before.”

“Damn it, Adam!” She pulled away, turning around, her face flushed and nipples so hard they could be easily seen, she was panting. “You don’t understand!” Reaching up, she rubbed her eyes, trying to not cry. “I got a phone call - a woman - she was threatening to reveal all my dirty secrets. Erotic stories I wrote. She said if I didn’t break up with you she’d ruin not just our relationship, but the one with my parents and brothers. I couldn’t bear the thought of bringing scandal into the lives of everyone I love.”

Adam paused, then began to chuckle softly. “Oh Rachel,” he said, “oh my darling, my love - I got the same phone call. I should’ve told you, warned you - that woman - she’s an ex backup singer of mine who had some sort of serious mental breakdown when she took some drugs. She’s spent years in a mental institution - they say she’ll never get out.” He wasn’t laughing over the woman’s sad condition, but rather the ridiculousness of this situation. This would’ve never happened if he had just learned to communicate better with Rachel. “Even the most desperate of tabloids won’t believe her even if she got God to back her up.”

Rachel stood there, her mouth open in shock. Then she began to chuckle herself, in relief. Then she fell into his arms, fitting against him like a puzzle piece.

He smiled and took her into the bedroom. Having prepared it earlier when he had gone through her things and found the equipment she had hidden from him. Stripping her slowly, freeing her hair. He tickled her behind the ears, along the neck, under the chin as he kissed her. Delighting in every inch of flesh he exposed to his longing gaze.

The dog wanted to play too. Jumping on the bed and barking. Adam chuckled and led the dog out, providing her with food that would keep her busy for awhile. Then closed the bedroom door.

He laid Rachel back, placing her wrists and ankles in the soft leather cuffs. Into the classic X-shape. These cuffs attached to thick straps that went around the mattress. To muffle the crazed laughter he planned on drawing from her he slipped a ball gag into her mouth. “In our own bedroom I plan on listening to you beg for me to stop,” he whispered into her ear, “but for now, I’ll just have to be satisfied with your beautiful eyes doing the pleading.”

He blew a raspberry on her neck then began slow tickling. From just under the bindings on her wrists down to the outer edge of her armpits he traced and tapped lightly. She giggled and squirmed, her naked flesh rubbing against his clothing. He kept this up for several minutes. Watching as sweat broke out along her skin. Looking deep into those amazing eyes that had brought him to this point. Then he began to trace along her armpits. She squealed into her gag, arching beneath him. With an evil grin he began slow spirals until he got into the very center.

It was then he lost all restraint. No inch of her was safe. With wild abandon he utterly ravished her armpits until tears sprang into her eyes. Then he flew those wicked fingers of his across her large breasts, finding them even more ticklish, especially close to her nipples. Those pale globes quivered under his digits. Sweat giving them the lubrication to glide over them.

Her ribs and belly were not spared for long. After giving her a few minutes to catch her breath, he began to play his fingers along her fleshy sides and belly. She was in hysterics and he was in heaven. Her body bucked so much the entire mattress jumped and he was nearly shaken off. When he tickled her belly button she suddenly cried out behind her gag in a pre-orgasmic squeal.

So he stopped. Sliding off of her. Making her wait and watch as he slowly undressed. Revealing a body that he knew at his age was less then perfect, yet he could see from the passion blazing in her eyes she wanted as badly as he wanted her’s. Because they wanted more then just physical closeness, they wanted to be meshed body, mind, heart, and soul.

Now he attacked her legs. Tickling her hips, thighs, knees and calves. Always stopping just when he knew she was getting too close to the edge. Denying her an orgasm. He could see from the way she moved her hips, thrusting herself at him, that she craved him to tickle her very core. Yet he stayed away from those tempting golden curls. Taunting her. “I’ll tickle you there soon enough, my sweet.”

First though, first were her feet. Two dainty little things. The kind one would imagine if thinking of Cinderella’s famous glass slippered peds. Small with high arches, a perfect semi circle of small toes. Soft to just the look.

It was her eyes that had attracted him, her breasts that filled him with the first flush of desire, but it was her feet, those feet that he now just stared at so hard that she felt they would burst into ticklish flame at any second, that filled him with an over whelming lust. He fell to his knees before them. Unable to decide which to start with. Stroking them with his whole hands. He moaned and nearly lost control of himself right there.

She moaned too. Half in desire, half in fear. She wanted this, yet she dreaded it. The moment seemed to hold out forever. Her need to orgasm still unfulfilled. His hands shaking against her soles as if he was touching some electrified holy object.

Then, finally, his index fingers touched the center of the big toe on either foot. That was the trigger.

There was no describing it after that. He was a tickle-crazed beast. His fingers felt like they had multiplied by the thousands, so fast did they dance over her feet. They were on top, between the toes, tickling the heels, stroking the fleshy balls, torturing the soft arches all at once. The mattress bounced so much it was partway off the frame before Rachel was too worn out to fight any longer. She laid there in her bonds, her feet too tired to dance away from those delightfully evil fingers.

When his lips began to kiss her arches she came. He hadn’t intended it, but he felt her entire body tense up and shudder with the first of a powerful orgasm. Then her feet were even more ticklish. He tickled her until he felt it was almost too long.

It didn’t take long for him to find his way to the center of her sexual being. His lips and tongue delivering the promised tickling there at her core. Bringing her over the edge repeatedly before he finally could stand it no longer and entered her.

Their eyes locked in that moment. It was bliss. For the first time for both of them they were no longer painfully lonely. The realization of this brought him to the greatest completion he had ever enjoyed.

Moments later as they cuddled on the askew mattress, he suddenly stiffened, not below, but his entire body, as he came to another realization.

“Oh shit.” He said. “I forgot the condom.”

“Once again,” Rachel said with a chuckle, “we forgot the importance of communicating certain things.”


Ten years and three children later, Adam and Rachel still found completion in each other. Both a little older, a little wiser, if anyone were to ask what the secret of their great joy was, their answer would be “Lots and lots of communication.”

Though, tying Rachel to the bed and tickling her senseless didn’t hurt either.

~~The End~~
"what We Have Here Is...... Not Failure To Communicate, But A Well Designed And Written Story. Thanks For Another Great Post. I Enjoyed The Characters And All The Details.
Thanks you two. I just wish I could've come up with a title. But I've never been good with that.
I missed your stories SO MUCH!!! THANK YOU for posting!!! Another wonderful work from the mind of UberTicklish...you really have a gift.
Thanks Cam, though I don't know it's so much of a gift as it is just me putting my fantasies into words. Looking back on my old stories I wrote a lot of non-consensual/forced orgasm tickling. However, as I rapidly approach the ripe old age of 30 I find myself longing more and more for that deep emotionally connected relationship with someone who's not only the perfect wicked tickler, but also my soul (and sole) mate.

If you look at my stories, honestly I think one can get an idea of what my ideal man would be like. Even if I didn't entirely realize it when I was writing it.
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