Hugs to you Tickleshotel-don't let it get you down and know you are loved
I know what you are saying friend and I can understand where you are coming from. I know what you are saying and I know what you mean. I must say this is indeed a very interesting and a very neat thread. I guess friend it is like this-do the best that you can-do your best to be there for others on TMF and do your best to be there for your TMF pals that you have had such a strong emotional bond and great friendship with for so many years and for so long. Say and do the best you can-be kind in what you do and in what you say-always put your best into it and put your heart in what you say and do-guess all you can do is hope and pray for the best.
No matter what you do-sadly many times don't matter how sweet or how kind or how much you try to say and do the right thing and say and do great things for people-sadly too many times-the heartfelt effort never truly ever feels like it is truly greatly appreciated and never ever really feels like
it is recognized too many times. It is like this-sadly in this world we live in today-people will say, think and do what they wish-sadly you can't change how people feel, what they will say, and what they will do and how they will behave. All you can do is try your best to be the best you that you can be and hope that in time-others and those you greatly love and care for that are your friends and ones that you are very close to you-will eventually see the great amazing traits and qualities you possess and will learn to appreciate you and show it with kind loving thoughtful actions and in words. but sadly that is not always a guarantee and that doesn't always happen.
So guess my best advice to you would be. Do the best you can do and show loving kind actions and words and if that doesn't work-do the best you can to not let it drag you down and do your best to shake the dust from your feet and do your best to find the strength and courage to be brave and don't take it to heart if that is even possible-and try to move past it friend. If those close to you and your friends can't accept and love you unconditionally and also be there for you in bad times along with the good times-you got to ask the question-are they really your true friends.
True friends have your back and they are there for you when the storms of life come crashing around all around you and the nights are dark and scary-dark nights of the soul-seem like those lonely lingering nights of disappointment and great heartache will never end. They are there for you to help lift you up and help inspire you and help you get back on solid ground and back on your feet. They are there to listen and be there for you-love you and support you emotionally through the troubles you are going through and they don't bail and leave when the storms crash in. Not trying to be mean-but it is true, true friends don't bail when things get rough-they are there for you no matter what.
Tickleshotel you are not doing anything wrong. You are just posting things that you think others would enjoy and love to read-posting things that you think might be very helpful and very entertaining also for others to read and reply to. You keep doing what you are doing. You are a great friend and a wonderful person-you are there for so many people and so many here on the TMF and here for so many of your TMF buddies-just know your heartfelt efforts and love that you send to others and your buddies is appreciated and greatly recognized and sure I can echo sentiment of many that lives' you have touched and greatly made happier and more joyful and special-thank you tickleshotel for being such a great friend and for being so friendly, kind, and sweet and loving-welcoming so many here on TMF
also thank you to dimple toes also-being another co-host of chat room hugger/ greeter, you and dimpletoes do an amazing excellent job greeting and hugging so many and making others feel great and feel very much welcomed and feel unique and special and feel accepted and loved for just who they are, so for that and much more thank you tickleshotel and dimpletoes, you are great friends.
Thanks again for all you say and do tickleshotel,
TickleBunny 2